
Mr. CEO's wife is fierce and crazy

Xin Yue, a cheerful and bubbly girl, was struggling with many jobs in order to sustain herself. She was adopted into the Mu family and now she is suffering the injustices inflicted upon her by her adoptive aunt. Still, she has a positive outlook on her life and vows to leave her adoptive house and teach her vicious aunt a good lesson. In her struggling phase, she stumbles upon Lei Junshan, who is the eldest young master of the prestigious Lei family. Lei Junshan, a cold and unyielding CEO of Lei Corporation, was already engaged with Huang Ling, when Xin Yue appeared in their lives as their wedding planner. Lei Junshan felt puzzled as he failed to understand the way of dealing with a weird and fierce girl like Xin Yue. However, even though he does not really like her, the two most important people in his life thought differently. Lei Juncheng, the second young master of Lei family: Xin Yue is perfect for dealing with our cold-hearted brother. She will teach him what love is! Lei Junmo, the third young master of Lei family: I don't like Huang Ling. I want Sister Yue to be my sister-in-law. When the seeds of love finally sprouted between Lei Junshan and Xin Yue, a little bun popped out in middle. He put his little hands on his waist and shouted at Lei Junshan, "How dare you try to steal my sister? You need to fight me first!"

_Shining_Soul_001 · Urban
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279 Chs

Anger and fury

As Lei Junshan finally arrived at the girl's house, he was met with the lively sounds of a birthday celebration. Laughter and chatter spilled out onto the street, creating an atmosphere of joy and festivity. Colorful decorations adorned the entrance, signaling the merriment within.

Just as Lei Junshan approached the doorway, a group of excited kids burst out, their hands gripping slices of birthday cake with infectious delight. In their exuberance, they accidentally collided with Lei Junshan, causing the sweet cake they held to smear across his impeccably tailored clothes. The once-pristine fabric now bore the evidence of an unexpected encounter with the messy aftermath of a children's celebration.

Lei Junshan, momentarily taken aback, looked down at his stained attire, a mixture of anger and irritation crossing his face. The children did not apologize to Lei Junshan and just ran away. 

Lei Junshan spotted Mu Haoran sitting inside the house and thus said to him, "Little kid, pass me the tissue."

Mu Haoran replied, "Take it yourself."

As he did not have his crutches nearby, Mu Haoran could not walk towards Lei Junshan to hand him the tissues. 

However, Lei Junshan did not understand this. He found Mu Haoran's behavior extremely rude which angered him more. He gritted his teeth, "Don't you have any manners? Your guests have soiled my clothes and you don't even pass me a tissue? What kind of person are you?"

Mu Haoran sighed. He did not reply to any of Lei Junshan's words and repeated himself, "I told you, you can take the tissue yourself."

"Why can't you give me the tissue? Are you disabled?"

Before Mu Haoran could respond, a sudden and unexpected splash of water cascaded down onto Lei Junshan's face. The liquid, cool and uninvited, soaked through his hair and ran down his face, catching him completely off guard.

The water droplets hung in the air for a brief moment, glistening in the sunlight, as Lei Junshan instinctively wiped them from his eyes. His drenched appearance transformed the atmosphere from a tense standoff to a surreal moment of shock and surprise. The abruptness of the act left Lei Junshan momentarily speechless, his initial frustration giving way to a mixture of disbelief and discomfort.

As Lei Junshan regained his composure, he looked around to identify the source of the unexpected shower. It was then that he saw Xin Yue standing nearby with a resolute expression. She held an empty cup in her hand, the remnants of water still visible within, and her gaze met Lei Junshan's with a defiant yet determined stance.

Fury raged in Lei Junshan's heart as he walked towards Xin Yue, "Apologize!"

"Apologize my foot!" Xin Yue rebuked angrily, "Get lost from my house!"

"House?" Lei Junshan glanced at the surroundings, "You call this a house? This place is even smaller than our servant's living quarters."

"So what? What if my house is smaller than your servants' quarters?" Xin Yue was unfazed, "It would be better for you to get lost from here. Don't you understand?"

"I will leave after you apologize," Lei Junshan gritted his teeth. 

However, Xin Yue ignored Lei Junshan's words and showed him the door, "I won't apologize. You can do whatever you want.

"Now don't force me to shout. Get out!"

"Shouting? Typical low-class behavior!" Lei Junshan commented.

Xin Yue laughed sarcastically, "And calling a child disabled is upper-class behavior, right?"

"I am saying for the last time. Get out of my house!"

Lei Junshan's eyes blazed with fury because of the continuous insults from Xin Yue. In an uncharacteristic display of anger, he swept his arm across the table, knocking down the glasses of fruit juice that had been carefully arranged.

The sound of shattering glass echoed through the momentarily stunned place. The vibrant colors of the spilled fruit juices mixed with the shards of broken glass, creating a chaotic tableau that mirrored the emotional turbulence in the air.

This sound of glass shattering also awakened Chen Rui who shouted, "Who is it? Which thing broke?"

As she looked at Lei Junshan standing in her living room, she scolded Xin Yue, "A man? Have you started calling men in this house? Am I letting you live here so that you could invite men in my house?"

She then shouted at Lei Junshan, "You…how dare you break the glasses? Do you know how much they cost? It cost me thousand bucks! Do you know how much zeroes are there in a thousand bucks?"

Chen Rui felt that Xin Yue's friends must be as broke as her. Also, since she never wore branded clothes neither had she seen them, she could not identify that Lei Junshan was a rich man. 

In response to the shrill voice of Chen Rui, the already irritated Lei Junshan reached into his wallet and extracted a handful of banknotes. With a disdainful glare, he threw the money towards Chen Rui, the notes sailing through the air before fluttering to the ground like fallen leaves.

The unexpected shower of banknotes triggered a different reaction from Chen Rui. Her eyes, initially filled with anger, widened at the sight of the money scattered around her. Momentarily forgetting the broken glasses and the strained atmosphere, she bent down to collect the notes with a fervor that resembled a beggar scrambling for coins.

Lei Junshan ignored Chen Rui and said to Xin Yue before storming out of her house, "I will not forget this humiliation, nor would I let you forget it."

When will things normalize between the two?

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