
Mr handsome and miss feisty P.S I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU

Everything was great for Kim na-ra , well at least good, that was until Justin lee showed up,the heir to lee corp's,and also her best friend kid brother. "don't look at me like that , what if someone comes in" Kim na-ra says with her tumbling voice giving her away "but I thought you where not affected at all,it was just one night right?", Justin replied with his face not leaving any expression,his hands in pockets,even though he was not touching her he made his eyes take all over her body not leaving a part out then he took slow and deliberate steps toward her "Justin, Justin what are you doing, Justin I am telling you now, you know my parents hate yours and there will be here anytime soon, so for your safety" but before Kim na-ra could finish her words a voice of a child interrupted them "mommy, mommy,see what I drew at school today",it was her son's voice ,running with his small legs with Justin half sister hyun-a trying to catch up to him then the door opened "Justin what are you doing here". hyun-a asked in surprised with no response from him she turns to look at what caught his attention. Justin wasn't looking at her,he was looking at the innocent boy looking at him,it was as if he was looking at his younger self "oh, no, no ,no, this can't be happening"Kim na-ra thought ___________________________________ The novel cover does not belongs to me

Cassandra_George_0312 · Urban
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then his head came down on hers their forehead and nose touching each other,the look in his eyes made her scared, for the first time,she could seeing it in a man's eyes, Justin looking at her like he was kiss starved,lips inch away from the other

at that moment the bell rang, someone was here to see Justin.

"I,,,I,,need to get the door "

Justin stammered then turned to get to who was at the door

"no,I will get it"

Kim na-ra says awkwardly

"it's probably the delivery man, besides you need to get lot of rest,go,go and sit,or rest once dinner is ready I will let you know",

Kim na-ra says finally going to open the door for the person who kept ringing the doorbell.

kim na-ra opened the door to see hyun-a at the other side of the door,hyun-a was surprised to see Kim na-ra there

"na-ra what are you doing here?",

"well, em, em "

Kim na-ra stammered but behind them Justin voice was heard

"are you going to stand outside or come in?"

"we are coming "

Kim na-ra and hyun-a but said at the same time as they both giggled like high school girls

entering the house hyun-a walked up to her brother handing over to him a bag she held which was filled with groceries but na-ra collected it instead

"give that to me, I will take that instead he is not even recovered yet",

"recovered? I don't understand by the way Justin your face looks down",

than as if ,it finally recalled to her

"oh don't tell me he is ill"

"yes lucky for him I got here on time "

na-ra responded

Justin watched them talk about him like he wasn't there,the headache was coming back and he wasn't in time for their chitchat, interrupting them

"what are you doing here"

Justin asked hyun-a , walking towards were in-su sat watching his favorite cartoon,

"in-su my big man,so the whole family is here",

hyun-a says as she gave in-su a big hug


Kim na-ra says using her elbow to hit her

"I said what are you doing here?",

Justin asks hyun-a again

"at least you could have pretend to be happy to see me, besides why can't I be here,I had to hear it from mom that you left the house,I even brought you a housewarming gift"

"you shouldn't have bothered"

Justin said this got him a hit from Kim na-ra

"Noona, don't forget I am still ill"

"that's not how to talk to your sister,I am letting this slide just because of that, just because you are ill"

"leave him, Justin isn't considerate to anyone except for you" ,

hyun-a says walking to get a seat opposite Justin

"have you given him his drugs"

she asks Kim na-ra

"yes I have ,but by the way Justin you need to make sure you take the whole dosage "

kim na-ra says then with the help of hyun-a set the table for dinner, finally the four of them, Justin,in-su ,hyun-a and Kim na-ra all sat down for dinner, though Justin claims to be better now he still looks weak

after dinner has been served both Justin and in-su began to pick out the carrots in their meals,

hyun-a lightly elbows Kim na-ra to look at Justin and in-su as they pick on the carrots,then wispered to kim na-ra

"look at them like father, like son"

"in-su how many times have I told you that carrots is very good for your health"

as she says this she raised her eyes to stare at Justin who quickly looked away.

"but mummy I don't like it in my food",

in-su says in that childish voice of his,

"and you ",

she says to Justin

"you were helping him pick the carrots out" pretending to be hurt, you both are not tough at all Kim na-ra says childishly

"okay fine",

Justin then looks at in-su

"listen big man,let's show mom that we are tougher than she thinks"

in-su and Justin looks at the food at the same time them began to eat, taking it with the carrots,the look in their faces could not be more worth it which brought laughter from both hyun-a and Kim na-ra , making it echo around the house,

"okay fine you win, just eat your food you don't have to eat the carrots",

says Kim na-ra

"yes you are right the way they look, like we were asking them to eat poison"

with this they all laughed

after clearing the table Justin offer to help but his offer was declined

"Justin go and get some rest let na-ra and I clean up"

hyun-a says as she drags Justin out of the kitchen, though Justin was the neat type he left the kitchen to them.

while washing the dishes hyun-a elbowed na-ra


"nothing "

hyun-a says then after a few minutes she turns toward Kim na-ra who was still arranging the already cleaned dishes

"na-ra how is mr doctor?"


"don't play dumb with me, your handsome doctor" hyun-a says teasingly

"well his name is bong-ju ",

she corrected hyun-a knowing that hyun-a was just joking around

"so what about him" na-ra questions hyun-a

"have you finally replied his proposal, don't forget you said you would accept his proposal once he comes back from the two days program he attended"

with this na-ra took a deep breath,

"I don't know"

"am not telling you to do anything I am just letting you know,he told me he is going to invite you to a surprise romantic dinner in two days time which he wants to know what your answer will be, you said you will accept his proposal on the 7th one and that will make it the 7th time, and by the way I am helping plan it, just wanted you to be aware",

hyun-a says giving Kim na-ra a big smile which she smiled back

"thanks for letting me know" ,

Kim na-ra phone then began to ring it was from bong-ju which hyun-a left her to receive the call.

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