
Mr Nobody the Last King

His life epitomizes suburban bliss in tranquil place where he lives with his beloved wife and two children. But one fateful night, a violent break-in shatters their peace, stripping them of cherished possessions and sense of security. As the family struggles to heal, he finds himself irrevocably changed. Consumed by paranoia and driven by the need to protect his family at all costs, he embarks on a dangerous path, adopting unrecognizable and often destructive behavior. His obsession and his desperate quest for redemption in a world where everything he once knew has been turned upside down. He's a man of his words and he vows to see his family back to what and how the were before the ordeal.

Nduduzo_Ncwane · Urban
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22 Chs

The Stolen Legacy : First Step

As Clarissa and I sit together in the comfort of our living room, I recount the events of the day, the weight of my experiences pressing heavily on my mind.

"Clarissa, something strange happened today," 

I begin, my voice filled with a mixture of uncertainty and unease. 

"I had a vision... it was so vivid, like nothing I've ever experienced before."

Her brow furrows with concern as she listens intently, her eyes searching mine for answers. 

"What did you see?" 

She asks softly, her hand reaching out to rest reassuringly on mine.

I take a deep breath, trying to find the words to convey the intensity of what I witnessed. 

"It was about our family... about you," 

I explain, my voice trembling slightly. 

"I saw you in danger, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something terrible was about to happen."

Clarissa's grip tightens on my hand, her expression filled with empathy and understanding. 

"Timothy, I'm here for you. Whatever it is, we'll face it together," 

She says, her words a soothing balm to my frayed nerves.

I nod, grateful for her unwavering support. 

"Thank you,my addiction. I just needed to tell you... to let you know that I'll do whatever it takes to keep our family safe."

Her eyes meet mine with unwavering determination. 

"And I'll be right by your side every step of the way," she replies, her voice filled with a quiet strength that fills me with hope.

As we sit together in the quiet of our home, I find solace in her presence, knowing that no matter what challenges lie ahead, we'll face them together, united in our love and commitment to each other and our family.

As I recount the events of the day to Clarissa, I can't help but feel a sense of unease creeping over me once again. 

I'm contemplating whether to tell her about it or not. At times like these , I believe honesty is the best policy. 

For personal satisfaction, lemme do it. I'll still later investigate for myself. It's better to be safe than sorry. 

I care about her , if she's in some sort of trouble and afraid to talk to me , I have to try. I am her husband , I will see this through.

"There's something else," I say, my voice dropping to a hushed tone. "I encountered a strange man earlier... he approached Rori and I, talking about you."

Clarissa's eyes widen with concern, her hand tightening around mine. "What did he say?" she asks, her voice edged with worry.

"He was cryptic, to say the least," I reply, a furrow forming on my brow as I recall the encounter. "He spoke of hidden dangers and secrets that could put us in danger. It was unsettling, to say the least."

Her expression darkens as she absorbs my words, her mind undoubtedly racing with thoughts of her own. "Do you think he's someone we should be worried about?" she asks, her voice tinged with apprehension.

"I'm not sure," I admit, my own uncertainty mirrored in her eyes. "But I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to him than meets the eye. We'll need to stay vigilant, just in case."

My wife nods in agreement, her resolve firm. "We'll keep an eye out for anything suspicious," she says, her voice steady despite the underlying tension. 

"And if we need to, we'll take whatever steps necessary to protect our family."

I squeeze her hand in silent gratitude, knowing that with her by my side, we'll face whatever challenges come our way with strength and determination. 

As we sit together in the quiet of our home, I find comfort in the knowledge that no matter what lies ahead, we'll navigate it together, united in our love and commitment to each other and our family.

I just need to make sure of things. At the end of the day , if you want to get something done , you better do it yourself and take pictures.

As the conversation continues, I turn to Clarissa with a gentle yet probing look. "By the way, did you know that Aurora has a boyfriend now?" I inquire, watching her reaction carefully.

Her eyes widen in surprise, a faint smile playing at the corners of her lips. "Really? No, I had no idea," she replies, her tone filled with genuine curiosity. "Do you know anything about him?"

I shake my head, mirroring her expression of curiosity. "Not much, to be honest," I admit. "But Aurora seems to like him, and she's always been pretty good at making her own decisions."

Clarissa nods in agreement, her smile widening. "That's true. I'm glad she's found someone who makes her happy," she says, her voice warm with affection.

I can't help but feel a swell of pride at the thought of our daughter finding love, mingled with a hint of apprehension at the thought of her growing up so quickly. 

But as I look into Clarissa's eyes, I find reassurance in the knowledge that no matter what changes may come, our family will always be bound together by love and shared experiences.

"What about Aurian? Does he have a girlfriend?" My wife asks and her eyes widen in surprise at my disclosure, a mixture of amusement and curiosity evident in her expression. "You started buying him condoms at 18?" she repeats, her tone tinged with incredulity.

I nod, a faint smile playing at the corners of my lips as I recall the conversations and awkward moments that led to that decision. "Yeah, I figured it was better to be safe than sorry," 

I explain, trying to keep my tone light despite the embarrassment. "I wanted him to know that he could come to me if he ever needed anything."

Clarissa chuckles softly, shaking her head in amusement. "Well, I suppose it's better late than never," she remarks, her voice teasing. "I'm sure he appreciated the gesture, even if it was a bit... unconventional."

I grin sheepishly, feeling a flush of embarrassment creeping up my neck. "Yeah, he definitely gave me a funny look the first time I brought it up," 

I admit, a hint of laughter in my voice. "But I think he understood where I was coming from."

Clarissa nods in understanding, her eyes warm with affection. "It's all part of being a parent, I suppose," she says, her tone gentle. 

"Trying to navigate those awkward conversations and do what's best for our kids, even if it means stepping out of our comfort zones."

I smile gratefully at her words, feeling a sense of reassurance wash over me. "Thanks," I say, feeling a weight lift off my shoulders at her understanding. "I just want both of our kids to be safe and happy, no matter what."

She squeezes my hand in a gesture of solidarity, her eyes shining with warmth. "And I'm grateful to have you by my side, navigating this crazy journey of parenthood together," she replies, her voice filled with sincerity.

"Same here my addiction. Tonight we going hunting. By this time tomorrow, our family treasure will be back where it belongs."

As I update Clarissa on our plan to retrieve our stolen jewelry, her eyes widen with a mixture of concern and determination. 

"Tonight?" she repeats, her voice tinged with apprehension. "Are you sure that's a good idea? What if something goes wrong?"

I nod, understanding her reservations but feeling a sense of urgency driving me forward. "I know it's risky, but we can't afford to wait any longer," 

I reply, my voice steady despite the underlying tension. "We need to take action before whoever took our jewelry has a chance to disappear with it for good."

Clarissa nods in reluctant agreement, her expression filled with concern. "Okay, but promise me you'll be careful," she says, her voice filled with worry. "I don't want anything to happen to you."

I reach out to squeeze her hand reassuringly, my heart swelling with love and gratitude for her unwavering support. "I promise," I reply, my voice soft but determined. "I'll do whatever it takes to keep us safe, no matter what."

As we share a brief moment of quiet solidarity, I feel a sense of determination coursing through my veins. 

Tonight, we'll reclaim what's rightfully ours, and nothing will stand in our way. With Clarissa by my side, I know we can face whatever challenges lie ahead, united in our commitment to each other and our family.

Along with my kids , we'll navigate through this life thing and nothing is going to stand in our way. I worked hard for my family.

I'm not about to sit back and relax and let someone else take what belongs to my kids and the next generations.

If I'm being honest, I probably know who broke in here. And I've never met a man in my life that I'm scared of. I'm not scared of any man.

Having that said , I'm not afraid to go out there and retrieve what was taken from my home. I am not afraid to end the culprit's lives.

I'd do anything to protect my family , even if it means spilling blood. I have every right. If I lost my wife due to the drugs they fed her, no one was going to take responsibility. 

They have to be taught a lesson. They touched a wrong man and I am more than happy to teach them life lessons. Never mess with a man's family.