
Mr Blake's Contracted Wife

“Boss please forgive me I didn't know she was special to you sir” said the guard leader in a shaky voice . But other person said but just made a signal with two fingers and a gun shot sound filled the once silent street. Will Layla be able to find the peace and happiness she always wanted or will she be forced to go back to the suffering of living with her aunt. Find out in this thrilling story of Mr Blake's Contracted Wife .

Anu_ayo · Fantasy
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24 Chs

I Love You

Nathan wanted to wipe those memory out of her but they were her past and he couldn't do anything about it ." hey honey you don't need to thank us and if that's what you want then we also have to thank you for coming into our lives we are blessed to have you .And I am the most luckiest guy to have the sweetest girl in the world " he said making her blush and Clara couldn't be more proud of her son.

He has found the right and perfect girl for him his parents had already done it but he missed her and now he has found her. She looked at her family even though she didn't have a child of her own she still had the best family and was proud to have them . " Layla dear , Nathan is right we are lucky to have I am lucky to have a daughter to call mine I might not be your blood mother but I will always love you like one don't forget that ok" she said stroking her hair lovingly.

Amelia didn't like that Clara was claiming Layla as her daughter " ok everyone let's go down for breakfast it won't eat itself and we didn't have anything yesterday " with that everyone left for breakfast and departed to their personal business Amelia called Clara back before she requesting to see her privately.

Amelia: "Clara please do sit ,first I want to thank you and Nathan got helping Layla and loving her as one of you I know she has gone through a lot from the tragic death of her parents to being maltreated by that crazy witch I call my in law ".

Clara:" oh it's nothing Layla is has a lovable soul in fact I won't be surprised if she and Nathan got married it's being three days that we found her and she is already so dear in our heart"

Amelia nodded with a tight smile ' so it's been just three days how come she was so close to the extent that she is even being romantic with Nathan ' .

Amelia : "yeah I understand but what I don't get us the fact that she calls you mother ,I mean for someone who was maltreated by a mother figure she trusted you so easily " Clara nodded her head trying to make sense out of what she was saying " so what are you saying? " she asked . "

" I am saying that it's wired for her to call you mother when I am alive after all Nathan calls you Aunt"

And Clara knew exactly what she meant she didn't like the fact that Layla called her mother ' oh this Andrews can be so proud sometimes that it guests on your nerve ' she wanted to take and lead it in calm way because she knows Amelia would take note of the slightest wrong mood ,tone , emotion, language and use it against her so she calmed herself and tried not to get affected by the insult.

"Amelia I didn't force to call me mother she even started it immediately she woke up the day after we found her I remember that morning she asked me to bath,dress and feed her I myself at first thought maybe she was going through depression stage but no she was actually sane ." she explained to her Amelia listened to her carefully then asked her " where do you feel she should stay me home or yours "

Clara was taken aback by the question she didn't expect her to ask her such but she wore her calm face "well that's not on me it's Layla's to decide anything she says I will go with as long as it makes her happy then I am happy " Amelia knew she was trying to keep her anger down so she out on her best smile saying "I don't mean it in a wrong way I just want her to be happy and relaxed "

Clara smiled back " yeah I know well I'm sorry but I have to go now I don't want to be late for a meeting money is time they say " she said laughing and Amelia laughed escorting her out . Immediately Clara settled in her car she burst into tears ' how dare she insult her if not having a child she even had to rub it in her face that Nathan wasn't her child and sometimes addressed her as aunt ' she never felt so insulted in her life what did she do to deserve it was she jealous but she is her real family and Layla accepted them.

She signalled to the driver and he drove off . Meanwhile Layla and Nathan were on their way to Calway College they just got a call from David asking if they were still coming. Nathan drove at considerable speed and Layla looked out of the window appreciating the nature around them . Nathan looked at her and smiled he took her hand in his making her switch her attention.

She asked " where am I going to stay I mean it's a long journey to and fro it will be tedious going from home to school everyday."

Nathan : " well I got you an apartment near the school in a civilised environment we will be going there today .I have done everything needed in it if you need anything else just let me know "

Layla looked at him in awe and pecked his cheek he said it so casually but it made her love him more he thought so much about her." thanks I love you " she said .He looked at " I love you more . I told mom and she had your clothes and shoes ,bags and some other things transferred there .don't worry you will love the place .Lisa will be staying with you" he informed.

To say she was excited was an understatement at least she won't be bored staying home alone she would have Lisa but he said they transferred her things already how was that done so fast she didn't bother he was Nathan Blake after all .She was sad she was going to leave them especially him she wouldn't get to see him .He noticed her mood changed .

" hey what's wrong "he asked concern laced in his voice

" I don't want to go to college again " she replied

"wait what, why you said you wanted to go don't worry no one will bully you " he said trying to assure her

"I know no one will bully me it's just that I won't get to see you and mom most especially you I don't want all those other girls to steal you away from me"she said and he gave her that sexy smile that made her feel butterflies in her guts.

"look who is possessive huh" he said wiggling his brows and she blushed .He stopped the car by the road side, took her hands in his and kissed them looking into her eyes " hey no one will steal me from you I am all yours my body,souls and mind is yours .I will visit you once in awhile okay I love you and that won't change " he said reassuring her he too didn't want her to be that far but there was nothing he could .

hey guys sorry the updates haven't been that frequent love you Like it ? Add to library!

what do you think Layla will study ?

will Clara report Amelia's insult to Nathan?

stay tuned for more updates.

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