
Mr Nobody the Last King

His life epitomizes suburban bliss in tranquil place where he lives with his beloved wife and two children. But one fateful night, a violent break-in shatters their peace, stripping them of cherished possessions and sense of security. As the family struggles to heal, he finds himself irrevocably changed. Consumed by paranoia and driven by the need to protect his family at all costs, he embarks on a dangerous path, adopting unrecognizable and often destructive behavior. His obsession and his desperate quest for redemption in a world where everything he once knew has been turned upside down. He's a man of his words and he vows to see his family back to what and how the were before the ordeal.

Nduduzo_Ncwane · Urban
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22 Chs

The Wife

Clarissa's POV

When my husband recounted the encounter with the mysterious man earlier, a flood of memories rushed through my mind, stirring up a mixture of anger and apprehension. 

I couldn't help but think back to a few individuals from my past who might dare to approach him with cryptic warnings or threats.

There were a handful of fools from my previous life who had a penchant for stirring up trouble, individuals whose vendettas and grudges ran deep. 

They were the kind of people who thrived on chaos and uncertainty, who wouldn't hesitate to manipulate or intimidate in order to achieve their own twisted goals.

I'm now considering the possibilities, a cold shiver is slightly running down my spine, the memories of past confrontations and narrow escapes are still fresh in my mind. 

I know better than anyone the lengths to which these individuals would go to assert their dominance, to instill fear and uncertainty in those around them.

But thinking what my husband is capable of, I felt a surge of protectiveness wash over me. Whatever dangers lurked in our past, I would do everything in my power to keep him and our family safe.

I'm certain that's exactly him main focus , him priority of all times. He is a man with a past and his reputation around here is completely different from the men I fell in love with.

Sometimes I find it hard to push aside the memories of the past and focus on the present, it looks like today is one of those days where I deeply dive right back into the past.

It's not always bad , trust me. I live the rush , the thrill of it all. I may have made mistakes , went out of my way , failed , cried but I wouldn't really change much.

The news about the mysterious man have already sunk in, now my mind has drifted back to a particularly dark chapter from my past – an ex who had once been a menacing presence in my life.

He was charming at first, with a magnetic personality that drew me in. But as our relationship progressed, his true nature emerged, revealing a violent and controlling side that left me living in fear. 

It wasn't long before his behavior escalated to the point where I feared for my life. I feared for everyone around me as well.

One fateful night, his anger boiled over into a fit of rage, and in a moment of sheer terror, I found myself fighting for survival. 

In the chaos that ensued, he lashed out with deadly force, leaving behind a trail of destruction in his wake.

But I refused to be his victim. With the help of law enforcement and a team of dedicated lawyers, I gathered the courage to stand up to him, to speak out against the abuse and violence that had consumed our relationship.

In the end, justice prevailed, and he was held accountable for his actions. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison for murder, his reign of terror finally brought to an end, silly me thought. 

Now looking back , I realize I was being silly. Thinking about it , 20 years is over now , he could be out and gunning for me.

As I'm reflect on that dark chapter from my past, I'm reminded of the strength and resilience that lies within each of us, the power to rise above adversity and reclaim our lives. 

And though the scars may still linger, I'm grateful for the chance to move forward, to build a brighter future for myself and my family.

The memories floods back with chilling clarity, each detail etched into my mind like a vivid scene from a nightmare.

It was supposed to be a simple night out, a chance to escape shadows of my past and embrace a promise of a new beginning. A brighter future.

But as we settled into our seats at the movie theater , a sense of unease settled over me, a nagging feeling that something was terrible wrong.

And then , in a horrifying twist of fate, my worst fears were realized. Total nightmares came to life that night.

He appeared out of nowhere. His presence like a dark cloud descending upon us. Before i could react he lunged forward with a ferocity that left me paralyzed with shock.

In the blink of an eye , the man I had dared to love lay lifeless at my feet, his blood staining the floor in a pool of crimson.

The horror of that night haunts me still, the echoes of his laughter ringing in my ears like a twisted taunt. But even in the depth of despair, i refuse to be silenced.

I will not let his actions define me, to gain me to a past filled with pain and sorrow. He will soon learn to know better if he dares to try Timothy's addiction.

I survive because I know i have a loving husband and kids. I have my family , I'm not alone , ever.

They stand with me through even the darkest of times. The scars may never heal but I'm determined to force forward.

To embrace the future with courage and resilience , to reclaim the light that was stolen from me that fateful night.

Timothy has exes that looms like a dark cloud over our lives, their lingering resentment a constant reminder of the past. 

There are three of them, each harboring a deep-seated animosity towards me that borders on obsession.

From the moment I entered his life, they made their disdain for me known, their words dripping with venom and spite. 

They see me as a threat, an intruder who has dared to step into their territory and stake a claim on what they once believed was theirs.

But I refuse to cower in the face of their hatred. I know that their animosity stems from their own insecurities and fears, their unwillingness to let go of the past and move on with their lives. 

And though their presence may cast a shadow over our relationship, I am determined not to let it define us.

With Timothy's unwavering support and love, I find the strength to rise above their petty games and manipulations. 

Together, we stand united against whatever challenges lie ahead, determined to forge our own path and build a future filled with love, trust, and mutual respect.

And though their hatred may burn bright, I take solace in the knowledge that our bond is stronger than any obstacle they could ever throw our way. 

Everyday, we grow closer, our love shining like a beacon in the darkness, guiding us through even the stormiest of seas.

There is the one who he was with for the longest of time. She once thought she was the Queen of his castle but he prefered Queen's who also possessed their own castles, hence he ended up with me.

Her name is Joyful. She exudes a false sense of happiness and charm, using her bubbly personality to mask the resentment and jealousy that brew beneath the surface. 

She is the type to manipulate situations to her advantage, always seeking to maintain control and dominance. 

Despite her outward appearance of joyfulness, she harbors a deep-seated bitterness towards anyone she perceives as a threat to her perceived happiness.

Then there the one called Angie. Angie is sharp-tongued and fiercely independent, with a fiery personality that matches her fiery red hair. 

She prides herself on her intelligence and wit, using her sharp tongue to cut down anyone who dares to challenge her. 

Though she may seem confident and self-assured on the surface, beneath her tough exterior lies a vulnerability born from past heartbreaks and betrayals. 

She views any perceived rivals with disdain, determined to prove herself superior in every way. She still think she is more suitable for Timmy because she came from a wealthy family. 

Letty is the quietest of the three, her icy demeanor masking a seething rage that simmers just beneath the surface. 

She is calculating and cunning, always plotting her next move with precision and cunning. Though she may appear demure and unassuming to those around her, those who cross her quickly learn the true extent of her wrath. 

Letty views anyone who stands in her way as a target to be eliminated, and she will stop at nothing to achieve her goals.

She is a type that wants power. She always wan to be right and she really believes that shes superior than others. 

The encounters I've had with her showed me that she things she's a goddess who is supposed to be worshiped. 

She's a bit delusional because she still thinks thay Timothy wants her because "every ex of hers cannot get over her." 

She troubles most of her exes , it's not just Timothy she's obsessed with. All three of these girls doesn't really know much about me , except that I'm "cold hearted" as they always describe me , thinking that they have me all figure out.

If any of themhas anything to do with anything we are going through , or if they are working together , their friendship will not end very well.