
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · Urban
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47 Chs

New Neighbor

Lynn was awaken by a non-stop banging on her door. She checked the time, it was only 6:00 AM, who could that be?

She got up and opened the door. She blinked her eyes twice to check if she was not hallucinating. How come it's Carlo?

Carlo gave her the sweetest smile, but it faded as soon as he saw what she was wearing. Didn't he tell her to mind her clothes when she opens the door. What if it's someone else. Carlo pushed Lynn in, then went to her room, when he came back, he was holding a robe. He wrapped Lynn with it. Lynn was blinking all the time. She just woke up and this guy just walk in like he owns the place.

"Get out!" Lynn said angrily.

"Later babe, people are still cleaning my unit, let me stay here for a while." Carlo sat down on the coach and put his foot on the table.

"I'm not kidding, leave! Or I'll call security." Lynn pointed at the door.

Carlo stood up, but instead of leaving, he went to the kitchen and get himself something to drink.

Lynn took a deep breath. Was he testing her patience. She dialed the number of the security, while Carlo was at the kitchen and reported him.

Carlo sat again while sipping his coffee.

Lynn opened the door as she heard someone knocking which she was sure the security team.

Two muscled men entered her unit. "Sir please leave this unit, you are disturbing it's owner."

"We know each other. My staff is cleaning my unit that's why I'm hanging out here." Carlo explained.

"I don't know you mister, so please leave!" Lynn said coldly.

Carlo did not move a bit. The two security sighed, they heard that someone bought a new unit, and he is loaded and powerful. They were hesitant to crossed him. "Ma'am, why don't you let him stay for a while. It seems that you knew each other anyways."

"No, we don't!" Lynn shouted.

"It's okay, you two leave. He put out some money and give the two some cash. "I'll take it from here."

The two security left.

"Leave!" Lynn said firmly.

"Babe! Common, give me a break. Let me stay here for a while." Carlo said, then sip on his coffee.

"Stop calling me that! Leave right now. You have no right to be here." Lynn said coldly.

Carlo grabbed Lynn and hugged her tightly. "Forgive me, please. I will do anything, just for you to forgive me."

Lynn pushed him hard. "Leave me alone, then I'll forgive you."

"Except that. I know I was wrong, I know you suffered! Promise, I'll make it up to you." Carlo said sincerely.

"Hah, never again Mr. Chen!" She headed to her room.

Lynn paced back and forth in her room. Who does he think he is. After everything she's been through, loosing her parents and all, she will never let him back in her life. She thought of a way, she dialed Jeff's number.

"Hello, Lynn what's up?" Jeff asked.

"Jeff are you in a relationship right now?" Lynn asked bluntly.

Jeff coughed, he almost swallowed the breakfast he was eating without chewing it. "No, why do you asked?"

"Great, do me a favor, can you pretend to be my boyfriend even just for a month. I just need to shoo Carlo away."

Jeff thought for a few seconds. " That sounds fun. Alright, when can I start?"

"Now, Carlo is in my condo, bugging me, he won't leave. Can you come here?" Lynn asked.

"Sure, I'll be there." Jeff answered immediately.

"Great, I'll wait for you. Bye." Lynn hung up the phone. She showered and changed into something casual, pants and shirt.

After thirty minutes, she heard someone at her door. She got out, Carlo was busy on his laptop. She shook her head, he's becoming more and more shameless. She opened the door, it was Jeff.

"You're finally here!" Lynn exclaimed.

"Sorry, did I take long." Jeff said.

Lynn nodded. "It's fine, take me out for breakfast."

Jeff smiled, he already ate, but for Lynn, he'll eat again. "Okay, let's go."

Carlo stood up. "I'll join you guys, I'm hungry too."

Jeff looked at Carlo. "Don't be a kill joy, my girlfriend and I will eat our first breakfast together, we don't want an intruder."

Carlo's ears rang. "What? Who's girlfriend?"

"Me, as of today we are officially together. So don't disturb our first date." Lynn put her hands on Jeffs.

Carlo was speechless.

"Let's go!" Jeff put his arms around Lynn's shoulder.

Lynn nodded and smile.

Carlo was feeling angry right now. Lynn was holding hands with him, then Jeff was putting his arms around her. He wants to kill someone right now.

"He followed the two, punch Jeff to his stomach, which cause Jeff to stumble, then dragged Lynn towards the elevator. He will not let anyone have her.

"Let me go, Jeff are you okay. Wait what are you doing?" Lynn tried to break free from his hold.

But Carlo was way stronger. Jeff ran after them but the elevator already closed. He took the stairs and tried to follow them.

Carlo took Lynn down the underground garage where he shove her inside his car. And speedily drove away.

"Carlo where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere far from Jeff." Carlo answered.

"You're crazy, let me off, stop the car!" Lynn said panicking.

Carlo ignored her and made a call. "Hello Bryan, arrange a plane for me."

"Where to sir?" Bryan asked. He just bought a unit for him in that expensive building. It took him all efforts to pull some strings to make it happen. And now a plane. He can't understand rich people.

"My private island, asked the care taker to prepare for my arrival, I'm with someone. And don't tell anyone where I am. Especially Jeff and Tin. Just tell them I'm on vacation. And cancel all my appointments. I'll be gone for two weeks. I'll let dad handle the rest." Carlo instructed.

"Okay sir." Bryan answered.

"Again, don't let anyone know about my where abouts if you don want to loose your job." Carlo threaten.

Bryan cleared his throat. Carlo wasn't the best boss but he's not that bad. He was fair, and paid him well. And he was a good man over all minus his temper. He needed this job especially now that he was planning to get married and buy a new house. "No, I won't"

"Good boy, I'll help you buy a house when I get back. " Carlo promised, he knew that he has been saving for it.

Bryan leaped for joy upon hearing that. "Okay boss. Thanks."

Carlo made another call, this time to his dad. "Dad, I'll be gone for a while, can you take care of the company first?"

"Where are you going? Mr. Chen asked.

"I found my fiancee and we're getting married. So I'll be away with her for a while." Carlo stated.

"Did you asked her permission to get married, son?" Mr. Chen asked seriously.

"Do I have too? It will take forever if I wait for her permission. I'll take the short cut then face the rest afterwards." Carlo explained.

"She will hate you for forcing her." Mr. Chen said calmly. He investigated what happened to Lynn. He discovered that her parents died because of what Tin and Mrs. Chen did. He never told Carlo about his mother's involvement on the incident.

"She can hate me all she wants as long as she's with me. " Carlo answered.

"That's selfish son." Mr. Chen stated.

"I know but I can't live without her." Carlo responded.

Lynn looked at Carlo, she felt sad on what he said. She can hear all the words his saying except the people on the other line, since he was wearing a headset.

What married was he talking about? He's getting more shameless, she thought.

"Carlo stop the car and let me go!" Lynn was panicking, Carlo seems to plan something she didn't like.

Carlo stopped the car. Lynn take off the seat belt, open the door and tried to ran away. But Carlo took hold of her waist, pull her up to his shoulder. Lynn punch his back trying to struggle but Carlo didn't seems to feel it.

Lynn looked around, it seems to be a private airport or something, there were small planes then helicopters but very few people around. Carlo entered one of the new CESSNA model plane. Sat Lynn in one seat, buckled her up, then sat besides her.

"Sir are you ready?" The pilot asked in the speaker phone.

"Yes, let's go!" Carlo said calmly.

"No wait, help me, I want to get off." Lynn shouted and tried to remove the seatbelt. But Carlo stopped her.

Lynn felt the airplane started to move and take off. "Carlo are you crazy, let me off this plane."

Carlo signalled someone at the back, a middle aged woman injected Lynn with something.

"Don't worry babe, it's just a tranquilizer to calm you down." Carlo said while holding Lynn's hand.

"How dare you...?" Lynn lost conciousness.

Carlo made another call, this time it was his mum.