
Mr Blake's Contracted Wife

“Boss please forgive me I didn't know she was special to you sir” said the guard leader in a shaky voice . But other person said but just made a signal with two fingers and a gun shot sound filled the once silent street. Will Layla be able to find the peace and happiness she always wanted or will she be forced to go back to the suffering of living with her aunt. Find out in this thrilling story of Mr Blake's Contracted Wife .

Anu_ayo · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Her purpose

So this was him time has really passed he looks all big and fine now she always avoided talking to him so she would stay with her mom and her friend playing with her dolls.

When she had stopped they all have her questioning gazes " I'm sorry about that I just couldn't help it so you are Eva's son wow it's been a long time since we last met we started visiting my favourite cousin place because I got hurt at your place a bee sting me so my mom being over protective of me she stopped going there especially when she heard you had a bee farm in your house "

" I was the princess of the Andrew family back then before they died leaving me to the wicked hands of this world well I'm sorry for how I treated you then I really thought you were a goofy kid I never knew you were this cool ,please do accept my apologies" she said extending her hand to him " he took it in his and had a gentle smile on his face although he was offended that she thought he was a goofy kid did he really look like one " Apology accepted miss Andrew " he said making her giggle .

The rest where looking at them with wide mouths firstly Nathan and David were surprised of how cheerful he was with Layla while Lisa was surprised that they knew each other she didn't really know anything about the Andrews since she stayed with her grandparents the Quartz's when she was younger . She her parents and David had visited them that day and she told them she wanted to stay with them they agreed to her request she was their little angel after all how could they say no to her she was two years then .

Her parents came to get her when she was ten saying she needed to get used to the them .they had missed her they thought she won't lookup to them or won't like having them around . She never thought that way she also missed her parents but didn't want to part from her grandparents she saw them maybe if they were in town when she was younger or during family gatherings.

She was also greatful for the fact that David still loved and cherished her even though they were separated he didn't see her as a burden she was happy to have a brother like him she new she couldn't give a kind love to thank him that's why she is still looking for the perfect girl for him .

" but you were always peeking at me and mom " Layla commented

" well you were always cold to me and I think that made fall for you . Stupid me couldn't tell you what I felt you were my childhood crush because of you I stopped flirting with other girls thinking that would make me gain your attention .I asked mom why you were always like that mom said it was because you Andrew's were always attracted to your soulmate .I was really heartbroken when I heard that you know " Chris said

This made Nathan feel like exploding did he just say she was his childhood crush what was trying to do by telling he did he think she would reconsider now that she is already grown ." really bro well looks like I'm a lucky ass " Nathan said to spoil his mood David stated laughing after that he never knew had he gathered stupid friends.

One is confessing to his childhood crush after she has got who she is attracted to # soulmate and the other is boiling with rage he just gave the poor guy a bomb .' ouch lucky Jim he should really take Bel as his before other guys come to start claiming her she might be a Zhao but still has Andrew blood in her veins.

Chris felt the temperature drop as Nathan said she was attracted to him how exactly did they meet " wait how do you know her" he said calmly Lisa just sat back enjoying the show Layla noticed the awkward air so she replied Chris .

" umm Chris Nathan saved me from bad guys that wanted to rape I had ran out of my aunt's house she maltreated me.every day and night I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to run away and he saved me ."she said and he nodded his head in understanding.

" so what's your relationship with him what about them " he said referring to Lisa and David .

" I saw David at Nathan's house he checked up on me to make sure I was alright medically and Lisa I also met her at home some few days back" she explained

Chris didn't care about the rest she said home what did she mean " home ?? " he said with confusion on his face

" yeah home that's Nathan's house , well I'm his girlfriend and Lisa here is my best friend we both want to attend this university so we came to you for help " she said

Nathan had his chest swelling he was proud she called him her boyfriend Infront of this dick head that thought he could steal her away with words and as expected the fool had a look of horror on his face .

Chris didn't feel well after she spoke last she was Nathan's girlfriend and he has been blabbing nonsense all along he even confessed about his feelings and he was just right there in his office . With his head down he slowly looked up at Nathan he met eyes with him he could see that mocking look in his eyes .

" well I'm sorry about the feelings you had or still have got me but I guess I have found my soulmate already .And I'm sure you have found yours you just need to redeem yourself and open up to her " she added he looked at her and for the first time in so many years he had tears in his eyes was she trying to comfort him .

Well maybe she is right he does need to redeem himself but he hasn't found his soulmate he met Lisa today he did feel something for her when theirs eyes met but after all this drama he was sure she won't even look at him anymore.

" thanks " he said as a tear rolled down his cheek

Nathan and avid were taken aback by this was he really crying is it because she rejected but their expression changed when they saw Lisa go around his table to comfort him .

Lisa herself couldn't understand why she was that moved that she went to him after what he had said and done since they met .

David didn't protest when she came closer his mind was in confusion at that moment all he needed was a warm comforting hug and Lisa really gave him that maybe Layla was right he has already found his soulmate and he disregarded her at first sight .He couldn't believe he rejected such a beautiful woman she was beautiful in and out .

Now he had to apologize to her and have David's approval he really has a long way to go he turned his swivel chair to face her and hugged her back he cryed in her arms and stained her clothes she took all of him and her wasn't surprised a single bit she was the right one for him .He can see the reason why Layla is in his life it was to direct her to him .

Lisa said soothing words and patted his back to calm him down he got settled a few minutes later and she was still hugging him not planning on letting go and he didn't plan on doing so .

He breathed in and out harshly then said to his words muffled in her tummy " I'm sorry " Lisa heard him alright but she wasn't sure what was going on with him so she didn't know why he was saying he was sorry not until he said it again louder that even her brother heard it " I'm sorry Lisa " .

She felt the room turn cold she knew her brother didn't approve of h being with her but maybe it was for the better he could look after them while they studied here because they can't come all the way from home to their apartment here everyday it would be really stressful .She didn't mind her brother's deathly glare that was centered on her back has she had engulfed Chris in her arms .

Looks like he now acknowledged her she was happy when he also wrapped.his arms around her at first she thought it was just reflex because he needed comfort but she sooner understood he really wanted her with him and here he was apologizing to her should she forgive him or should she put him in a tough spot for the the being.

Chris brought his head back and looked into her emerald eyes they looked so adventurous he couldn't help but get lost this amazing young woman was his and he was going to cherish. He smiled at her making her heart skip a beat she returned it with a shy smile making him chuckle . He turned to Layla and said " thanks for this I don't really know how to repay you I can see your purpose in my life now "

He turned to Nathan " you are very lucky man cherish her okay and thanks for not killing me earlier " the latter only nodded what could he do even if he wanted to beat him up right now he looked like a lot of mess .

Lastly he turned to David his face serious even Lisa felt how tense he was his arms around her waist tensed and he said just two words to her angry brother " trust me " .

hi guys stay tuned for more chapters sorry it hasn't been frequent

do you think David will accept Chris

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please vote for Chris and lisa

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