
Mrs Damefeild

Sebastian, Alex, Greta, Auriela, Iris, Apollo, Julius, Hamilton, Jason, Mila, Ophelia, Arthur and Gia all lived normal lives before they were brought into the world of the supernaturals. They were employed by the never before seen immortal Hanbity through the help of his right hand Alan, with the task of finding Octavius Grimoire which was split into four parts about a 100 years ago. They were enrolled in his school far way from civilization called HMA(Hanbity's Montessori Academy). As they embarked on this dangerous journey they were faced with many trials and tribulations, love, betrayal, tragedy. They also faced supernaturals; failed projects created by hanbity even stronger than them, including Hanbitys supposedly dead daughter who was reincarnated into the body of Avia, Alex friend. Will the thirteen supernaturals find the grimoire successfully? Will they discontinue the search when they find out that they are mortal supernaturals not immortal? Or will they learn the secrets of the immortal Hanbity and turn against him.

wild_dreamer17 · Fantasy
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13 Chs


"When you choose an action, you choose the consequences of that action. We are free to choose our paths, but we can't choose the consequences that comes with them" Jason read with his legs up the sofa to Arthur,

"all these books on decision makings when these guys are the ones making the decisions for us." Jason said.

"Oh here's another one. We all make choices, but in the end our choices makes us."

"What a f**king loser" Jason added while they both laughed.

"How about... Ouu this one looks good, waiting hurts" Auriela said with a smile on her face. Jason confused sits upright, "are you talking to me or Arthur?"

" Gia told me You were staring at me throughout yesterday's tour, well before the whole you know." Auriela said

"First off, yesterday was really funny, second, was I really staring at you?" Jason asked with a huge smirk on his face.

"You really don't have to be a scumbag everytime Jason" Apollo stressed.

"Ayo, watch your mouth Apollo. No one was talking to you." Jason retorted.

"Just saying, stop being disrespectful and talk to her nicely" Apollo said

"Who the f**k was being disrespectful to Arianna." Jason sounded already angry and annoyed.

"You don't even know her name" Apollo shook his head and chuckled shortly.

"I don't need that information for me to know that your sorry a*s likes aurora." Jason said surprised. He and Arthur bursts out of laughter, while Auriela stood there watching and looking at Apollo.

"Here's another one, You can't make decisions based on fear and the possibilities of what might happen." Apollo said this and left.

Auriela threw some books on the desk at Jason and Arthur, "scum bags! Both of you" as she left.


In Alan's office he sat back relaxed talking to a girl. Sebastian knocks on the door and opens it, "you asked for me?" He said sticking his head through the door.

"Yes of course. This is Ophelia the 13th student of HMA." He said wearing a happy face

Ophelia had blonde hair, with blue eyes and captivating facials. She gave a short mild wave to Sebastian smiling.

"Sebastian, would you be kind enough as to guide her through the rule books, and the beautiful parts of HMA" Alan asked him nicely.

"Sure...." Sebastian said, wearing a fake smile. They both were about to leave Alan's office when he called them back and said,

"Tonight, we shall have a proper training ground session, now that we are complete. Do well to tell the others Sebastian. Thank you."


Everyone was gathered at the dinning room, sitted. There were many scrumptious delicacies surrounded on the table. The rule says do not eat until the table is complete, so while they waited for the table to be complete they were all chatting indistinctively.

"I heard the new students coming today." Apollo said to Greta. Greta looked rather unconcerned as she was watching out for something.

"Yeah yeah yeah.. could you do me a favor, when Jason comes in tell me." Greta said, while she continues to watch out.

"Okay where the hell is everyone?" Julius said already boiling up. He got the attention of everyone because of his loud nature. Nine of them were at the table. Sebastian, Ophelia, Jason and Arthur weren't present at the table.

After a short while Jason and Arthur walks into the room.

"Yo, why are the curtains almost everywhere closed?" Jason asked everyone sitted on the table concerned. They all shrugged. Then Greta said, "it's sunny outside." With a huge smirk on her face. The curtains in the dinning room were also closed too. Not too long Sebastian and Ophelia came into the room, Sebastian asked the same question Jason asked. Greta wore an even bigger smirk on her face. She had planned out her revenge against Jason, for what he did to her at the training ground. Everyone stared at Ophelia astonished and bewildered by her beauty.

"Everyone, this is Ophelia. The last of us." Sebastian said. She gave them a warm smile and waved at them. Then she turned to Sebastian and smiled at him.

Jason had a long lustful stare at Ophelia. Greta knew that Jason would want to hit Ophelia so she grabbed Ophelia by the hands softly and gave her a sit opposite where Jason sat, she knew he would regret that the new girl saw what was about to happen to him, and what better way to get her revenge.

"Sit here, the views better." Greta said to Ophelia with a smile. Jason smirked thinking Greta meant he was a better view to Ophelia.

"Nice to meet you Odilia." Aurelia said stretching her hands for a shake.

"Ophelia...." Ophelia corrected Auriela, as they shook hands.

"My bad," Auriela said faking a smile. She removed her hands from Ophelia's and dusted it off on her blazers. Gia whispered into Aurelia's ears "you don't like her already? Right"

"I had to put up with Mila now this... " Auriela mumbled in annoyance. Julius was already running out of patience. "Welcome to HMA Ophelia, now can we eat!!" He said holding his fork and spoon. They all laughed and Sebastian already sitted next to Iris said, "yes we shall." As they were eating Sebastian couldn't keep his eyes off Iris, she too couldn't keep his eyes off him, they'll both look at themselves, and when their eyes catch each other's they'll pretend like they were never staring at themselves. Sebastian finally stopped pretending, he slipped a note under her glass cup, she carefully carried her cup up to pull the note, which read; "after our class tonight, meet me at the pool. I've got something to show you, I know it's getting worse." Iris immediately squeezed the paper and put it in her blazers pocket.

Jason was happy that Ophelia was seated opposite him thanks to Greta, he felt apologetic and said something he rarely says.

"Hey, G, I'm sorry about yesterday. What I did was very wrong, those breasts though...." she gave him a strong look in discernment. "My bad, what I meant to say was it would have been more fun if it were Apollo. So .. I'm sorry"

Greta was shocked and appalled. She couldn't believe her ears. Jason rarely apologized. He was a gremlin. Known for their mischievousness and many dubious acts. She felt a change of heart and the need to tell him what she had planned for him. Unknowingly to Mila she stands up to open the curtain, "why are we eating with the curtains closed?"

"Yeah, open it" Jason added. Greta knowing how the event would turn out screamed NO. They were all amazed as to why she'll scream like that, "it's just a curtain" Mila said as she dragged a rope and all the curtains in the room went up, the windows were open. It was bright and sunny, as soon as the curtains were raised, Jason started screaming, screaming in agonizing pain, Hamilton was surprised why the sun would affect Jason and not him , they were all panicking. Auriela almost in tears, asking Mila continuously what was going on. Ophelia on the other hand was as helpless as the rest, Arthur tried doing some magic but to avail. The whole room was filled with tension. Jason continued screaming, his skin began to melt, "close the curtains!!!" Greta yelled. Mila quickly dragged the rope again and all the curtains went down, Hamilton then reached into his pockets and injects Jason with genetic sunblock, who passed out immediately. The gremlins inject themselves daily with genetic sunblocks, the main weakness they share is the sun, the genetic sunblock enables them to walk under the sun freely.

"Would he be alright?" Auriela asked Hamilton.

"Yeah, of course" Hamilton assured Auriela. One could tell by the look on his face that Hamilton was worried. He feared that he could be next.

" I'll take him to his room, so he could rest before our training session begins tonight." Sebastian said.

"Tonight?" Auriela asked. "Would he be alright by then?" She turned to Hamilton.

"I'm sure he would" Hamilton said.

"Wow, my first day and calamities decides to reign upon us" Ophelia said wearing a concerned look.

"It doesn't happen often" Iris said to her trying to give her a glim of hope, as she pats her on the shoulder, then leaves for the waste bin to throw the piece of paper she squeezed earlier from Sebastian.

Julius sat on the dinning chair, eating, the remaining people in the room gave him a long stare, "the foods not gonna eat itself." He said, as he continued eating.

Meanwhile Auriela rushes after Sebastian, who was carrying Jason to his room, "hey, Sebastian, do you think someone did this?" She said with confidence.

"I don't think someone would stoop so low, he almost died" Sebastian said assuring Auriela that no one was behind it. They both approached Jason's room, Sebastian asked Auriela to help him with the door, Auriela turned on the light, then he laid Jason on his bed. "Okay, Sebastian think about this, Hamilton and Jason are both Gremlins, if the sun affected Jason don't you think it should have also affected Hamilton?" Auriela stressed.

"Okay, Auriella what are you suggesting, that one of us had something to do with all this."

"Exactly, smartie pants." Auriela said with a short smile on her face.

"Would you help me find out who did this?" Auriela asked Sebastian. She sounded like someone who was so sure she knew what had happened.

"One thing I hate are false accusations, I would know that because... Never mind. Just remember, don't start what you can't finish." Sebastian warned her.

"who do you have in mind?" Sebastian asked. Auriela gave him a long stare in the eye acting like she had no idea as to who was behind this. She knew exactly who did this, but she kept it to herself. "I have no idea, like you said, who'd stoop so low." Auriela knew what she had to do. And she knew had to do it well in order to avoid being caught.