
Mr Blake's Contracted Wife

“Boss please forgive me I didn't know she was special to you sir” said the guard leader in a shaky voice . But other person said but just made a signal with two fingers and a gun shot sound filled the once silent street. Will Layla be able to find the peace and happiness she always wanted or will she be forced to go back to the suffering of living with her aunt. Find out in this thrilling story of Mr Blake's Contracted Wife .

Anu_ayo · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Upset Layla

Later in the day when Nathan got back from work he was already stressed out he wanted to do was shower,and cuddle next to her . Damon it he didn't even know her name he will ask his aunt if she knows anything about her . As he walked into the house he heard laughters and faint giggles coming from the kitchen at a point he heard his aunt's voice then he thought someone said something In a low tone then everyone burst into another roar of laughter even Fred that was setting the dinning area was laughing and maids that left the kitchen where also laughing.

Then he thought of going to shower then come back down to check what was going on as he turned around he heard a familiar laughter followed by his aunt and another melodious laugh .With that he knew his aunt was with David but who was the other person he wondered and his feets carried him towards the kitchen .

He went in and found his best friend pouring wine into three glasses his aunt thanked him then he settled down and spoke "Jeez Layla, how could you do that to your poor aunt I'm very sure she looked like a tomato sauce." he said chuckling and that's when he noticed her how come she wasn't asleep and he referred to her as Layla was that her name it was as beautiful as her eyes before she could even talk his aunt called his name ."Nathan darling come join us, Layla here was telling us her experience with her aunt's family and I won't lie when I say it's kind of hilarious." his aunt said

He looked around and when his eyes locked with hers she smiled and it reached her eyes he noticed she was flushed he wasn't sure if it was the effect of the alcohol or..."Good evening Nathan .How was your day " she interrupted his thought. He darted his eyes from her to the glass in her hand and when he looked at her he was sure she was blushing what was going in her head . "It was stressing,thank you and you are you ok" he asked back

And she nodded her head then he excused himself and went to shower. After Nathan left David noticed Layla became shy and conscious all of a sudden and he wondered what was with the change of emotions. Clara noticed the change in the atmosphere around Layla when Nathan came and left but didn't say a thing. Layla on the other hand was scolding herself for losing grip she was sure Nathan saw her blush and what was wrong with her asking after him like she was his wife. She immediately told herself to be cautious about how she acts and relates with Nathan.

Not long after Fred entered and informed them that the dinning was ready they all went there and had light talks while waiting for Nathan .When he got down stairs he went straight to the dinning to meet his favourite people having light talks among each other he sat at the head of the table ,his aunt and David sat at his right and left respectively while Layla sat beside his aunt .She acted different to how he had seen her earlier in the kitchen. "Lets begin " he said then prayed and then they started digging in. They had light talks among themselves as they ate and David had to ask "Layla ,I have been thinking about this and I hope Nathan her here won't have a problem with it also but will you like attend the same school as my sister " he continued not before looking at her expression and Nathan's he knew aunt won't have a problem with it " well I mean she could become you first friend and don't worry she isn't a critic and she is fire cracker and I trust her not to do anything stupid " he said emphasising on the last condition .

Layla was happy someone asked her about this she immediately bobbed her head quickly smiling like a child that had been giving candy and that made David smile and he looked at Nathan asking if he had any opposition .Layla looked towards Nathan and she saw his jaw clench was he angry why did she do something wrong her smile went down and tears welled up in her eyes she thought she will be free from people trying to control her like she is a new born .She quickly dropped her cutlries and before any of them could know what was happening she had already left the dinning and was up the stairs she ran until she got to her room well not only hers but she and Nathan's room. She locked door immediately she entered so that know one would disturb her she didn't feel like seeing anyone or eating all she wanted was to cry her eyes out.

In the dinning ,Clara looked at both boys with a concerned gaze she saw Nathan shooting David daggers and the latter had an apologetic look " did I hurt her I didn't mean to, but what went wrong she seemed happy when I asked her about schooling so what went wrong ?" he asked aloud and no one said anything a few minutes later Clara got up with the excuse of retiring for the night the boys bid her good night and after that she made her way to Nathan's room when she got there she noticed the door was locked she knocked but got no answer she knocked twice and at the third she heard someone sniff she didn't know David and Nathan were in the hall lway watching .

When Layla heard a knock she didn't respond the person knocked twice and after the third knock she yelled " I thought I told you to go away just leave me alone I want to fucking be alone and don't dare try telling Nathan or mom or else you will be skinned." she said oblivious of who we at the door not until she heard someone sigh and speak she was surprised her mom was there " Honey I don't know what is wrong but I will love it if you can tell me what is going on " Clara said in a croaky voice she had tears in her eyes it hurt her that Layla was upset about something and she couldn't help" But if you want to be left alone I will also give you time to clear your head and for that you should make use of the balcony in the room .

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