

"Who the f*ck are you!?" "Hmmm... good question, I don't really know, but what I know is YOU ARE DEAD IN 3..." *cough* "Ho..w?" "2..." *cough* "Well, that is because.." ***** The book contains 2 MCs, having the theme "reincarnated in my novel". Our MC will do anything even if it's something beyond the moral compass. The first chapters will be somewhat boring and contain a lot of info bumps, but please bear with me! Also my writing will grow progressively (I hope) Insta: the.shame1ess The cover is not mine so if you don't want me to use it, please tell me!

TheShameless · Fantasy
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25 Chs

School life (4)

I couldn't see it, at that time very well, but the Herbology Greenhouse is truly magnificent. Plant after plant, all of them different from each other, were surrounded by a tall glass dome that reflected from time to time the sunlight that was in excess. Not repeating the same mistake, I entered and chose the nearest bank from the exit.

Ahhh... the next week will surely be full...

Slowly but surely the class started to fill, and when almost all of my classmates were present, she came. Long dark hair, dark purple eyes, smooth pale skin, my target, Scarlett Madden, the daughter of Merchants Guild's Guildmaster.

Because of safety reasons, as a cover, she is Amanda Moss, the only daughter of a middle-level Merchant. Being a scientist, she dispose of a lot of funds, and to not say that she is an outcast who didn't come to classes too often. Thus as anyone can deduce, for the entire next week she would be bullied, and if her life wasn't bad enough, Scarlett is extremely stubborn, everything degenerating little by little until even her life was put in grave danger. But that doesn't matter, cuz I'm here, and I need her... to be my piggy bank.

"What are you thinking?"


"Did I disrupt you?"

Turning my head I saw that all the desks were full and that Evelyn was staying beside me waiting for a response.

"No, as a matter of fact, I should thank you"


"Yes, if you didn't talk to me, I would have stayed like that for the rest of the class"

"Really? You must daydream a lot"

"Old habits die hard"

"Ehh.. so you were like that all your life?"


"Hello everyone, I'm Ivy, a teacher assistant and I will take the class in Mrs. Harlon's place. Nice to meet all of you!"

With a smile on her place and a little shyness when she spoke, Ivy captivated the attention of the class, even more of the boys. With a voluptuous body, long dark red hair, green eyes, and pale skin, she was an almost complete copy of a character from one of my favorite comics, but that didn't really matter, cuz the main aperitive just started.

"This is a Carnivorra Acido Spriddo"

And rising her hand, she pointed at the appearing pots that contained a small red carnivore plant with blue points on it.

"While Herbology is more about theory, is very important to know how to use it in real life. That's why you will need to extract the venom from them by putting Laughing-flower powder in her mouth. And in any form do not put more or less than what I told you!"


Now, where is Scarlett? Hmmm.. not so far it seems...

"Aren't you going to start?"

"Oh, it seems that I daydreamed again..."

[Authority "Old One" has been activated]

Shall we start then...

With swift motions, I hit the plant under her "mouth", then took the envelope containing the powder with my left hand, poured the right amount of it into the Carnivorra Acido Spriddo, and finally take a vial with my right hand, and catch the flying acid.


"For someone with his head in the clouds, you are quite good"

Are you some kind of tsundere?


"What about you?"

"I couldn't get more than 75% of what you got"

"Don't be desolated, I'm sure that I got just lucky"

"Then why Alex got the same amount?"

"Well, he.."



Moving my head directly from my spot I observed how Scarlett and her colleague were filled with a blue liquid from head to toe.

Time for a charming knight situation.

Rising from my table, I jumped over it and ran toward Scarlett while activating Magic Power Armament.

"Are you okay?"

"Are the two of you okay?"

D"mn OG! Don't destroy my moment!


"Are you sure, if you want we can go to the infirmary? And don't worry you won't be a problem for me"

"Thenn yesss"

Seeing her shy reaction, I smiled, after all her personality was taken after a young version of mine, an outcast who was living in his head, not that I do better now...


"What did the doctor say?"

Seeing her getting out of the infirmary, I raised from my seat and approached her with a concerned expression.

"In a weak everything should be fine.."

"I'm glad to hear that.."

"Thank you.."

"Anyway, I think that you should go and rest"

And saying that I looked at her face filled with scars and with a smile I turned around to leave.

"Aren't you engrossed of my scares?"

"No, as a matter of fact, I've seen some even graver"

"I see..."

Turning the corner, a small smile escaped my lips and I slowly said in my mind: First part of the plan completed, proceed with the next one.


This day is surely a lucky one!

Looking down at my panel I observed all my normal skills and I couldn't help but smile.

[-Skill(s): MP Sense Lv.1; MP Control Lv.3; MP Concealment Lv.1; Dark Vision; Flames Creation Lv.1; MP Armament Lv.1; Magic Flames Control; Fear Induction; (MP Storage (10%))]

"It's a nice view to see your progression in such a short time..."


Standing on a terrace a beautiful young woman, with a trace of melancholy on her face was viewing the night sky.

"Isn't it beautiful?"

Like waiting for a response she turned her head toward her right, but no one was there.

"Would I ever see you?"

"Long time, no see..."

A calm voice suddenly pierced the silence of the night and a shadowy figure appeared out of nowhere.

"So you come to annoy me again?"

The entire atmosphere suddenly become colder and the figure was completely surrounded by icicles.

"When I did somethig like that?"


Without command, the icicles pierced the figure and exploded inside it.

"Tchh! That's not something you should do to an acquaintance, Ms. Ice Fairy!"

"I don't see you as an acquaintance, so you can go f*ck yourself!"

"Hehe, nothing to expect from you, always so cold, but unfortunately, today I come on behalf of Ms.Null"

As soon as he said that the temperature got back to normal and a serious expression took over the melancholic one.

"What does she wants?"

"Hehe, that's simple, you just need to..."

I present you cliffhanger-kun

Follow me on my insta (the.shame1ess) to see my progress in writing my novel

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