
Mr handsome and miss feisty P.S I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU

Everything was great for Kim na-ra , well at least good, that was until Justin lee showed up,the heir to lee corp's,and also her best friend kid brother. "don't look at me like that , what if someone comes in" Kim na-ra says with her tumbling voice giving her away "but I thought you where not affected at all,it was just one night right?", Justin replied with his face not leaving any expression,his hands in pockets,even though he was not touching her he made his eyes take all over her body not leaving a part out then he took slow and deliberate steps toward her "Justin, Justin what are you doing, Justin I am telling you now, you know my parents hate yours and there will be here anytime soon, so for your safety" but before Kim na-ra could finish her words a voice of a child interrupted them "mommy, mommy,see what I drew at school today",it was her son's voice ,running with his small legs with Justin half sister hyun-a trying to catch up to him then the door opened "Justin what are you doing here". hyun-a asked in surprised with no response from him she turns to look at what caught his attention. Justin wasn't looking at her,he was looking at the innocent boy looking at him,it was as if he was looking at his younger self "oh, no, no ,no, this can't be happening"Kim na-ra thought ___________________________________ The novel cover does not belongs to me

Cassandra_George_0312 · Urban
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51 Chs


"ji-ho!!!!!, ji-ho!!!! come outside right now "

Kim na-ra screamed out her brother's name not caring it was at night

"what is wrong why are you shouting like that",

Mrs Kim asks her daughter

"mommy where is ji-ho,where is he?"

"how will I know where he is, it is not like I am his watch guard or am i?"

"Mom this is not time for jokes, tell me where he is right now ? "

And At that moment he walked in ,

"What is happening here, are you guys having a family time without inviting me ?"

Kim na-ra was not a big fan of family jokes especially this family of hers

"I heard You borrow money from bong-ju, is it true?"

mr Kim cut in

"why will you ask your brother such questions,he might be a loser but he has dignity"

"Of course not,Who told you such a lie ?"

ji-ho said ,

confident that bong-ju didn't say anything and at that moment he saw his girlfriend holding Kim na-ra bag

using his eyes to ask her if she was the one who rattled him out

"I didn't know you don't want her to know"

his girlfriend wispered to him but it was heard by everyone

Kim na-ra smiles careful moving towards ji-ho pregnant girlfriend out of the way, looking straight at ji-ho, not looking anywhere else with a calm voice

"I am going to say this in front of everyone, i will kill you, and once i am done I will be taken to prison but i will make sure i kill you"

"na-ra,Kim na-ra what are you doing?, this is not you?,ji-ho says as he begins to run around the place,Kim na-ra running after him all Mrs Kim attempt to protect him proved abortive,Kim na-ra had already caught up to him, pulling on his hair, hitting him hard,as he tries protecting himself.

"blood, blood,my nose is bleeding"

ji-ho screams

"mom,dad stop her",

"ahhhhh my hair"

the next day in na-ra house was so awkward,

"my dear",

Mrs Kim called out to kim na-ra on seeing her prepare to go to the she works at,

"Would you not sit down to eat a little "

her mom only calls are her my dear when they have done something wrong

"No i am not eating"

Don't behave like a child, sit down and eat at least, let my grandson eat with us ,ji-ho had a reason for doing what he did,he needed to invest in a business deal and if that deal goes through we won't have to suffer anymore"

but Kim na-ra says nothing as she continues to dress in-su

"oh see my face it is all swollen , what will I do now,no one will let me work,they will all think I was hit by a moving bus",

ji-ho plays the pity card ,with his girlfriend holding into his arm like he could not walk

"as if you where going to be collected before"

ji-ho kid sister says , giving each other the evil eye

finally stopping when she was about to leave Kim na-ra turns to her mom

"For a moment yesterday I felt that you know about this"

this Mrs Kim could not deny,diverting her eyes

and with that na-ra walks out with her son

who kept asking

"Why are we not eating at home mommy?"

"Nothing dear, your aunt hyun-a has packed a very nice lunch for us lunch for us"

Kim na-ra mind was in a turmoil moving back and forth not sure if she should ring the bell to Justin new apartment

"should I go back he wouldn't even know I was here in the first place"

"ahhh Kim na-ra,it none of your business if he misses two days at work"

finally deciding to ring the bell,the first ring,then the second and numerous calls which Justin phone rang from inside the house, getting no response she decided to call mal-chin,who told her the password to the house.

"hello, hello, Justin, Justin where are you?"

Kim na-ra calls out moving round the house,his house was like a billionaire house, the house was a storey building,she then moves up the stairs to search the rooms,at last she found Justin in the room which was well arranged it was the main room,wider than the others,which was wide enough.

running towards him

Justin, Justin, Justin

noticing his body was hot,Kim na-ra

slowly his eyes opened then he went back to sleep

Kim na-ra noticed he was having a fever , running to get a clean cloth with water, dipping the cloth into the water, squeezing it and laying it on his forehead

then she went to get him the pills which he bought and was already by his bedside,and for the first time Kim na-ra was scared,truly scared for someone other than her family.

Justin slowly opened his eyes to see a plate of porridge by his bedside and a warm cloth on his forehead wondering who it may be,it was night already, Justin who was dehydrated walked downstairs to get a cup of water when to his shock saw Kim na-ra making dinner,the house was spotlessly clean,she had done the house chores and in-su was playing with a car toy on the floor while watching T.V,and that moment Justin heart was filled with feelings that could no be expressed with words, for the first time ever he felt like he belonged somewhere and it was with them,even if it means fighting the world this promise he makes to himself

"uncle, uncle",in-su calls out to Justin hugged him and went back to watch the cartoon

hearing Justin name Kim na-ra heart skipped beat, slowly turning to look at Justin, meeting Justin at the refrigerator,

"what are you doing outside your bed ,go back to rest you are Still unwell"

"no ,I am fine, what are you doing here?"

"I came to see you of course,to know when I should bring in-su over"

Kim na-ra lied thinking Justin will make fun of her if she told him the truth

after Justin finished drinking the water,she then tip her toe laying a plam on his forehead to see if his fever had reduced

Justin was speechless, standing still, wondering how a woman could be so beautiful and breathe taken,she smelled of home,his home, slowly he brought his head closer to her,

kim na-ra felt rooted to that spot like she was on a spell ,the words coming out of her mouth feeling forced

"Justin,,,,,,,, what are you doing?"


"yes?"Kim na-ra says raising her head up to look into his eyes,at that moment she felt too small

then his head came down on hers their forehead and nose touching each other,the look in his eyes made her scared, for the first time,she could seeing it in a man's eyes, Justin looking at her like he was kiss starved,lips inch away from the other

at that moment the bell rang, someone was here to see Justin
