
Carmilla Faction

~23 November 2006~

I read the paperwork in my hand before signing them one by one. I also look at the report Faysummit merchant gave me about the trade they have with the Fallen Angel. They get back from Fallen Angel's main base in the Vatican, ironic as the Vatican is the church's main base and brings back some interesting ingredients for Amelia and Medea.

They also bring interesting items. For example, they bring back Exorcist guns from the black market in the Vatican. I don't know how the Vatican, the place that should be called a holy ground because of how it was the main base of Christianity, ignore the black market that is going on under their radar and also the Fallen Angel base inside their city.

However, when I brought the Exorcise gun to the Elves and Dwarves, they immediately scolded me for using subpar equipment. A few hours later, they deconstruct the weapon and recraft the Rune on the weapon, and suddenly it becomes ten times more powerful than before.


I snap from my thoughts when I hear Medea call me from behind the door of my office.

"Come in."

Medea opens up the door and says.

"Master, There is someone who wants to meet you."


"She said that she is the representative from the Carmilla Faction."

I frowned a little after hearing Medea informing that someone from the Carmilla faction came to Faysummit. While we didn't have any grudge against the Carmilla clan, they are still the faction that hunts humans for food and entertainment, and after seeing what the Tepes faction does to those humans, I don't know if I can trust them or not.

However, they can walk inside the city unharmed by the bounded field, which means they didn't have any bad intentions.

"Bring them to my office. I will call the other to my office."

"Of course, Master."

With a press of a button, I alert my guardian to come to my office for an emergency meeting. A few seconds later, the magic circle near my desk shines a little, and suddenly, my guardian appears in front of me.

I also prepare some tea for the guests.

A minute later, I hear a knock coming from the door.

"Come in."

As the door opens up, I see Medea come inside with two women standing near her.

"Ahhh, it looks like the guest is here. Please take a seat."

As I see the two women take a seat on the couch, I take the couch in front of them while my guardian stands behind me.

"Before we begin, let us introduce ourselves. My name is Lexian Vongola, nice to meet you."

"My name is Elmenhilde Karnstein. It is nice to meet you, My Lord."

"Millarca Vordenburg, Nice to meet you, Lord Vongola"

Elmenhilde Karnstein has a doll-like appearance with long wavy, light blonde hair, deep red eyes, and a beautiful face similar to that of a Western doll. She also has a pale skin tone similar to that of a corpse. She wears a red dress worn by princesses back in the Middle Ages with an ornamented head-dress.

Millarca Vordenburg appears in her teens, possessing sleek, long silver hair; her like a work of art: neat and incredibly pretty, with deep red eyes able to illuminate an abyss.

"So, what can I do for you?"

"I will get right to the point. Lord Vongola, we beg you to help us fight against the evil dragon that is attacking our territory."


"At first we don't know who they are, but after hearing the news of the Tepes faction turn themselves into a dragon by unknown mean, we know that they are the remnants of Tepes faction that get beaten by Vongola family."


"We hire the Grigori to defend our home, but after the last attack, they take back their force because we did not try hard enough to defend our home."

"Why do you tell me the truth? I thought it would hurt your pride?"

"I gladly discard my pride for the safety of my race. That is why I beg you to save us from this disaster. You are the only faction left; we can ask for this. The Greeks hate us for what we have done in the past. The Celtic hate us for our nature. The Devil did not want to get involved in our internal dispute. The Fallen Angel takes away their support after we let them fight the dragon for the most part while our current queen stands in the back."

"I see."

"That is why I beg you, Lord Vongola. Lend us your strength!"

I stay silent for a few seconds before looking at my guardian and saying.

"What do you guys say?"

I don't know if I should come and help the Carmilla faction or not. My intuition says that I should help them, but I need to bring my guardian with me. It kept warning me to keep an eye for the vampire of the Carmilla faction, but weirdly enough, it was not the people in front of me.

"It's up to you, master."

"If you want to help them, I will prepare our elite force, My Lord."

"I'm okay with it, Lexian."

"I say we should finish the job of exterminating the evil dragon, Master!"

"I say we must help them, Dattebane!"

"Yes, they currently need our help."

I smile at them before looking at Elmenhilde Karnstein and say.

"We will help you, but we need to prepare first. We will depart tonight. You can stay here for the rest of the day, or if you want to walk around the city, you can ask one of the guards to guide you."

"Thank you, My Lord, Thank you for your kindness."

I panic a little when I see her kneeling on the floor in front of me.

"Please, get up. You don't need to kneel before me."

"Thank you, My Lord. Once again, thank you."

"No problem. Let's invite you to eat with us. It is a perfect time to have lunch."

~A few hours later~

I look at the darkening sky and sigh a little. It looks like we have to fight once again. While I want to have a peaceful life, I know that if I didn't take care of the remnant of Tepes Faction Evil Dragon, they would go after Faysummit once again.

In this expedition, we also bring the newest and strongest weapon we have

I snap from my thoughts when Medea touches my shoulder and nods at me, indicating that the magic circle is complete and ready to use.

"Alright, people! Let's hunt some dragon!"

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts