
Mr First love

Like the raindrops in the ocean, my love for you silently shores into a big wave…. Acacia continues writing in her book about her first love, not having a clue that this book will be on the list of bestsellers in the future. Do you think this book will reach Lucas, her first lover? And how will he react to it when he gets to know that this book was about him? Will they get back together or move on as it is? ******* note-cover is not mine

turtlesos · Teen
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13 Chs

Going home together

Ella's neck is very sensitive to touch, so when Lou's finger came in contact with her neck. Feeling all ticklish, she quickly puts her head down on the desk to hide her embarrassment.

Having misunderstood the action of Ella, Lou quickly tries to say, it was not intentional and that he was only trying to pick the flower petals when it flew from the window beside her.

After hearing Lou's explanation, Ella did not probe further nor gave any answer to his apologies.

[back to reality]

"Phew... I never thought writing a novel will be this hard-working." Acacia stretch her arms as she sat on the chair.

She looks at the time and notices there's still some time for Rudy and Rosie to return from work. So she decides to go to the grocery since the fridge is almost out of food.

Acacia dresses into simple outwear clothes and leaves for the food mart, taking the bus stop.

Getting all the necessities and extra snacks to munch on, Acacia steps out of the bus and strolls back to her home.

On her way back home, she meets Henry Mason, Lucas's best friend from high school.

"Hey Acacia, long time no see. How have you been?", greets Henry.

Acacia feels a sudden burst of being overwhelmed by the past and tries her best not to show it on the surface, which did not go unnoticed by Henry.

"Hello Henry, I'm doing fine as always. I hope you do the same." Acacia tries to fend off Henry with short replies.

Henry looks at the things she's carrying in her hand, which must be heavy to carry by a woman alone." Do you mind if I help you to carry your things? I have no ulterior moves, just so you know I'm from this neighbourhood" he says with a chuckle.

Having no way out with Henry being kind and friendly after all these years. Acacia took his offer to help her carry the things she bought from the food mart.

While walking home together, Acacia gets to know that Henry's home is near the convenience store in this neighbourhood.

"Thank you for the help. Henry."

Acacia puts on a smile and took the things back to her hands as they reached home.

"No problem at all." Having said that, Henry goes on his way and mutters a line while looking back to Acacia's figure going inside the house.

"Why can't I be him?"

As soon as she reached home, Acacia starts to prepare dinner for the three of them and even made a dessert to eat after dinner.

By the time she was done cooking, Rudy and Rosie come back home together, with Rudy whining about how her managers gave them work one after another on the first day of her job.

Acacia tells them how she met Henry this evening after returning from grocery shopping and that he stays in the same neighbourhood as them.

After a little chatting, the three of them returned to their room since they have works to do tomorrow.

Rudy and Rosie share a room together since the room is bigger than the one Acacia is staying.

While sleeping on the bed, Rudy asks Rosie with concern written on her face.

"Does Acacia still don't know about Henry having feelings for her?"