
Ms. Shy and Mr. Possessive

Lynn was forced by Carlo to love him. When she fell for him, he hurt her. How can you love someone who causes you to loose everything.

jozzy · Urban
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47 Chs

He's Back

It's theme day! The team decided to do a Beauty and the Beast theme. The men will wear Beast, the ladies will wear Bell. They decorated their stations with candles, clock and roses.

Other teams selected their own corresponding anime theme, some opted for Frozen, one team did Cinderella, others Snow White. The whole department looks magical and alive because of the decorations and costumes.

People were busy applying make-ups and wearing their respective costumes.

Their account director Jojo, was wearing a skeleton outfit, he said that he was portraying Scooby Doo, without the dog.

Lynn and Ella rented a yellow gown. They applied a simple make up, and brought one rose each. They still needed to work, while their manager were preparing food. Each of the team will be given ten minutes to present, and show case their customes and theme. The most realistic and impressive will be given a cash prize, and can be used up for their team building.

Lynn has been scratching, she felt a little itchy, she was not sure if its the gown, make up or the silver dust splashed everywhere.

When Lynn's team were called, they were instructed to log-out, then their team presented Beauty and the Beast, they were represented by Chyx and Bob. The two danced in the made up stage, at the middle of the floor. Then, the beast took off his beasty mask and turned into a handsome prince. The rest of the team threw petals of roses to them. Finally, their presentation were done. Lynn took a breath, it was a little fun, she thought.

While they were on the way back to their stations, to make way for the next team, Chyx purposedly stepped on Lynn's gown. She was wearing a yellow tube gown. Because of the force Chyx applied, Lynn stumbled and fell. She was wearing heels and she was not good at it.

She heard people laughing, she felt a little dizzy and painful, she was not sure where the pain was coming from. She wanted the earth to swallow her whole, she hated being the center of attention, the more an embarassing attention. Her face was on fire, she was finding the strength to stand up but she failed and yet stumbled again, her ankle seems to hurt a lot. Now, what will she do, her tears started falling. She don't usually cry but it was mixed of embarassment and pain.

When she tried again, she was surprised when she was lifted in the air. Someone was carrying her, she burried her face on the chest of whoever it was carrying her, she was embarassed to show her face. Whoever it was, she was saved and she was thankful.

She can smell the manly cologne from the guy who was carrying him. She opened her eyes, it seems that the guy was carrying her somewhere far. Now she was alarmed, where was he taking her. She raised her head and look at the face of his savior.

She was surprised to see the famiiar face, the brown eyes, and the sweet smile.

"Carlo!", she murmured.

"Hi babe, long time no see. Did you miss me?", he said confidently while winking at her.

Lynn was surprised, she didn't thought, he's back, she heard that he's abroad. "You can put me down, I'm fine now."

Carlo just smiled and did not respond. Lynn was such a small woman, but why was she heavy?

He smiled in that new discovery about her.

Lynn struggled, trying to be set free from Carlo's arms.

"Stop moving, do you want to fall,", Carlo said.

"Why are you so heavy?", he murmured under his breath.

Lynn upon hearing his words, became more determined to get down. "Let me go if I'm heavy!"

Carlo started laughing, he headed to the clinic, and put Lynn on the bed.

"What happened?", the attending doctor asked.

"I think she strained her foot.", Carlo said.

While the doctor was checking Lynn's foot, Carlo noticed some bruised on her elbow and lower arm.

"Checked her elbow and arms as well, there are bruises.", he demanded the doctor.

The doctor nodded.

While the doctor was checking Lynn, Carlo made a call.

Lynn was looking at him from a distance, he looked tired but handsome. Her heart seems to be having a party right now. She did not expect to see him right now. She was embarassed to face everyone, but Carlo saved him. In fact she noticed how the laughter stopped when Carlo showed up. She guessed that's the benefit of being the son's owner.

The doctor sprayed something on her ankle and applied some ointment on her bruises.

"There you go, just rest it, and you will be fine in a few days.", the doctor said.

Lynn stood up. She felt only little pain on her ankle, the spray was effective, she thought. While she was checking on the level of pain of her ankle, she suddenly felt herself being lifted in the air.

"Carlo let me down, I'm fine now, I can walk on my own.", Lynn protested.

Carlo ignored Lynn and headed out the clinic. He went inside the elevator, it was empty since it was working hours. He pushed underground, then proceeded to his truck. He let go of Lynn, opened his truck door, then lifted Lynn again, and positioned her in the passenger seat.

He went to the driver seat, and put on his seatbelt after making sure that Lynn was buckled up properly.

"Wait, where are you taking me, I still have to work!", Lynn blurted out.

"I've already asked a leave for you!", he stated.

"What? When?", Lynn was feeling confused.

"I already called your director, you heard the doctor, you need a rest!", he said.

"It's just a sprain and a bruise! Common, I'm fine!", she protested.

Carlo looked at her, then back on the road. "You look so pretty today, if you don't stop talking, I will kiss you!"

Lynn's nose wrinkled, kiss? What kiss?

"Are you nuts!", she shouted.

Carlo looked at her. Suddenly parked at the side of the road. Took off his seat belt, caught Lynn's face with his two palms, and touch her lips with his lips.

Lynn's eyes widened, she was shocked. She has seen hundred of kissing scenes in dramas. But was never really kissed before, well she never had a boyfriend.

Carlo released her after few seconds. He looked at her in the eyes. He can see the surprised look in her eyes. He can't blame her if she gets angry, he just found her very beautiful, the moment he saw her walking wearing that hug fitting gown. After almost a month of not seeing her, he was surprised to see her all dressed up. He wanted to hugged and kissed her right there and then, but ofcourse he couldn't. But now that they were in the car, he was not able to control himself. He knew that he didn't have the right yet. But he was derermine to claim that right, and now that he was back, there was no stopping him.

He put on his seat belt and started driving again. Lynn on the other hand, did not utter a word. She was busy replaying the moment when Carlo kissed her. She was wondering if she looked alright when he kissed her, how was her breath, she just drank coffee. Oh men! She got plenty of things playing in her head, she did not noticed where Carlo took her.

Chyx was asked to logged-out and report to the HR department. She was asked to watched a video, it was when she intentionally stepped on Lynn's gown, which caused her to stumble and fall.

"Uh, I'm sorry, I was just kidding. I will apologized to Lynn. I'm sure she will forgive me.", Chyx pleaded.

"Maybe she will, but Chyx, it is very clear in our company policy that bullying is strictly prohibited. The more in this case, someone was hurt.", the HR manager stated.

"You are immediately dismissed as per company policy, that first offense would result in termination. All of the employees, including you signed a document about it. Unfortunately, it seems that you have forgotten all about it.", the HR manager continued.

"Please sir, can I just be suspended, it was my first offense after all.", Chyx pleaded.

The HR manager shooked his head, "Unfortunately you commited a direct violation of our company policy, I'm sorry."

Chyx felt her tears falling. It was all Lynn's fault.

The HR manager actually thought that termination was pretty heavy of a punishment, maybe suspension would do. Specially since Chyx has been with the company for three years, and they do need more employees with the same position as Chyx. And besides bullying is normal in a big company like theirs, and most of the cases were not really terminated, at most they will be suspended. But it was an order from the higher ups. He would not be able to do anything about it.