
Mr Blake's Contracted Wife

“Boss please forgive me I didn't know she was special to you sir” said the guard leader in a shaky voice . But other person said but just made a signal with two fingers and a gun shot sound filled the once silent street. Will Layla be able to find the peace and happiness she always wanted or will she be forced to go back to the suffering of living with her aunt. Find out in this thrilling story of Mr Blake's Contracted Wife .

Anu_ayo · Fantasy
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24 Chs

It's Your Room

Nathan saw that his aunt was broken for the first time in so many years and if Layla wasn't special he would have dealt with her .Well there was actually a way of dealing with her at the same time caring. His aunt left to for her room and David bid him good night he was now the only person in the hall way he heard Layla's sobs and he felt angry for no reason he went to door and knocked . Inside the room Layla heard a knock at the door she thought it was Clara and quickly went to open it but was she met Nathan at the door she cleaned the tears on her face and cleared her throat "Im sorry I thought it was mom at the door ,how may I help you" Nathan was surprised did she call his aunt mom wow looks like they are already close no wonder his aunt felt that way when she left .

"Well this also my room and I understand you want to be ft alone I just came to get a few things "he replied .Layla cursed inwardly of course this was his room and he had to sleep "oh my I'm sorry please do come in and don't mind me" She left the door way and got back on the bed and she watched Nathan get something's ready as he was about to leave he looked at her and said " sleep Layla we will talk tomorrow" she nodded her head when his hands touched the door knob she called out to him "Nathan "and he stopped in his tracks and turned around she continued "please don't go I don't want to sleep alone and it would be rude of me to sleep here and you sleep somewhere else I mean it's your room ".

Nathan looked at her with a warm feeling in his chest he wanted to say no but the look in her eyes told him she really wanted him around. He dropped the things he was carrying and stalked towards the bed Layla noticed he listened and started doing sheets she was so nervous it was her first time sharing a bed with a man.

Nathan slid under the covers and slept with his back to the bed and he looked at the ceiling waiting for her to sleep .Layla couldn't sleep she kept turning on the bed and it irritated Nathan so he just rapped his arms around her waist and brought her closer to him for head to rest on his chest as she was backing him .She flinched at first but later dived into his warmth and soon found sleep Nathan also slept .

The next day Nathan was up and ready for work he was wearing his watch when Layla stirred and woke up he looked at her for a moment and concluded that she very beautiful even after waking up she still looks like the flowers that blossoms under the morning sky .A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts, he answered "cone in " and Clara walked in looking ever graceful as always "good morning Nathan" she greeted " good morning aunt do you ever get old cause I think I will marry you someday " he said making her face flush as she hit his shoulder playfully "stop joking around and bring the woman you love so I may bless you both before I die " .

Layla had been watching the both of them since she entered and when she saw Clara she remembered yesterday's drama "You are not dieing anytime soon mom so don't even think about it .Am I right Nathan?", she said cutting in she wore her robe and got down from the bed she went straight to Clara and gave her a cuddling hug ,kissed her cheeks and smiled " good morning,I really want to apologize for my actions yesterday I was not myself " she gave a pause to put her emotions in check "it wasn't right of me to talk to you like that you were just worried about me and I want you to know I do appreciate your concern, care and love and I love you too." Clara's eyes was full of tears this wonderful girl just broke all her walls down with just her words she is really blessed to have her.

She hugged and kissed Layla on her forehead both women were in tears "its ok my dear I'm not mad at you I was never mad at you I will support,care and love you always but if anything is ever wrong just let me know ok promise that" she said giving her a kiss on her knuckles and the latter nodded with a beautiful smile on her lips.

Nathan had been watching this with a smile on his face he was proud the two women of his life are happy ,after their moment Layla turned to face Nathan she couldn't meet his eyes because of the position they slept last night and Nathan noticed this she began" good morning Nathan, I'm sorry if I caused you any inconvenience last night and it was so rude of me to leave the dinning in such a way and to tell at mom _" "i know you didn't mean to " he interrupted she looked at him with a faint smile and nodded "well I hope this isn't much to ask but please can I have a room of my own" Nathan as confused she already has a room and she is in it " Nathan this your room and I shouldn't be in it talk less of sleeping ".

Nathan shook his head at her request "no you are going to stay here you aren't going anywhere you will stay in this room with me . it's not only mine but also yours so there no need to feel awkward if you want privacy I will make sure to leave the room for you but you are not leaving this room " he said with finality and he gave his aunt a look that said ' talk to her ' .And he left the room .

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