
Multiversal Escapism System: (MHA, Real World, and More soon)

Current world:MHA First series, writing gets better, heavily experimental and not serious Chase has endured a lifetime of hardships--abuse, bullying, and racism, even spending time in jail. Chase has been through a lot and has had some rough times, he has had to learn a spectrum of coping mechanisms. One of those being escapism through culture such as anime, music, and video games. Chase often daydreams about having overpowered abilities or even some mediocre abilities to fulfill his actual goals in reality both large and small. Fate takes an unexpected turn when Chase gains the power to bring items and abilities from his beloved anime and video game worlds into reality. Now, he can turn dreams into reality, from owning a dream car to becoming a billionaire and even forging "deep" connections with his favorite celebrities. (Author's Note: First time writing, it gets better. Will have lemons and sexual content, will contain abuse and some dark topics in the beginning, and I haven't decided on Harem. Absolutely No NTR or Mc r*ping. Might have some netori which is the MC taking other people's girls.) (Additional Author's Note: The MC is not super smart, MC will make mistakes, he is short sighted, he is trying to be smarter than he really is which will lead to some problems, you can insult the MC because he is not perfect.) Will Update least once a week but more like 3 or 4 chapters a week. Probably will upload a good amount fast at least until 25 chapters Disclaimer:The story is fictional and doesn't represent any persons, opinions, things, or perspectives of anybody particular. P.S: This is wish fulfillment if it wasn't obvious/Will eventually be Multiversal This is my first novel please be patient with me and know that I am constantly making edits to make the story easier to read and fix grammatical issues. Just get rid of the dashes Support me on Pa-t-reon pa-t-reon.com/webnovel394

Lee_Bo · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Mei Date

Chase found Mei Hatsume immersed in her gadget-filled laboratory, surrounded by wires, tools, and various inventions. He cleared his throat to get her attention.

Chase: "Hey, Mei! Are you free today? I thought we could spend some time together."

Mei: (Excited) "Free? For you, always! What's the plan?"

Chase and Mei left the school grounds and headed to the mall, where the bustling atmosphere contrasted with the quiet intensity of her lab.

Chase: "So, Mei, tell me more about yourself. I don't know much, and I'd like to change that."

Mei: (Laughing) "Well, gadgets are my life! But besides that, I'm a pretty simple girl with big dreams. And of course, I've got a soft spot for strong and wealthy heroes."

Chase: (Smiling) "I can't blame you for appreciating gadgets and financial stability. It's practical."

As they strolled through the mall, Mei couldn't help but express her admiration for the hero standing beside her.

Mei: "You know, Chase, I love creating gadgets, and I look forward to making some amazing gear for you. Plus, being with a guy who can afford all the materials? It's a dream!"

Chase: (Laughing) "Well, I'm glad I can support your dreams. Let's make today memorable!"

Their date continued with laughter, shared interests, and a growing understanding of each other. Chase realized that Mei's passion for gadgets wasn't just a professional interest; it was a part of who she was. And as they enjoyed the day together, the connection between them strengthened, paving the way for Mei to become an essential part of Chase's extraordinary harem.

Chase and Mei explored the mall hand in hand, taking in the sights and sounds of the lively place. Their first stop was a quirky gadget store that immediately caught Mei's attention.

Mei: "This place is amazing! Look at all these gadgets! I could spend hours here."

Chase: (Grinning) "Take your time. I'm in no rush."

They meandered through the aisles, occasionally picking up gadgets and sharing playful banter about their potential uses. Chase marveled at Mei's enthusiasm, realizing how much joy she found in her creations.

After the gadget store, they found a cozy little café. The air was filled with the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the sweet scent of pastries.

Mei: (Cheerful) "Coffee break, anyone?"

Chase nodded, and they settled into a quiet corner with their drinks. The atmosphere was warm, and the soft hum of conversation around them created a comfortable backdrop.

Chase: "This is nice. Just relaxing and enjoying each other's company."

Mei: (Smiling) "Exactly! No gadgets needed for a perfect day."

As they continued their date, they stumbled upon an indoor botanical garden within the mall. The vibrant colors and soothing greenery created a serene atmosphere.

Mei: (Admiring) "This place is beautiful. I never expected to find something like this here."

Chase: "Sometimes, the unexpected makes the day even better."

They spent some time among the flowers, sharing stories and discovering common interests. Mei's laughter echoed through the botanical haven, creating a memory Chase would cherish.

The day concluded with a movie, a mix of action and romance, perfectly fitting for a hero and his gadget-loving companion. As they left the mall, Chase felt a genuine connection with Mei, and it became clear that their bond was blossoming into something special.

Chase didn't expect such wholesomeness from this character frankly, he would of had her in the harem just because of her body and her being their for him during the test of his coma, but either way he was enjoying a wholesome time.

Sorry for the slice of life chapter I want to make sure you guys understand why every person is with him.

Lee_Bocreators' thoughts