
Multiracial Chat Group

Post-breakup, life takes an unexpected turn for our protagonist. He ends up in this quirky 'Multiracial Chat Group,' where folks from distant planets hang out. Amidst banter, muted talks, and some cosmic missions, the journey becomes this mix of figuring himself out and dealing with the unexpected. Picture reality getting a bit blurry, things getting whimsically absurd, and the story unfolding with a good dose of humour, cosmic mysteries, and the kind of camaraderie that turns ordinary days into something quite extraordinary.

Im_jealous · Urban
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25 Chs

Legendary 'System Sama'

Just contemplating the possibilities made Li Xian's heart race with anticipation and excitement. He felt a bit dizzy from the sudden rush of blood.

"Oh my god! Have you used up all my luck? But, that's alright... I'm very alright with that. Haha! I have got a legendary gold finger, a freaking stats system."

Li Xian couldn't help but shout with joy as he finally embraced the system installed on his mobile. Having read novels during his college days, he was not a stranger to this type of system, and he knew how legendary it was to have one.

"Good, Good, Good! With the system to support me through this journey, I can become strong quickly and won't have to worry about my life during missions anymore."

Li Xian calmed down after five to ten minutes of an overly exciting episode, which even made the few people in the park avoid him, thinking they had encountered someone who escaped from a mental hospital.

"Well! Now, even with my weak strength, I will be able to ascend quickly in practice. Let's see how they will react once they see my strength. Hehe!"

With his enhanced mood and encouragement to get reward points from the system mission, Li Xian walked ten kilometers. He wanted to walk further, but he felt that he was already at his extreme limit.

Not willing to walk anymore, he booked a cab to his house, which was just ten minutes away. The cab driver looked at Li Xian in a very weird manner after dropping him off.

"Young people these days couldn't even walk such a little distance. Sigh!"

The middle-aged cab driver, who seemed to be in his fifties, couldn't help but mutter as he took money from Li Xian, making him smile wryly at this misunderstanding. But he didn't say anything, as it's almost rare for them to meet again.

"Where were you for so long?" Chen Dong asked Li Xian the moment he walked in. Li Xian had been gone almost three hours, insisting it was just a quick walk in the park.

"Oh, on my way back, Mom called. You know how it is..." Li Xian made up an excuse and went to the bedroom for a shower.

Chen Dong and Kang Li exchanged knowing smiles, familiar with Li Xian's pattern. He might not talk to his family often, but when he does, it tends to be a lengthy conversation.

After the shower, Li Xian casually sat on his bed, checking the chat channel. Most messages were between Petra and Luminara, but after a point, the chat went silent.

Curious, he clicked on the stats button, testing a theory he'd developed during his practice session.


Name: Li Xian

Race: Human

Lifespan: 81 years

Stat Points: 0

Cultivation: None (0.5/100) (+) [Exp required for the next level]

Martial Skills: None

Items: Orion martial techniques [Currently at entry stances]


Mission 1: Affiliate Program

Type: Permanent

Description: Whenever a member of the group spends a point in the Buy section of the group, 10% of the spent points will be rewarded to the host.

Current accumulation: 0 [Transfer] - Clicking on Transfer will instantly transfer points to Stat points.

Upgrade requirements:

 1. Group members should reach 10.

 2. All the founding members except for the admin should reach Warrior level martial artist.

Mission 2: Take a walk since you are weak for better metabolism

Type: Daily [Ends once the host reaches Warrior level]

Description: Take a good walk and get stat points as rewards for reaching milestones.

Milestones: Every five kilometers one stat point.

Current accumulation: 2 [Transfer] - Clicking on Transfer will instantly transfer points to Stat points.

Strength Rating: Can lift a chicken and Can move like a Snail (Weak as a twig).

Li Xian grinned with satisfaction as he looked at the two accumulated points. Without hesitation, he clicked on the transfer button beside them, instantly adding the points to his stat total.

Now, Li Xian immediately clicked on the "+" symbol beside the cultivation button, converting his 0.5 exp into 1.5 exp.

In the next moment, a refreshing energy washed through him, leaving him looking somewhat ecstatic.

Kang Li, who had just entered the room, couldn't help but turn back at the strange expression on his friend's face as he stared at his mobile.

"Chen! I think old Li is watching some 'videos'."

Kang Li whispered to Chen Dong. Chen Dong glanced at him, momentarily questioning why he was whispering about something so ordinary—it's not like they were saints. Such content was something they had even watched on TV with popcorn before.

"Hm! How can I put it? His expression doesn't seem quite right..."

Kang Li sensed that Chen Dong should investigate what was happening inside to truly understand. However, after a moment of contemplation, he decided to let it be and focused on his own mobile.

"It's just as I expected. That refreshing feeling comes whenever my exp points increase. I also sense that my strength has gone up a bit, but I'm not sure by how much."

Li Xian wore a happy expression, satisfied that his theory was correct. Whatever that feeling was, he knew it was contributing to his increased strength. His smile widened as he glanced at his lifespan.

"The only downside is that I can't track my growth with this. It's a bit of a shame."

Li Xian then added his last point and checked his stats happily, resembling a child with a new toy.


Name: Li Xian

Race: Human

Lifespan: 82 years

Stat Points: 0

Cultivation: None (2.5/100) (+) [Exp required for the next level]

Martial Skills: None

Items: Orion martial techniques [Currently at entry stances]


Mission 1: Affiliate Program

Type: Permanent

Description: Whenever a member of the group spends a point in the Buy section of the group, 10% of the spent points will be rewarded to the host.

Current accumulation: 0 [Transfer] - Clicking on Transfer will instantly transfer points to Stat points.

Upgrade requirements:

 1. Group members should reach 10.

 2. All the founding members except for the admin should reach Warrior level martial artist.

Mission 2: Take a walk since you are weak for better metabolism

Type: Daily [Ends once the host reaches Warrior level]

Description: Take a good walk and get stat points as rewards for reaching milestones.

Milestones: Every five kilometers one stat point.

Current accumulation: 0 [Transfer] - Clicking on Transfer will instantly transfer points to Stat points.

Strength Rating: Can lift a chicken (70 kg)[OverHead] and Can move like a Snail (12 sec/100 meters). 

Examining the freshly updated stats screen, Li Xian couldn't help but be puzzled by the sudden inclusion of a new rating in his strength category.

"Does this system have sentience? Strange... I just wished for a more accurate strength rating, and it appeared."

Li Xian pondered this with a touch of excitement. He began conducting more experiments, mentally 'wishing' for various additions to his stats panel. For instance, he hoped for the system to introduce more missions similar to the daily mission. Additionally, he thought it would be beneficial if the system included a daily check-in option that rewarded him with points.

"Seems like the system only considers my 'suggestions' when they're genuine."

Despite refreshing the screen multiple times, nothing changed. Li Xian couldn't help but sigh, commenting to himself.

He quickly opened the internet to check where his increased stats compared to an average human being of his height, 175 centimeters, and weight, 70 kilograms.

After some intense research, he couldn't help but smile happily. Despite knowing that his strength was just above average, he realized that with just a day's practice, his overall strength had surpassed the threshold from average to above average.

If he continued at this pace, it wouldn't take long for him to become the strongest person on the entire planet, at least according to the information he found on the internet.

That night, feeling sore all over his body and unable to walk, Li Xian once again asked his friends to bring dinner from outside after their meals. He quickly went to sleep after having dinner, scrolling through his mobile as he learned more about Auckland city and its customs.

Having slept early, Li Xian woke up the next day with a fresh feeling. Glancing at the calendar, it indicated Monday, November 2nd, 2023. He couldn't help but smile wryly before quickly applying for leave.

Uncertain about the duration of his absence, he directly requested a two-week break. Li Xian anticipated difficulty in obtaining such an extended leave, but luck was on his side, as his manager was in a good mood and agreed without hesitation.

To top it off, the manager even requested Li Xian to bring something for him from Auckland.

"That solves one big issue! Now I just need to search for a cheap hotel for my stay."

Li Xian stood up and quickly freshened up, eager not to waste a single moment of his daily mission.

As it was still early in the morning, the streets were not crowded. Li Xian headed towards Aunty Wang's restaurant, intending to have breakfast before heading to the park.

"Brother Li! It's rare to see you here so early."

Upon reaching the restaurant, Li Xian found both the son and mother still setting up for the day's business.

"Hm! I just thought it's nice to take a walk early in the morning. Seems like I arrived a bit too early, Chen?"

Li Xian smiled at Wang Chen and Aunty Wang, receiving nods and smiles in return.

"A bit early, I haven't prepared breakfast yet. But if you'd like some tea, I can make it quickly."

Aunty Wang said with an apologetic smile, pausing in her work.

"No, it's alright, Aunty Wang! I'll come back once I'm done with my walk, and then I'll have both at the same time."

Having said that, Li Xian left the restaurant, making his way back to the same park. Unlike yesterday, more people were present at this time, with a majority of them being older folks.