
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · Urban
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47 Chs

Letting Go

Lynn was crying her heart out. She was witnessing her parents being burried together at the same time. She was vomitting because of too much crying.

His father who was already bed ridden, suddenly died as soon as he was told that his wife had passed away. It seems that their life were intertwined together. They breath and live for each other and as soon as one fell, the other followed.

Lynn found out that her mother called her company because she couldn't contact her. Someone told her about her being fired and terminated because of a scandal. Her mother ofcourse did not believe it and asked them to send her the pictures. And they did. She had a heart attack soon after.

Lynn's sisters and brothers did not say anything. They love Lynn as their own sister. And they believe that she was not guilty. In fact they were angry at the company.

His brother hugged her. "It's okay, we're here!"

Lynn bursted into tears. She couldn't take the pain. She then fainted.

It has been a month, since he haven't seen Lynn. Carlo would go to work, then get drunk afterwards. His parents couldn't stop him.

He was in a bar drinking his heart out.

"You don't trust her!" Jeff suddenly appeared.

Carlo stood up and was about to leave. It's the first time he saw him after the incident and he still felt like beating him up.

"Before you leave, read this first." Jeff handed him an envelop.

Carlo looked at it.

Jeff sighed. "Lynn brought me to the hospital to get me treated after you beat me up. I requested a drug test. Me and Lynn that is. She told me that she couldn't remember anything. She just remembered drinking the ladies drink that Tin gave her. And it was the same thing for me. We just woke up in that state. I don't think I will be able to do anything in that state. The test showed that both of us were drugged."

Carlo opened the envelop. Just like what Jeff said, they were drugged, it was similar drugs.

He got sober immediately and drove to Lynn's place as soon as possible. He knocked on the door, but no one's answering. He took his phone out, but he remembered that he has her phone.

"Sir, that place is empty." The lady on the next door.

"What? Where's the two ladies that lives her?" He was shocked to hear that.

"They left a week ago. I heard they are going abroad." The lady answered.

"Thanks." Carlo murmured.

"I heard Lynn needed to move out because she lost her job, and her parents also passed away. So, she has no reason to stay here." The lady added.

"What?" Carlo gasped. What loose her job? He thought all this time, she was working and dating Jeff. And her parents? What happened to them?

"Sorry, I just heard it from the guard." The lady said and left.

Carlo went to the lobby and spoke with the guard. The guard did confirmed what happened about loosing her job and her parents death.

Carlo called the HR manager.

"Sir hello?" The manager sounded like he just woke up.

"Why was Lynn terminated?" He asked furiously.

The manager suddenly got nervous. "Well sir because of the scandal. It was against the company policy."

"Who asked you to fire her!" He shouted then hung up.

He checked his contacts, and started calling the people who might know where Lynn was. He called Ella, but she said that she didn't know where Lynn was. He remembered that Lynn was closed with M and Jackie. But he didn't have their number. He called the HR manager. "Find the number of Monica and Jackie now!" Then hung up.

After a few minutes, he got a text with their phone number.

He called them but they both said that the last time they saw her was when she was terminated.

Carlo sped up his car on his way back to the office.

He went to the security office and checked the CCTV. He saw Lynn on that day, looking pale and weak, then people around murmuring. Then he saw her after a while entering the HR office, then went out being escorted by two guards. His heart was broken with the way she was treated.

He went home, went straight to his room. Took out her phone, he called Janey using it.

"Hello! Why do you have my phone? Who are you?"

Carlo immediately recognize Lynn's voice. "Babe, I'm sorry."

Silence followed his statement.

"Babe? Can you hear me?" Carlo checked if the call got disconnected. It didn't but Lynn wasn't answering.

"Please babe give me a chance. I was wrong." He pleaded.

Lynn disconnected the call.

Carlo dialed Janey's number but it was swithched off. He lost his only connection to her. And he felt helpless. He punched on the wall until his knuckles bled.

Lynn on the other hand looked out the window. She no longer have any tears to shed. She decided to let go of him. She will move on, she will forget him and all the pain he had caused her.

Margaret smelled alcohol as soon as she entered Carlo's room. There were empty cans of beers on the floor. Then she saw blood stains. She got nervous. She saw Carlo lying on his stomach, she started checking if he was breathing, he was. Then she saw his knuckles with dry blood. It both has ugly wounds.

She asked the maid to bring a first aid kit and started cleaning her son's wound. If she had known that he will end up this way, she wouldn't helped Tin.

Margaret sighed, she dialed Lynn's number. It rang but did not answer.

Carlo woke up, he smiled, he can smell the fruity scent of Lynn's hair. He tried to reached out for her hair but he can't seems to find it. He snapped his eyes open. He remembered that Lynn isn't there. The familiar pain in his heart started to hurt.

He stood up, took a shower. Someone bandaged his hands. It might be his mum. He went out all ready to go to work.

"Carlo have breakfast first." His mum called him.

"I'm not hungry." Then he left without looking back.

He drove to Lynn's apartment hoping to get any information. He paid the guard to call him if Lynn showed up. But so far, he did not get any good news.

He went to work, shouting at everyone. He refused to see Tin. And the employees were already afraid of him.

"Get out. I said I don't want to see anyone." Carlo shouted.

"You will not be able to find her in that state." Mr. Chen said.

Carlo looked up but did not say anything.

Mr. Chen sat down. "You have the money, the power, and it's a small world. How difficult could it be to find her? Money can do anything you know."

Carlo thought for a minute. He's father was right. He can use money to find her.

"Now can we eat! Starving yourself won't help. You'll just get sick and you think she will come back to a drunkard?" Mr. Chen pointed out.

Carlo stood up. "Let's go!"

Mr. Chen smiled.

Carlo hired a private investigator to find out Lynn's where about. He didn't know where her province was, he wanted to go there and meet her parents but Lynn keeps on delaying it. Now, he needs to find where her home town is, then he should be able to find her.

After two days, the investigator provided him Lynn's address. He got ready to travel there. Lynn's hometown was just an hour thru plane, 8 hours if by bus. Carlo got off the airport, someone from the company picked him up. They actually started setting up a site in Lynn's home town.

After 30 minutes from the airport, he reached her house. It was an average looking house, he knocked on the door. A young girl came out. "Yes?"

"I'm looking for Lynn." Carlo said nervously.

"She's not here, she left a week ago." The little girl answered.

"Who are you? Why are you looking for my sister?" A middle aged woman asked.

Carlo turn around, and saw a fat lady in her 40's.

"Hi, I 'm looking for Lynn. My name is Carlo, we work in the same company." Carlo smiled.

"My sister is no longer here. And what do you need from her. Don't you think you've cause her enough pain." The lady said angrily.

"You misunderstand, I'm not just her co-worker. I'm also her fiancee." Carlo explained.

The lady looked at him from head to toe. Lynn never mentioned that she have a fiancee, and if he was, why didn't he protect her. Her sister specifically told them not to give out any information about her where abouts to anyone.

Sonie scoff in reaction. "Leave, Lynn never had a fiancee that we know. She's no longer here, she went far, where you cruel people won'tbe able to follow. Leave her alone, you already cause the death of our parents, who else do you want to die?"

Carlo was surprised. What is she talking about? "Sorry but what do you mean by that?"

"Hah, I thought you're her fiancee. How come you don't know anything. Leave! or I'll call the police."

Carlo felt helpless, he left but he intended to come back at another time.