
Mr Blake's Contracted Wife

“Boss please forgive me I didn't know she was special to you sir” said the guard leader in a shaky voice . But other person said but just made a signal with two fingers and a gun shot sound filled the once silent street. Will Layla be able to find the peace and happiness she always wanted or will she be forced to go back to the suffering of living with her aunt. Find out in this thrilling story of Mr Blake's Contracted Wife .

Anu_ayo · Fantasy
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Apartment Talk

They met with David and Lisa first at a restaurant before heading to the college. While on their way they talked about the little things Lisa and Layla did most of the talking David and Nathan made sure they were ok. Layla decided to use this opportunity to ask David about Bel." David how did you know Bel" she asked .David looked at her for a few minutes why did she have to ask him about that lady he has managed to get her out of his mind and she just had to bring her back.

" From mom and dad " he said keeping the answer short Nathan noticed he didn't feel like talking about it .

Lisa:" brother I checked her bio she doesn't look like trouble and since the ball I think I have liking towards her". Lisa wanted to convince her brother but he was just so stubborn she knew her parents where tired of him and they started throwing girls his way .

They always blamed his nonchalant attitude on Nathan they felt he was influencing him ." So what do you think about her " Layla asked she saw his facial expression change " I don't mean to be bother I just want to know if she has a chance or not so I can tell her to move on " she added .

David didn't feel like settling with any lady now he just wanted to become successful. Even though having a friend like Nathan came with certain benefits you still got to work hard. Nathan knew his friend was in a tight spot Layla is looking out for her cousin considering the fact they are very close .

David:" I will think about it " Layla smiled after he said that they finished their meal and drove to the college to begin the admission process and later they will stop by the apartment the girls couldn't wait to see it since David, Nathan and Clara were in charge of the furnishing and everything they knew it was going to look amazing.

On getting to the college the girls couldn't hide their excitement they wanted to go ahead and explore but Nathan and David were with them and they didn't like the way other girls looked at them. Lisa was guiding David for Bel and Layla guided Nathan for herself. They headed straight for the Chancellor's office_ Mrs Collins to get their file they thanked her .

With that they left and drove to the apartment they couldn't believe their view the exterior alone was a call for attention theirs wasn't the only apartment around it was like an estate that housed the rich and exquisite people in their social class. Layla was in awe of how amazing it looked like Nathan did all this for to make her comfortable she and Lisa rushed into the house it was a smart home immediately they approached the door it opened they ran inside forgetting that no one opened the door for them.

Nathan and David settled down helping their self to a drink in the bar .They knew how excited the girls were after admiring the whole place Layla and Lisa went to the kitchen looking like starved chicken they had rolled, jumped and acted crazy all round the house they wanted to eat at the moment but there wasn't anything much in there.

Layla: " I'm hungry let's make some toast with scrambled eggs what do you say ? " she asked Lisa

Lisa: " yeah sure that would be nice but I'm not good in the kitchen I must warn " she said chuckling and they laughed "don't worry I will make it " Layla said and with that she made their lunch she also saw some fruits and decided to make fruit salad.

Lisa set the table while Layla finished it up and cleaned the kitchen. The guys sat together talking about random things and David remembered they needed to have lunch." hey bro we should ask the girls if they would like to order anything to eat " . Lisa answered him with "hey guys lunch is ready "

He and Nathan wondered what the girls cooked and was surprised by the little feast at the table scrambled egg,toast and fruit salad with orange juice. It looked and smelled delicious they immediately sat and started digging in ." Wow this tastes lovely" David commented and Lisa and Layla both smiled saying " thanks ".

David knw his sister could make a few dishes but he didn't know she was this good he never anything she prepared when she came visiting. "sis I never knew you could cook this good" Lisa gave sad smile she knew her brother never ate anything she prepared for him. " well you never ate them and I didn't do much it mostly Layla's cooking." she said .

They finished their lunch and decided to order pizza for dinner to buy away time they played games the pool wasn't filled yet so they drove around the estate for a while after that they went to some specific spots outside the estate where they could .They had alot fun luckily for them the delivery guy arrived the same time they did so they entered ate dinner watched TV .

Layla had already started sleeping in Nathan's arms while Lisa was forcing her eyes to stay open while watching the movie they picked . Nathan carried Layla to her room and Lisa gave up her friend was already gone in dream land so she also went to sleep . Nathan tucked her in before going downstairs to David who was perfectly awake the guy already had his laptop on his lap and was working on the mail's his assistant and secretary sent to him .

( yes David is a doctor but also runs the family business). Nathan looked at his friend with appreciation of hen David looked up and saw his face he grinned " are you falling in love with me " he asked . Nathan changed his mind about going to gently hand him a can drink he just threw it at him wanting it to hit his head unfortunately it didn't.

" I don't love you I hate you intact you are a pan in my ass "he said and put on his laptop to also check his mails he sighed " thanks " he muttered and David looked up from his laptop screen to him " thanks, for what " he asked "always having my back "Nathan replied .David paused what he was doing for a few seconds and said " I will always have your back okay we are friends and it's not like I have someone else out there who understands me the way you do and vice versa" Nathan chuckled his best friend always knew how to make him look like he didn't have any other friend.

He did have friends but they were not like David he was happy Layla was also forming a relationship with Lisa it will be good for both families that's when he remembered her cousin " so what are you going to do about Bel " he asked .David didn't feel like talking about her he really wanted to forget her " nothing " he replied .

Nathan : " so are you going to date her"

" what hell no " David replied " look I know she seems like a nice lady but I don't want to be involved in her police shit and she wouldn't even want me either if I tell her about my mafia games so she is a big time no " he felt a sting of pain in him when he said that about her he lies she did have and felt something for her .

"bro I don't think she would betray you if she knew look Layla kind of knows I'm a mafia lord but she is ok with it "Nathan tried to change his mind. David didn't like this Nathan was trying to persuade him to change his mind " I know but that's Layla and not Bel moreover Bel works with the police she is a known top agent for what she does I'm still surprised that none of those mafia guys she spoilt their business has never gone to attack her " he said .

" they actually have she has even spoilt some of my plans and I sent some guys to her you don't really expect to go to the public whining about the fact that she was attacked she is a big girl in what she does " Nathan replied and David was shocked "what you don't expect me to let her go without having a taste of what it is to mess with me ,look if you can be with her she will be more safer with you and anyone that wants to pose at threat will think twice about it " Nathan explained

David knew he was right in a way but wouldn't people be sceptical about working with him because they think he will leak their information to the police . Well he could also do that to people who were becoming a burden to him but that would also endanger her and he didn't want that.

hey guys stay tuned for more updates

Do u think David will date Bel and what do u think about Nathan and Layla relationship?

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