
Multiversal Death Game

Ghiin is transferred to the world of gods and monsters called Percy Jackson universe made by Rick Riordan. He barely remembers his past but a great power is bestowed on him before he got here. A power in his soul in both mind and heart. A great psionic power resides in his mind and a well of magic in his heart that can both rewrite and control reality. These powers are dormant for now and just subliminally working to protect him from any harm. A warning or advice was also trying to come in his mind, that a random event he chose willingly will take part in the world he is in inorder to balance the powers he got. Will he survive in this world with all the things coming for him? Or will he live his life free from all? This is somewhat a wish fulfilment insert to plots and scenarios I want. This is mostly generated by AI, I feed it with the story I want. He is a Bi flirt but mostly just BL. No smut or sex or romance yet. It will be later in the story if the scene needs it.

Ghiin · Movies
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: Being Reborn

Ghiin's consciousness flickered like a weak flame caught in the draft of existence. New sensations bombarded him: the muffled sound of a beating heart, the gentle brush of warm air on his skin, the soft cocoon of darkness that cradled him in its velvety embrace. He opened his eyes for the first time, and light, diffused and tender, greeted him. His vision was blurred, shapes and colors melding into an indistinct tapestry.

He felt disoriented, unable to make sense of the world around him. The ceiling above swayed as if it were a canopy of trees, not the steady structure of a house. He tried to move, but his limbs were uncoordinated, flailing with the ungainly awkwardness of newborn flesh. A bewildering array of smells enveloped him—sterile linen mixed with the sweet scent of milk and something more primal, earthy, like the rich loam of a forest floor after rain.

As he struggled to comprehend his surroundings, a figure leaned over him, her face coming into focus through the haze of his infantile perception. Ghiin's mother, a woman of otherworldly beauty, cradled him lovingly in her arms. Her touch was a balm to his confusion, a soft whisper against the chaos of rebirth. Her eyes, pools of warmth that seemed to hold the wisdom of ages, gazed down at him with a love that transcended the barriers between mortal and divine.

"Shhh, little one," she cooed, her voice a melody that resonated with the ancient rhythms of magic and life. Her hands, delicate yet strong, held him with the assurance of one who had faced the tempests of the unknown and emerged unscathed. She was the anchor in the storm of Ghiin's birth, the beacon illuminating his path from the shadows of reincarnation.

In those eyes, Ghiin found a harbor from the disorientation that gripped him—a promise that though he was adrift in this vast ocean of new experiences, he would not be alone. Her presence was a testament to the enduring bond between mother and child, a connection that spanned lifetimes and realms beyond the grasp of ordinary understanding.

For now, Ghiin was content to surrender to her embrace, allowing the mystery of his existence to unfold in its own time. In the shelter of his mother's arms, under the watchful eye of the cosmos, he began the journey of discovery, piecing together the mosaic of his identity—one heartbeat, one breath, one loving gaze at a time.

Ghiin's tiny fists clenched instinctively, a newborn reflex that mirrored an inner turmoil his infant mind could barely comprehend. The room around him was awash with soft golden light, but a shadow hung in the air, unspoken yet palpable. His mother, with her soothing presence and whispered lullabies, held a gaze tinged with sadness, her eyes occasionally drifting to the empty space beside her on the family bed—an imprint where another should have been.

A subtle furrow marred her usually serene brow as she cradled Ghiin closer, her lips moving silently in a prayer or a curse—it was hard to tell. Her heart ached for the man who had woven his essence into the life of the child she now held, the man whose absence cast a long, cold shadow upon what should have been their brightest hour. The mystery of his father, Priapus, and the circumstances that led to his disappearance gnawed at her spirit like a winter chill that refused to yield to the warmth of spring.

Within the crib of his mother's arms, Ghiin squirmed, feeling a strange pressure building within his skull. It was as if memories—ghosts of another life—whispered from beyond a veil he couldn't tear through. Flashes of unfamiliar faces, echoes of distant laughter, and the rush of emotions that belonged to someone else clawed at the edges of his consciousness. Each attempt to grasp a solid thread of thought only resulted in a piercing ache that forced him to retreat.

Despite the pain, Ghiin's will surged, a tidal force that bespoke his divine heritage. He might have been swaddled in the helplessness of infancy, yet his resolve was as formidable as the ancient rocks that lined the shores of his forebears. Even in this fragile state, he yearned to reclaim the knowledge that slipped through his tiny fingers like grains of sand—a relentless pursuit driven by a soul far older than his physical form suggested.

His mother, sensing the struggle within her son, tightened her embrace, whispering words of comfort that carried the weight of her own determination—the resilience of a witch bloodline honed through generations. She would be his guide through the labyrinth of his rebirth, the steadfast guardian against the uncertainty of their shared fate.

"Shhh, my little Ghiin," she murmured, "we are together in this. We will face the silence left by your father and uncover the truths hidden in your heart. For now, rest and grow strong."

As Ghiin nestled into the sanctuary of her arms, the mansion, the barriers, and the vestiges of a past life faded into the periphery. Here, in the quiet strength of his mother's love, he found a momentary peace. But even as he surrendered to slumber, the embers of his determination glowed in the dark, a promise to himself that he would unravel the enigma of his existence, no matter the cost.

Ghiin's consciousness fluttered like a candle in the wind, grasping at the threads of wakefulness. He opened his eyes to a realm that pulsed with unfamiliarity, his vision swimming into focus. A mansion loomed before him, grand and silent as the secrets it held within its walls. His tiny fingers twitched, an instinctive response to the faded echoes of a life once lived.

"Peace, child," a voice whispered, ethereal and warm like the first rays of dawn breaking through the night. It wrapped around Ghiin's spirit, a soothing balm against the raw edges of his confusion. "This is your new beginning."

The presence felt ancient, a timeless watchman that had seen the rise and fall of empires and stars alike. Yet, it resonated with an intimacy that spoke directly to the burgeoning awareness within Ghiin. A guide unseen but deeply felt, it instilled a sense of purpose amidst the chaos of rebirth.

"Listen to my words," the voice continued, a gentle command that stirred something profound in the depths of Ghiin's soul. "You have been given a rare gift—a second chance. Embrace this life, for it holds wonders you have yet to discover."

Days melded into nights, a seamless tapestry of time that witnessed Ghiin's slow acclimation to his new existence. His mother was a constant, her presence as reassuring as the steady beat of his own heart. Her eyes, pools of love and resilience, became the anchors to which he clung in a sea of infancy.

They established routines, simple yet profound in their repetition. The morning sun would cast golden streams through the nursery windows, heralding the start of another day in the cocoon of his mother's care. She would hum melodies that seemed to stir ancient recollections within him, lullabies of a life long past.

With each passing day, the mansion grew less intimidating, more like a backdrop to the intimate world he shared with his mother. The blue barriers that had once seemed so stark now blurred into the periphery, a distant reminder of a legacy he was yet to understand.

As Ghiin grew more familiar with the cadence of this life, the voice that had greeted him upon his awakening remained a comforting whisper in the recesses of his mind. It guided him silently, a beacon for the journey he had only just begun.

Ghiin's gaze followed his mother's outstretched finger as she traced the elegant swirls of an ancient Greek alphabet in the air, her incantations seeping into the fabric of reality. Even in the tender embrace of infancy, his mind latched onto the phonetics with unnatural precision. Each syllable was a puzzle piece clicking into place, unlocking the essence of language that seemed to resonate with his very soul.

"Αγάπη," she whispered, the word for love, and Ghiin repeated it, a soft murmur that belied the depth of understanding beneath his infant exterior. The shapes and sounds of Greek morphed into Latin, "Amor," she continued, her voice a gentle guide through the nuances of each tongue. In these moments, Ghiin's fascination burgeoned, his innate connection to the linguistic roots of magic revealing itself in eager coos and bright-eyed attentiveness.

His mother beamed with pride, her touch as tender as the words she bestowed upon him. Together, they delved into the rudiments of witchcraft—her lineage weaving spells that danced at her fingertips, a legacy now shared with her son. Ghiin watched, entranced by the flickering energies that she conjured, a silent promise forming within him to one day master these arcane arts himself.

Laughter bubbled forth from Ghiin as his mother tickled him under the chin, a playful respite from their lessons. She lifted him high, and he gazed down at her with joyous wonder, the bond between them as palpable as the magic they explored. Her eyes crinkled with mirth, the warmth therein a steadfast beacon amidst the shadows of uncertainty that lingered beyond.

In these tender exchanges, Ghiin found a sanctuary—a nurturing haven where love fortified the walls against any encroaching darkness. It was here, in the laughter and the learning, that he felt the stirrings of his own potential, a force waiting patiently for the moment it would surge forth and define him.

"Your father would have been proud," she murmured during a quiet interlude, a note of wistfulness threading her voice as she held Ghiin close. Her gaze drifted towards the empty space beside them, a silent testament to the absence that haunted their little world. Yet in her arms, Ghiin felt only the strength of her presence, a reminder that even in the wake of loss, they had each other.

Their days unfurled with the rhythm of an unspoken melody, a harmony composed of whispered incantations and tender caresses. And as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the nursery, Ghiin's mother would rock him to sleep with promises of a future rife with adventure—a destiny woven from the threads of gods and witches alike.

Ghiin's gaze, once hazy with the fog of infancy, sharpened with burgeoning awareness as he took in the expanse of the nursery. Textures and hues that were once indistinct now beckoned to him with vibrant clarity. The golden glow of sunlight filtering through the window caught his attention, casting dancing specks of light upon the wooden crib. He watched, entranced, as dust motes twirled like tiny celestial bodies within those beams.

His little hand reached out, fingers grasping at the air, yearning to touch the intangible. Laughter bubbled from his throat, a sound of pure delight, as he discovered the joy of movement. His mother watched, her heart swelling with pride at the sight of his childlike wonder. Ghiin's eagerness to explore, to connect with the world around him, was insatiable.

The mobile of stars and moons that hung above him became his first conquest. Each nudge sent it into a gentle spin, eliciting giggles from Ghiin as he tracked its orbit with wide-eyed fascination. There was magic here, in the simplest of objects, and Ghiin, part god and part witch, seemed to sense it deeply, drawn to the mysteries they held.

Time marched onward, unstoppably, and with it, Ghiin's growth was both rapid and remarkable. The baby who once lay swaddled in blankets now pushed against the soft mattress, determined to rise. Muscles strengthened, coordination improved, and soon, Ghiin was crawling with purposeful intent across the nursery floor. The world expanded with each forward movement; every corner of his domain was there for the taking.

His mother's encouraging words were a constant soundtrack to his endeavors, her voice both a comfort and a challenge. "Come, Ghiin," she would coax with a smile. "You can do it." And Ghiin, ever the strong-willed child, met her expectations and surpassed them.

The day he pulled himself up to stand was a victory heralded by cheers and applause. His legs wobbled like young saplings in the wind, yet they bore his weight, steadfast. Ghiin's hands clung to the edge of the crib, his knuckles white with effort, but his eyes sparkled with triumph. The room, once a place of rest, had become an arena where he honed his resilience.

Taking his first steps was akin to a rite of passage, each one a shaky testament to his determination. He teetered, stumbled, but never yielded to frustration. It was as if the blood of the Olympians pulsed through his veins, imbuing him with an innate tenacity. Ghiin fell, only to rise again, his small face set with the resolve of a warrior.

And when he finally crossed the span of the nursery on unsteady feet, reaching the waiting arms of his mother, it felt as though he had traversed worlds. Her embrace was a haven of warmth and safety, yet also a gateway to the endless possibilities that lay beyond their sheltered abode.

"Look at you, my little explorer," his mother whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "What wonders will you chase next?"

Ghiin nestled into her, the heartbeat against his ear a drumbeat of love and legacy. He might not recall the life that came before, but the path ahead shimmered with potential, each step a building block in the grand design of his destiny.

Ghiin's tiny fingers traced the intricate symbols etched into the weathered pages of an ancient grimoire, his mother's guiding hand steady upon his back. The musty scent of magic and knowledge filled the air around them, a tangible presence in the dimly lit chamber that served as both their home and arcane classroom. Under his mother's tutelage, he learned to pronounce the Latin incantations with a precision that belied his tender age, his tongue curling around each syllable as though he were born speaking this language of power.

"Vinculum," he uttered, his voice a clear bell-like tone that resonated within the room's stone walls. A soft golden light emerged from his outstretched palm, weaving into a shimmering chain that danced like liquid sunbeams before dissipating into the air. His eyes shone with exhilaration, the spark of achievement igniting a fire within him.

"Excellent, my child," his mother praised, her smile as warm as the summer sun. "You have a gift for this, Ghiin. Such control, such finesse—you are truly your father's son."

With every passing day, Ghiin's mind absorbed her lessons like parched earth soaks up rain. Greek myths no longer seemed mere stories but windows into his lineage, the gods and heroes leaping from the pages to whisper secrets of strength and cunning. And as he mastered the rudiments of witchcraft, there was a burgeoning sense of identity, of destiny, that took root within him.

The world beyond their cottage beckoned to him, a siren call of adventure that resonated with the thrum of his demi-god heart. He could sense the latent potential coiled within him, a serpent waiting to unfurl its length and reveal its might. With each new word, each spell woven from the ether, he grew bolder, more assured of the path he was destined to tread.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, bathing their secluded home in hues of twilight, his mother scooped him into her arms, her touch a benediction. They stood at the threshold of their haven, peering out into the encroaching night.

"Out there," she said, her gaze following the stars as they blinked to life one by one, "is a vast world, my son. A world that will challenge you, shape you, and call forth the greatness within you."

Ghiin nestled against her, his head filled with dreams of epic quests and hidden realms. He imagined himself standing tall amidst the ruins of ancient civilizations, deciphering the secrets of the universe, his voice lifted in song and incantation. The promise of tomorrow was a melody that played on the strings of his soul, enticing him forward.

"Sleep now, Ghiin," his mother whispered as she carried him back inside. "For when you wake, we begin anew. There is much to learn, and time waits for no man, not even a son of the gods."

His eyelids fluttered closed, the world fading to a peaceful darkness. But behind his closed eyes danced visions of what lay ahead—a tapestry of magic and mystery unraveling before him. It was a future rife with infinite possibilities, and Ghiin, with the blood of Olympians coursing through his veins and the wisdom of witches cradled in his thoughts, was ready to meet it head-on.

I just want to know how my fantasy/dream will be written.

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