
Fallen Angel

~20 November 2006~

It has been five days since I summoned Taylor, and I must say that she has improved in terms of human interaction. At first, she is shy and awkward, but she gradually becomes more open to the other.

Just like in the book, Taylor is starved for touch and kindness. She carves for people that she can call friends and people that she can lean on. With us as her new pillar, she began to change for the better person. She begins to smile at the other and even the first one to start a conversation.

Taylor also likes helping people around Faysummit when I ask the reason why she said.

"It is my dream to become a hero. If a hero can't help people, then they can't be called a hero."

After her morning jog and breakfast with us, she usually walks around Faysummit and helps people that need help, be it helping a grandma with her grocery or helping the construction worker.

She even sometimes asks me if I want to go jogging with her in the morning. I want to say yes, but today I couldn't come with her because something important came to my attention.

Right now, I'm walking toward the biggest brothel in Faysummit, and coming with me is Medea, Carol, Mordred, and Kushina. As we walk inside, we are greeted by the owner of this establishment; a Veela named Matilda.

"My Lord, the person is this way."

Matilda then leads us to one of the rooms, and when she opens up the door, I see a familiar face sitting on the sofa with a woman sitting near him.

This man is Azazel, the Governor-General of the Fallen Angel and Grigori. Next to him, enjoying the drink and sitting alone on the corner like a weirdo is Vali Lucifer.

"You know when you sent us a letter saying that you will come for a meeting, I think you mean you will come to my place instead here."

"Ah! I know I forgot something! Vali, how could you not remind me about the meeting."


I can see Azazel sigh a little before standing up from his sofa and saying.

"I'm sorry about this. I didn't mean to offend. If you want, we can go to your place?"

"I don't mind if you want to talk about the business here."

"Then let us begin."

I nod at the lady and see them walk away from the room.

I sit down on the sofa in front of Azazel and wait for him to begin.

"Alright. The reason why we are coming here is to offer you a trade agreement."

"I don't mind signing as long as your trader offers us a fair trade."

"The first one, we want a steady supply of the potion you have."



"Our potions are a Vongola Family special product. The reason why we sell it to the devil race is that they have an emergency situation in the Underworld. From next week we will limit the potions they can buy from us."

"The reason for this limitation is the ingredient, huh?"


Actually no. I only want to increase our potions price and maybe triple the price. The ingredient is no problem for us, as Amelia is already taking care of it.

"That is a shame. However, I, as the representative of all Fallen Angel, still want to buy your potions in bulk. While we have our own doctor, your potions we got from the Devil is more effective healing us, the Fallen Angel."

Wait, the Fallen Angel got the potions from the Devil? So, they somehow sell our potions to the market without us knowing? Well, it looks like my plan to limit the potions will be applied sooner than I anticipated.

"Seven potions per day and nothing more. The price also increased."


"Can't do. Seven or leave it."

"Fine. We have a deal. I will send Shemhazai here tomorrow morning. Also, if there is anything we the Gregori can help you with, please tell me."

"Then, if you have some rare plant or seed in your possession, we gladly buy it."

"Hmmm, we will see. We didn't usually do research on plants, but I think we have something lying around in the main base."

"Thank you. We will prepare the Trade contract, and we need you to sign it."

"Wait, you haven't made the contract yet?"

"No, I thought you would cancel the meeting when you didn't arrive at my place, so we didn't make it."

"Darn it. Can Shemhazai sign it instead of me?"

"As long as he has the authority, yes."

"Then, I will let Shemhazai do it for me."

"If there is nothing, I will take my leave. You can enjoy yourself here, and I tell the woman here to serve you with their highest quality service. Free of charge for today."

"Woah, Thank you for that!"


*Azazel POV*

I lean back on the sofa and drink a glass of wine from the table.

"Azazel, these people are…"

"Powerful, I know."

Lexian Vongola and his guardian. While Lexian has the power of a High-class being, his guardian is on another level. The one that wears a hooded bluish-purple robe has a massive mana pool for a human. She can be compared to Ultimate Class being in terms of mana pool. The one that wears blue and red skin-tight armor has this wild energy inside her body that makes my head hurt by looking at it. The shorter one has this wild red lightning inside her body, and the last one has an energy that makes me shiver.

"Vali, it really weirds seeing you stay silent even when you meet a strong opponent."

"... This place is comfortable."


"This place makes me want to sleep and relax. Albion said that this place has a perfect atmosphere for a Dragon to make their nest. That is the reason why I'm like this. Albion's presence makes me want to make this place my nest. This place has a soothing atmosphere and warmth the other place cannot give."

Interesting. While I can feel that this place gives off a warm feeling, I never thought it would make a Dragon love it so much.

This place became more interesting than I thought it would be. At first, I only thought it was only a rumor that said this place got attacked by an evil dragon, but after I saw the Carmilla faction get attacked as well, I know that rumor is true.

There is a reason why I want to buy their potions. That is to heal our people that I send to help the Carmilla faction. They successfully killed three of five evil dragons, but the casualties are high.

The vampire, in their arrogance, did not set any strong barrier around their base and only set up a trap for an unfortunate human and low to a medium level barrier. I don't know if it was because of ignorance or arrogance, but because of this, we also lost a member of Grigori, and the reason why we did not lose more members is that Vali is coming with them.

I already canceled the agreement to help the Carmilla Faction because I don't want to lose another Fallen Angel to people that didn't even try to protect themselves. The Fallen Angel has a problem with our number. While we can have a child, we still have a problem in pregnancy rate, and unlike the Devil and Angel, we can't use something like Evil Piece or Brave Saint, making it more difficult to increase our number.

That is why I did not want to see another member of the Fallen Angel Race die in a pointless battle, and I also try my best to make sure they did not die from a battle even if I need to pay a massive sum for a bottle of potions.

"Vali, Can you gather some information around the city for me?"

"And leave you in here?"

"Of course! I need some free time from Shemhazai. He kept bothering me this last month. I can't even go to my favorite candy store anymore!"


"Thank you!"

Ahhh! Now it is time to relax~

"I'm sorry for the wait, Lord Azazel."

I look at the door and see five women walk inside my room while bringing another bottle of wine and even some food.

"Let us serve you, My Lord."

Hehehehehe~ I guess I can stay here for a little longer. I hope Shemhazai did not mind.

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts