
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · Urban
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47 Chs

Mrs. Chen

Lynn can hear waves, she opened her eyes, she was greeted by a dim lit room. She stood up, but then her legs failed her, she fell back in the bed. Then she noticed that she was wearing a white dress, who changed her? This was not the clothes she was wearing before. The last thing she remembered was Carlo forced her to get into a plane. Then a woman injected her something and she lost consciousness. Three years ago, Tin also drugged her, did Carlo do the same? What are they? A thug!

"How are you feeling?" Carlo was wearing a white tuxedo

"Where am I?" Lynn asked, she was feeling dizzy. "Why am I wearing this dress?"

Carlo sat on the bed and helped her sat down, then lean her back on the head board.

"We are in our honeymoon." He answered.

"Are you pulling my leg? What are you talking about." Then she saw a wedding ring in her finger, along with it was the engagement ring Carlo gave her three years ago.

Carlo saw her staring at her hands. "I told you, we're in our honeymoon. We just got married."

Carlo stood up, took the TV remote, then played their wedding video.

Lynn's eyes widened, it was a wedding video, she was wearing the same white dress, she never thought it was a wedding dress. How come she couldn't remember anything.

"How could you do this? How is this even possible?" Lynn was feeling angry beyond words. He has been controlling ever since, but this is beyond being overly possessive. Lynn threw something in the TV. Then she starts throwing anything she can get hold of.

All she wanted was to live as far as she can from him but now he forced her to marry him without her consent.

Carlo tried to stop her, he hugged her but Lynn became hysterical and kicked him. He let go because of the pain. Lynn took the chance and went to the door and ran out.

They were in a beach, as soon as she got out, all she sees were ocean, sand, moon and stars. She didn't even know where to go but she simply want to get away from Carlo.

She ran as fast as she can. She really couldn't see much, her tears didn't help as well. Then she felt the pain in her foot, she ran barefoot and rocks were sharp by the beach and she can feel them piercing her. She then stumble and then fainted.

She was awaken by the crashing sound of waves. She opened her eyes and she felt the pain in her feet, she looked down and saw her foot with bandages.

The door open and it was Carlo. "Let me go, what you're doing is illegal."

Carlo took a deep breath. "What's wrong with having honeymoon with my bride?"

"Hah, I don't know how you did it? But I can't remember any of it." Lynn shouted.

Carlo stood up and took out a piece of paper from a drawer and gave it to Lynn.

"What's this?" She asked annoyingly.

"Look at it yourself!" Carlo answered.

Lynn examined it. It was a marriage certificate, it has her signature. She tore it into pieces.

"That's just a copy, I hid the original one. And even if you tore the original one, I can always get another one. You see our marriage is legal and legit." He explained.

"Why are you doing this Carlo, we already ended. You're the one who decided to end us remember! Why are you making it difficult for me?" Her tears started falling. She was feeling hopeless and powerless.

"I was wrong. I'm sorry. I should have trusted you." Carlo said sincerely.

"You should have but you didn't. You have no idea what I went through because you decided not to trust me." Lynn tears seems to be a stream with endless source.

"I know babe. But I promise that I will make it up to you. Stop crying okay." Carlo tried to comfort her.

"Can you also bring back my parents? Can you?" Lynn asked angrily.

Carlo was wondering why Lynn was mentioning her parents. He couldn't understand the connection. He knew that it might be difficult for her loosing them at the same time, but it was not his fault. "Honey, I don't think it's right for you to blame me, I don't think I did anything wrong."

"I'm not blaming you, I'm blaming me for trusting you! Whatever, we're over and I have no plans to change my mind." Lynn insisted.

"No babe, we just started! And I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you." Carlo stated.

"What you did was illegal, I can easily file for a divorce. I can even sue you for abducting me." Lynn said firmly.

Carlo sighed. "Yes you can, but you know that I have more than enough money and power to cover that up."

"But not enough to make me come back to you! And besides I told you, me and Jeff are now together. Jeff will help me, he is also rich and powerful."

Carlo felt insulted by her words. "Are you comparing me to Jeff. Do you know that he is nothing compare to me?"

Lynn scoffed. "Yes, you're right, it's because Jeff is a good man, and you are nothing like him!"

Carlo hovered over Lynn, then he kissed her violently.

"Stop it. Let me go." Lynn tried avoiding his violent kissing, his lips ran down to her neck. Lynn was trying to punch his back. But Carlo can't seem to feel it.

"Let me show you how better I am than Jeff. And you will regret comparing him to me." He grabbed her clothes and tore them easily.

"No Carlo!" Lynn shouted.

Carlo stared at the woman besides him, she is now his wife but she still hated him. She was sleeping peacefully but he was sure that she would start making a scene as soon as she wakes up. He can't blame her, he did force her. He wanted their first time to be special but she mentioned Jeff and he lost it. Now, he regret forcing her, it was her first time, it means she never had any men in her lives even when she was abroad.

He just need to make her stay as his wife and he has been thinking for few hours but couldn't seem to get any idea. Unless he can get her pregnant. But that's a long shot, he needs her to obey him to submit to his love just like before.


"Dad? What can I do to make my wife stay with me." Carlo called his father. His father and mother got to be one of the most successful marriage he had witnessed. His mum had always obeyed his dad.

"So, you married her?" Mr. Chen asked calmly.

"I... well, mum gave me the drug...and..." Carlo felt embarassed. He knew what he did was shameless but he simply couldn't bear to see her with Jeff.

Mr. Chen took a deep breath., he knew that even Lynn love his son, she will not stay with him because she was blaming him for her parents death. "The fastest way is to blackmail her."

"I've got really nothing to blackmail her for." Carlo answered.

"Alright give me two days and I'll give you one." Mr. Chen said then hung up.

Carlo smiled. His family is powerful and rich. His father owns several businesses and his mum, came from an underground society. Well, not exactly his mum, but his grand father.

"Common, are you going to bet or not?' The card dealer shouted at Fernan.

"Well, later I don't have money anymore!" Fernan answered. He has been gambling all night, he won the first few rounds but at the end he lost all his money. His wife will be furious again when he gets home. The money was supposed to be their capital for fruits that will be delivered early tomorrow, but now he's doomed.

"You need money? I can lend you 500000 but you have to promise to pay it or else we'll throw you to prison." A descent looking guy offered to Fernan.

Fernan smiled, it's a win-win situation. He was sure that he will be able to pay it back even doubled. His wife will sure be happy. He shook hands with the guy and the guy handed him a bag full of money after signing a contract.

"All right, I'll bet again!" Fernan stated.

They gave him the vacant seat and the dealer started shuffling the cards. Fernan started winning again. He was beyond excited, he was thinking he was right to borrow money, he will be able to return it and gain more.

The night ended but it did not turn out the way Fernan plan it. He lost everything, and now he owes 500000. His parents died three years ago, if they were still alive, they would have found a way to help him. He thought of asking help from his eldest sister, she has money but she despised him, since she has been supporting his family since he got married and had children. His other siblings doesn't have any money, that he know. He thought of Lynn, his youngest sister. She just gave him money when she came back to the country, that was the capital he gambled away. But Lynn was kind, he was sure that she will take pity on him. He dialed her number but she was not answering. Never mind, maybe she's busy, he will call her tomorrow. When he was about to put his phone inside his pocket, two policemen handcuffed him.