
Mrs Damefeild

Sebastian, Alex, Greta, Auriela, Iris, Apollo, Julius, Hamilton, Jason, Mila, Ophelia, Arthur and Gia all lived normal lives before they were brought into the world of the supernaturals. They were employed by the never before seen immortal Hanbity through the help of his right hand Alan, with the task of finding Octavius Grimoire which was split into four parts about a 100 years ago. They were enrolled in his school far way from civilization called HMA(Hanbity's Montessori Academy). As they embarked on this dangerous journey they were faced with many trials and tribulations, love, betrayal, tragedy. They also faced supernaturals; failed projects created by hanbity even stronger than them, including Hanbitys supposedly dead daughter who was reincarnated into the body of Avia, Alex friend. Will the thirteen supernaturals find the grimoire successfully? Will they discontinue the search when they find out that they are mortal supernaturals not immortal? Or will they learn the secrets of the immortal Hanbity and turn against him.

wild_dreamer17 · Fantasy
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13 Chs



The streets was busy, filled with various people going to various places. Then there was Greta. She walked passed a woman who was carrying an expensive purse half opened. In it was a debit card and she swiped it right from the purse walking as though she had done nothing grave. Then she walks pass a man wearing what seemed to be an expensive watch, she gives him a light touch on the hand and his watch is gone. He notices it and he calls her out. Thief! He shouts and he starts chasing her. Everyone was astounded, some not knowing what was going on seeing as the place was very rowdy.

"Sorry, excuse me, pardon me" Greta says as she bumps into people in order to escape the man chasing her. She runs as fast as she can, scaling fences, climbing buildings, but the man still chased after her.

"Fuck off, it's just a watch!" She cussed

"Then give it back!"

"Don't you have somewhere to be old man" Greta said to piss him off but he was still persistent. The cause continued until the both realized they had reached the top of a building. The man had her cornered. There was no where left to go. It was either down the building which was straight death or to jump to the next building, which was also straight death. Greta wasn't ready to give up the watch. She admired a good chase. So she got ready to jump to the next building.

"You wouldn't" The man said with a clean smirk. Meanwhile Greta had her middle fingers in the air and jumped to the next building. Luckily she was successful. She laughed hard at the guy and left for a pawn shop. She dropped the watch on the counter.

"How much is this bad boy going up for?" She asked as the owner of the shop picked it up to examine it's worth. It took several minutes before he finally came up with a verdict.

"It's a fake, sorry" he said as he put it down and continued with his business.

"You've gotta be shitting me check it again?!" Greta ordered.

"Are you telling me how to run my business chica, I'm telling you it's a fake, it's design is phenomenal but it's a fake, end of story. Now get out of my shop before I call the police!" The owner retorted making her leave his shop.

"All that trouble for a fake! At least I still have the debit card" Greta lamented. She stopped by an ATM to withdraw. As she took out the card, her eyes fell on the date and quickly she noticed it was expired.

"Damn it! Can this day get any worse?!" She asked the universe. That was when he Aunt sighted her

"Greta Shapen, why are you not in school?!" Greta's Aunt lashed out in shock

"Fuck!" Greta cussed.


At the training ground, the students were all set in their training clothes. They still couldn't get over what happened at the dinning room, there were murmurs about the incident.

"How insensitive can you guys be?" Auriela asked disgusted. "He would be here any minute." She added. Soon after, Jason walked in with Hamilton looking exhausted. Auriela worried, ran up to Jason checking his temperature, touching his face and body. "Are you okay Jason?" Auriela asked with concern almost about to tear up. "I'm fine" He said worn out. Auriela whispered into his ears, "I assure you I'll find out who did this to you." and she went off to meet the others. Jason and Sebastian went to meet the others, they all wished Jason well, and gave him thier deepest condolences.

"He did not die and he cannot die" Alan reprimanded while lurking from the shadows. "You all know, of course I'll assume Ophelia doesn't have the slightest idea, that" he said as he lifted a finger up- "you are all immortal, meaning you can never die." They all reacted as though it was the first time they had heard this. Ophelia was left dumbfounded. "I don't understand, immortal?" She said perplexed.

"Welcome to HMA once again Ophelia." Alan said to Ophelia rather than entertaining further questions. "I trust you're okay Jason." Alan asked. Jason assured Alan he was fine. Alan went back to the tarp that covered the drawing board, grabbed a cane and pulled the tarp off the board. He used the cane and slapped it on the board pointing to HMA.

"H-M-A" Alan enunciated. I'm sure you've all wondered what it means, infact, I'm sure you all have thousands of questions to throw at me, however, this is why I'm here"- he took a short dramatic pause,

"In the span of five months, we managed to get all thirteen of you. I enlightened twelve of you on what you are, and how to harness what you are. I even gave some of you the essentials needed to help you defeat your greatest weakness, had various books and grimoires placed in some of your rooms, placed blood bags in some of your room to avoid some of you from sucking the other dry, though not pleasant but still I chained some of you up to prepare you for the full moon to avoid nasty incidents from happening. They say beast I say game changers, strong creatures one with little or no intellect won't comprehend, SUPERNATURALS. Vampires, Werewolves, Merfolks, Witch and Wizard, Ragors, and Gremlins, the thirteen of you are the ingredients to longevity and greatness". They all listened to him in awe.

"None of what you said explains why we are here." Alexander said.

"Hanbity Montessori Academy, school for the supernaturals." He then slaps the cane on the board which pointed to a book. The drawing board was filled with different illustrations and writings, writings both in English and latin. He further explained what the book was about,

"That is a grimoire, Arthur and Auriela are very much familiar with this I presume." Arthur and Auriela both gave a nod in affirmation.

Alan continued saying, "that book is a hundred years old. Last time it was seen was 100 years ago. It is no longer whole, it was split into four different parts by a powerful witch by the name Octavius. She cast a spell on it, never to be found. We believe nothing can never be truly lost, we believe you all can help us find the missing parts of the grimoire."

"You keep saying 'us'- Auriela said aggressively- "when it's just you, you say it's an academy, I can't see a principal, guidance and counselling unit, a teacher..." Auriela was cut short by Alan,

"Haven't I been all those to you?" Alan said. "The point is, you are all here because of that book." Alan said pointing at the book on the drawing board. They all murmured amongst themselves.

"Why now? if you couldn't find it 100 years ago what makes you think you could find it now." Sebastian asked curious.

"The real question is why us? What makes you think some bunch of teens are the key to find a book that's aged a 100 years." Iris stressed.

"I have an idea!" Julius exclaimed. They all stood keen to hear what Julius had to say.

"Have you tried using Google search?" He asked wearing a big smile. They all looked disappointed after hearing what he said.

k "I knew you were a f**king idiot from day one." Greta said indicating disappointment.

"I don't expect finding those parts to be an easy task." Alan said. He tried to change the topic immediately because the questions were getting out of control, so he turned to Ophelia and said, "I suppose you haven't had the time to go through the rules with Sebastian? Due to....."- he took a dramatic pause and said-"well, certain circumstances."

"We only took a tour round the Academy. We couldn't run them over because it was already lunchtime." Ophelia said. Before Alan continued, he cleared his throat and said,

"There are three rules governing your stay here at HMA."

"Rule no.1: Never speak about your past lives- being here means you accepted the consequences of your decision."

"Rule no.2: Do not prey on any of the students whatsoever- this is a very important rule, as such must be taken seriously, some bites maybe dangerous, it is important that we take caution."

"Rule no.3: No one should on any occasion speak about the way they were turned and why they turned- this is a very personal information. Your struggles shouldn't be brought into light, regardless of how grave it was. No one wants to be a victim of pity. It shows weakness."

Ophelia listened to everything Alan said perplexed. She couldn't understand what she put herself into.

"What if any of these rules are broken?" Ophelia asked.

"We'll find out, soon enough." Alan said. He then cleared his throat and said, "Okay it's getting late, we would talk more tomorrow. For now go get some sleep." Alan said as he exited the room. They all moved in three's, some in pairs while Auriela moved alone as they all exited the room.


Meanwhile by the pool. Iris sat on a bench waiting for Sebastian, she started to feel discomfort so she took off her blazers, she still sat on the chair waiting. Soon she got tired, she took off her clothes slowly, ravishing the moment, she was only on her bra and panties, then she dived into the pool, she swam, swam like it was the Olympics, she felt free, she was tired of hiding her bite marks and how worse they grew day by day. She was about coming out of the pool when Sebastian came.

"So.... You finally decided to show up." She asked Sebastian to pass her her clothes but he refused.

"Do you think this is a f**king joke, pass me my clothes." Iris said. Sebastian finally passed Iris her clothes, she came out of the pool using her clothes to cover her body, the she asked Sebastian to turn around and close his eyes, he did exactly what she asked him to do. When she finished dressing, she asked him to resume his former position, he did so too. Sebastian had a long stare at Iris, he used his right hands to stroke her hair, he felt pity for her,

"I know Alan said we're immortal, but it feels like I'm dying every single day." Iris said in sorrow as a drop of tear dropped down from her eyes. Sebastian grabbed her and gave her a warm tight hug, "don't talk like that." then he gave her a light kiss on her forehead. Iris did not let go of Sebastian, she held him like she was a baby. Sebastian slowly took of Iris blazers, he also unbuttoned her shirt craftily, Iris was left with her bra and skirt,

"What are you doing?" Iris asked, she wanted to resist but she had already fallen so deeply. Sebastian went closer to her ears and whispered, everything's gonna be alright soon, he slowly kissed her, she kissed him back passionately, Sebastian did not want to stop but he knew what he had to do, as Iris continued kissing him he brought out an injection filled with his blood and injected her on her arms, she immediately pulled out from Sebastian's lips and gasped for air, she then looked at her arms and looked at Sebastian almost in tears, she was slowly blacking out, almost about to fall when Sebastian caught her and took her to her room.

Jason and Arthur were talking, Arthur of course concerned about the health of his best friend made him feel like he never went through that ugly situation. Greta sighted Jason from afar and ran immediately to meet him, "I'm so sorry this happened to you " She cried out.

"It must have been nice for you to watch huh?" Jason asked Greta with spite. Greta immediately felt sad knowing fully well that it was her fault Jason almost died, she gave him a light pat on his shoulders and left for her room. As she approached her room she noticed her door was open, she began to panick, immediately she ran to her room, she couldn't believe her eyes, her room was ransacked, she started breathing heavily, then she turned around to her wardrobe, and something was written boldly in blood which read: I KNOW WHAT YOU DID. At this point she began to panick, she started crying uncontrollably, then she mumbles, I'm sorry repeatedly.