
Chapter 5

Since the time Kyle turned the tables of Jason's schemes to his favor, Jason haven't made a move on our protagonist at all. Kevin also became Kyle's friend in school. Stephen on the other hand surprisingly took over a new leaf and declared himself Kyle's best friend. Kyle didn't mind it as long as he doesn't do anything stupid.

The results of the recent exam is now out as students stormed the ranking board.

"Kyle, I didn't expect you to be this smart." praised Kevin.

"You did well too."

"Next time I won't lose."

"I will be expecting that then."

Kevin is always the top student in his whole grade. He enjoys and loves studying so much to the point that it was all he's good at. The thrill he once had on competing in studying had long been gone. since there's no one who can catch up to him..

It all changed when finally got overtaken by a new student completely beating him in terms of grades. Kyle somehow took first place in his grade with Kevin coming in second. The thrill he once had lit up again as he finally found a worthy rival (in studying of course).

"I couldn't believe I improved this much. Maybe Kyle beating me up made me into a genius." said Stephen while looking at the rankings.

The former delinquent unexpectedly ranked third in the whole grade, well to the last that is. It's still a miniscule improvement as in the past he is always dead last .

'Idiot.' this was all Kyle and Kevin could think of as they look at the delighted Stephen.


Kevin is heading back home to help his father when he got pulled into a nearby alleyway. There he saw Jason Lee with some of the delinquents in school. He was so intimidated to even utter a single word.

"You've gotten full of yourself just because your always besides that Kyle Yoon huh?!" growled Jason.

"S..sunbaenim, what's going on? Why are you doing this?"

"I know I can't mess with that bastard, so I'll just have to vent it to those close to him."

"A..aren't you afraid he'll spread that recording? I'm his friend you know?"

"Ooh I'm scared."

Jason kicked Kevin in the gut causing the poor nerdy boy to grip his stomach in pain.

"If you ever tell Kyle Yoon about this, your father's little business would be no more. Let's see what's faster, your family's destruction or mine. I also heard your sister is quite the beauty herself. I'm sure you don't want anything to happen to her do you?"

Upon hearing Jason's threat, Kevin pleaded not to involve his father and sister in this. He will do anything just to keep Jason from laying his hands on his family.

Jason grinned like a maniac as he saw the horrified look on Kevin's face. He really loves it when he brings despair to people below him because it makes him feel like he's on top.

Jason has a condition not to involve Kevin's family and that is to become Jason and his gang's exclusive punching bag.

Kevin resolved himself in protecting what's important to him even at the cost of his own well-being.

The next day when he came back to school, his face was a mess and his glasses is dent and cracked. It's still a good thing that the bruises he got on his body is being covered with his clothes.

"Dude, what happened to you man? Did you get hit by a truck or somethin? Ahaha-guhg!"

Stephen joked about Kevin's face and got slapped by Kyle, again.

Kyle looked at how a mess Kevin looked right now.

"Who did this to you?"

"N-no one, I wasn't paying attention yesterday when I was walking so I tripped and hit my face on the ground."

Kevin strongly denied what happened to him and just said that it was nothing but an unfortunate accident.

Kyle knew he's lying through his teeth but didn't pursue the matter further as he just told Kevin to be careful next time.

Days continued with Kevin being a stress reliever for Jason and his lackeys. He's even running out of reasons to hide this from Kyle and his family.

Matters only got worse when Jason started going to his father's fried chicken stand. They would often go there when his father is away and Kevin is the one managing.

Those bastards would demand alcohol even though it is illegal and eat there without paying.

Furthermore, they would often stir trouble and drive customers away because it's fun for them. Kevin is almost on the verge of breaking as he couldn't handle it anymore.

One day, he finally broke. He couldn't keep up with it anymore as he thought it would be much better if he just ended his life. He resolved himself and is now on top of the school rooftop ready to jump to his death. Just as when he was about to commit suicide, someone pulled him out.

"Are you really going to give up just like this?"

"Kyle?! W..what are you doing here?"

"That's what I should be asking you, why are you trying to jump?"

"Just let me be! I'm worthless so it doesn't matter if I die!"

"What about your family, are you even using your brain? Your an honor student for f*cks sake. What do you think they'll feel if you did kill yourself? They're going to be devastated."

"B..but all I cause is problems."

With this, all the painful emotions Kevin had been locking in his heart came bursting out as he began crying.

"Nothing will be solved if you just end your life. It will only make things worse and besides you still have a bright future ahead of you so don't give up just yet. You have me as a friend so try and count on me sometimes, okay?"

Kevin was pulled back to the depths of despair by what Kyle had just said.

He will try to steel himself once again to overcome the trials that may come his way, for his family and for himself.

"Thank you, Kyle!"

"It's nothing, I'm just doing what a friend got to do."

Kevin wiped his tears and has went back to the classroom first with a newfound hope on his face.

"You may not tell me how you got to this point but I know all too well who to blame already."

It seems Kyle made Stephen observe Kevin for a few times already and knew exactly the main reason of his troubles and even to the point caused him to almost end his life.


The next day Kevin was expecting yet another beating as a daily occurence but surprisingly, Jason cannot be seen anywhere in school. As it turns out, Jason is currently at a hospital in a coma. Kevin couldn't explain the happiness he's feeling as a certain burden in his chest has somehow been lifted.

"Good morning Kevin."

"G..good morning to you too Kyle."

"I'm also here you know."

"Good morning to you too S-Stephen."

The three of them talked about what happened to Jason Lee. Kevin couldn't hide how glad he was of the news.

"I really hope he doesn't get out from his bed"

"He won't." said Kyle.

"What makes you say so?" added Stephen.

"Just a hunch really."







Earlier the night before Jason's disappearance, he's walking back home as he partied all night at a club and drank till he dropped.

"Are you enjoying yourself?"

A voice trickled Jason's ears. The drunk third year sloppily swung his arms behind him but there was no one.

"Whoes zhere?"

Jason got hit in his nape causing him to pass out on the ground.

"Sleep tight for now cause we'll have fun later when you wake up."


Still with an aching head, Jason woke up in a creepily abandoned building while being tied in a chair.

"It seems your awake now. Let's get started then."

A person walked inside the room. He's wearing a strange mask so Jason couldn't recognize the person at all.

"Who are you bastard?! Where am I answer me?!"

"That won't do Jason Lee, what you should be doing right now is beg for your life."

"Beg for my life? Bullshit! Do you know who I am, I'm Jason Lee the son of the congressman Oscar Lee!"

"I know."

"If you know, better untie me if you know what's best for you!"

The masked person walked towards Jason and crouched down to his level. He then grabbed Jason's left pinky finger and snapped it to the other side. The pain made Jason cry in pain as tears started falling out of his eyes.

"I'll break a finger each time you yell at me so keep that in mind."

Jason just shook his head violently in agreement as he doesn't want to experience having his finger broken again as the pain is so much for him to handle.

"W..who are you? Why are you doing this? Is it for money, I can give you a lot of money just let me go I promise."

"Sshhh, don't in a rush. The night is long and besides, we're just getting started."