
Annoying Visitor

~26 August 2006~

I look around Diagon Alley while Harry takes care of his clothing with Sirius. I look at the stack of newspapers in front of the Florean Ice Cream parlor. After giving the owner five knuts, I begin to read the newspaper.


~Unknown Disease is coming from the Dark Mark. Coincident?~

Not too long ago, an unknown disease spread across Great Britain. This disease is known for its dangerous side effect that slowly kills its victim by depleting the magic inside them. Currently, there is no known cure to this disease, but the Healer and the Unspeakable have already been dispatched to see if this disease can be cured.

While no cure has been developed, there is news coming from the unspeakable that says the disease only attacks a person with a Dark Mark on their hand. The unspeakable don't know if the disease is contagious, but they take precautions not to let anyone other than highly trained professionals get closer to the victim.

The disease not only appears in Great Britain as there is news that this disease also appears in Germany and French. However, all the victims have the Dark Mark on their hands.

Is this a sign that You-Know-Who has finally been defeated? Or is it a sign that You-Know-Who will raise once again.

Stay tuned to Daily Prophet for other information.


Interesting. Is it because of the Holy Grail power? Or is it because of Voldemort Dark Mark? Hmmm, I think it was both that caused this 'disease' that attacked the pureblood.

I snap from my thoughts when I see Harry and Sirius walk toward my companion and I. However; they are not alone; coming with them is the Weasleys Family and also Hermione. What makes me interested is that Ron did not bring his pet rat with him while Hermione patted her pet cat on her hand.

"Guys, this is Lord Lexian, He is the one that let Sirius and I stay in his place when we take a vacation in Romania."

I nod at them.

"Lord Lexian, This is the Weasleys family. To my left is Ronald Weasleys, and next to him is his parents Ms. and Mr. Weasleys. They are the ones that take care of me when I'm here. Lastly, to my right is Hermione Granger, one of my best friends besides Ron."

"Hello, My name is Lexian Vongola. Nice to meet you."

Mr. Weasley walked toward me and grabbed my hand before saying.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Arthur. Friend of Sirius is also a friend of mine."

As I was about to ask him something, Ms.Weasley beat me to it and asked Harry a question.

"Harry dear, why are you going to Romania? I thought Professor Dumbledore forbade you from going anywhere."

"Ah. It's okay, Ms.weasley. Sirius already got permission from Professor Dumbledore before we went to Romania. Also, we only stay for a few days in Romania, not even a week."

"I see. As long as Professor Dumbledore agrees to it."

I raise my eyebrow a little seeing her realeasing a relief breath after knowing Dumbledore gave his permission. Was she also in Dumbledore's pocket? I don't want to assume them as a greedy family, but I also don't want to let Harry get manipulated by a fanon character.

I shake my head and invite them to join me, eating some ice cream.


*Vongola Castle*

My companion and I arrive in front of the gate to the Faysummit. We decide to leave Harry and Sirius in Diagon Alley with the Weasley family and go back to my castle. As I walked inside the town, I was greeted by many people that smiled at me. I greet them one by one before I arrive at my castle.

When I arrive inside my office and begin to sign some paperwork that already piles up even though I only leave it for a few hours.

For a few hours, I sign the paperwork in front of me, and suddenly, I see something interesting in the report Charlotte gave to me. I take out my phone and call my guardian to my office. After waiting for a few minutes, all of my guardians arrived inside my office.

I look at my guardian walk inside my office with their partner. Medea with Agatha on her shoulder. Carol with Goose on her hand. Lastly, Amelia, with her polar bear partner named Celia. I also let my Animal Box out, but currently, Lily is wandering around the castle and maybe found some comfy spot to take a nap. Lily is a lazy cat.

"Alright, you guys here."

"What can we do for you, master?"

"Here, please read this."

I gave them the report Charlotte gave to me. After a few seconds, Medea says.

"So, what should we do, Master?"

"Right now, I want you to increase our defense around the land. Medea, I want you to increase our bounded field. If you can make it almost as strong as the bounded field around our castle, it will be perfect."

"Yes, Master"

"Carol, I want you to increase the patrol around our land. I will give the citizen a lecture about the flame and then let them get trained by one of our men."

"Yes, My Lord"

"Lastly, Amelia. I know you only here for a few days and need to master your new power. I want you to create a bunch of creatures to patrol around the land. You don't need to create a powerful one as we don't need a quality right now but rather a quantity."

"I don't mind, Lexian. Shaper is happy about this."

"Good. I don't want a devil to recruit our people and turn them into a devil."

"Master, is there any reason why we need to increase our defenses to this extent? Is there something wrong with those devils that comes to Constanta?"

"Yes, Do you see this guy?"

I point at the picture Charlotte sent to me.


"His name is Diodora Astaroth. I don't know how strong he is, but I know that he is working with the people we fought in the past."

"When we rescue Valerie?"

"Yes, them. I don't want to underestimate them, and also I think he is bringing reinforcement in case something happens to him."

"Then how about killing him right now?"

"No, it was a bad idea. While I want to kill him badly, he is a relative to one of the current satan. We can't just kill him without any provocation. I don't want to go to war with the devil."

"I see. So what should we do?"

"That is why I call you here. Aside from observing him and increasing our defenses, I don't have any idea. What do you think we should do right now?"

I let my guardian think about what we should do.

"Um… Lexian…"

I look at Amelia, who hesitates to say her idea. I nod at her with a smile to let her say what she wants.

"How about we send them back?"

"Hmm? Can you elaborate?"

"We can send them back silently. We should sedate them with Rain Flame and then send them back. I think there is a high devil activity in Kuoh Town; Japan should be good enough to send them; there is no need to send them to the underworld."

"That is good, Amelia, but they will keep coming back. I don't want that."

"Then, How about sealing all their demonic power?"

"If we do that, then the Astaroth clan will come to our front door."

".... I see I'm sorry for suggesting that"

"No, it's okay to say your opinion. Is there any idea?"

For a few minutes, the silence continued. I release a sigh before looking at them.

"Looks like nothing we can do. Medea, please send a few familiar to tail Diodora from afar. I will tell Charlotte and her pack also to keep an eye for anything suspicious. Carol, I leave the patrol to you and Amelia I will leave the guardian creature to you."

"Yes, Master."

"Of course, My Lord."

"Leave it to me, Lexian."

"Good. Then dismissed. I need to go to my weekly lecture."


~Pandora Snack Bar~

*Charlotte Bacque POV*

I look at the letter that just arrived inside my bar. As soon as I see the owl that delivered the letter, I know it was from Lord Lexian. I still remember how my pack and I got kicked out of our own home because we do our traditional dance that is equal to prayer to the gods.

That day we don't know where we should go. My mother pack also gets kicked out from French because they follow the old way just like us. Many members of the Veela race begin to abandon the old way as they don't want to get hunted down by the wand waver. For many years, the Veela race began to forget about our proud ancestor's way of life. They begin to see their allure as a curse that they should throw away. It makes me sad to see my race abandoning the old way that teaches us how to weaponize our allure to survive.

As my pack and I get kicked out from Bulgaria, some of the members begin to run away from the pack and beg the wand to accept them back into their society. Without their knowing, they are just signing their life into a community that sees them nothing more than a slave.

After getting kicked out of Bulgaria, my pack and I decide to go to Romania and hide in the thick forest of Romania. That day we choose to stay inside the forest and build ourselves in our village. However, before we could even make our own home, the vampire who lived near our location detected our presence and began to attack us.

We already give up and accept death, but before even the vampire could touch us, I see someone appear in front of us and kill the vampire instantly. The man is Lord Lexian. Coming with him is Lady Medea and Lady Carol, who finish the rest of the vampire.

After killing all the vampires, Lord Lexian asks about our situation and then invites us to his land. Of course, we accept it.

When we arrive, we are greeted by the citizens with a warm welcome. They smile at us and even help us get settled in.

When I hear Lady Medea grumbling about a spy network, I decide to create a spy network for Lord Lexian. That is the reason why I 'buy' all the brothels in Constanta and turn them into a Snack bar or let it be a brothel.

As I read the letter in my hand, I press down a button under my table and wait for a few minutes as my pack walks inside my office.

"Ladies. We got an order from Lord Lexian. Do you remember a group of young devils coming to our city?"

"Yes, Madam."

"Good. Then they are your target. I want you guys to squeeze all the information they have. However, don't let them know about the flame or kill them. You can make them unconscious and search their body for any information, but other than that, you can't."

"Yes, Madam"

"Good. Dismissed."

Even though we are not the Guardians of Lord Lexian, we are still members of the Vongola family. While Lord Lexian is not our sky, he is still our home and pillar that gives us hope when we are down. Even if we are not bonded to Lord Lexian, we are still the element that will protect the sky that accepts us as his family, and that is our duty to protect our sky and destroy any enemy that tries to disturb our harmony.

The advance chapter can be found here:


Or if you want to give me some coffee


LuxVonDeuxcreators' thoughts