
Mr Arrogant Protect Me For 100 days

In the mystical land of Veridonia, the town Luna ridge, where supernatural beings such as werewolves, vampires, and witches coexist in a fragile balance, Gloria Hawthorne, a young witch, faces a dire fate. Born into the powerful Hawthorne family of Moonvale, Gloria is cursed to die on her 25th birthday, which is now just 100 days away. Alex a young heir to the Silverwood pack her only saviour, as standing close to him create the protective ring that can save her from the hands of the spirit who comes for hel life. But he is Uncut, annoying and extremely arrogant. Desperate to break the curse, she turns to her best friends, Luna, a spirited werewolf, and Elysia, a ghost tethered to the mortal realm, to assist her in capturing his heart and staying alive. How did she go about it? Did she get his attention? Was she saved? Lets ho on this journey together

adegbite_feranmi · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Silverwood Party

As We arrived at Luna's aunt's estate, known as the Silverwood Estate, We were greeted by a sight that was both grand and eerie. The estate itself resembled a medieval castle, with towering spires and ivy-covered stone walls that exuded an ancient and mysterious charm. The moonlight cast eerie shadows across the grounds, where lots and lots of figures, possibly evil spirits, or just regular sporits lurked in the surrounding woods.

The driveway leading up to the main building was lined with rows of luxurious cars, each representing a different werewolf family attending the party. Valets in formal attire hurriedly parked the cars, adding to the bustling atmosphere of the evening. Guests, dressed in elaborate gowns and sharp suits, walked majestically towards the entrance, their footsteps echoing against the cobblestone path.

As Luna expertly manoeuvred her sleek black sedan into the cobblestone driveway of her aunt's sprawling estate, Luna and I emerged, each stunning to command attention at the prestigious Silverwood Estate party.

My gown was a masterpiece of midnight blue silk, adorned with delicate silver embroidery that shimmered under the moonlit sky. My accessories—a matching silver necklace, earrings, and bracelet—gleamed with every step I took. Luna, on the other hand, chose a form-fitting black dress that hugged her curves, its daring thigh-high slit revealing just enough to turn heads. Her jewellery, a cascade of diamonds that sparkled like stars, added a touch of glamour.

Before we entered the grand door of her aunt's home, Luna paused, her hand resting on the car door, her expression a mix of anticipation and apprehension. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead, while I meticulously adjusted my outfit, ensuring every detail was impeccable for the occasion.

Just as we were about to step through the ornate entrance, a chilling presence swept over us. An evil spirit, lurking unnoticed under Luna's car, suddenly lunged and clutched my ankle with a vice-like grip. Startled but swift, I reacted instinctively, reaching into my purse to retrieve a small pouch containing red beans and sea salt—an ancient remedy against malevolent spirit. With practisedd precision, I sprinkled the mixture onto the spirit while murmuring a protective incantation under my breath. The spirit hissed in agony as it released its grip, dissipating into the night with a haunting wail.

I exhaled sharply, my heart racing from the unexpected encounter. "Damn, he almost ruined my outfit," I muttered, brushing off any remnants of the spirit's touch from my dress with a determined flick of myhand. Elysia, who had been silently observing nearby, spoke up with a furrowed brow. "Why are there so many grieving spirits here? This place feels like a graveyard of lost souls."

Luna's expression darkened briefly before she composed herself. "The Silverwood Estate has always attracted restless spirits," she explained solemnly. "The energy here is unsettled, especially tonight with the installation ball."

I nodded in understanding, my gaze drifting to the imposing facade of the estate before us, lit up and bustling with guests. "Let's not linger outside," Luna suggested, her voice carrying a hint of urgency. "We should join the party before anything else disrupts our evening."

With determined steps, Luna led the way through the towering entrance doors, which opened into a magnificent foyer adorned with crystal chandeliers and opulent furnishings. The sound of music and lively chatter filled the air as they navigated through the throngs of impeccably dressed guests, each from distinguished werewolf families, mingling under the watchful eyes of ancestral portraits lining the walls.

Inside, the castle-like interior was decorated extravagantly for the occasion. Large chandeliers hung from the high ceilings, casting a warm and inviting glow over the opulent furnishings and intricate tapestries that adorned the walls. The air was filled with the mingling scents of exotic flowers and the faint aroma of a lavish feast being prepared in the grand dining hall.

Luna's steps quickened as she approached the elegantly dressed figure of her middle-aged aunt, whose presence commanded the attention of everyone around her. The Silverwood Estate shimmered under the moonlit sky, its grand facade casting shadows that seemed to dance with the faint whispers of ancient spirits.

"Auntie," Luna exclaimed with genuine affection, leaning in to kiss her aunt's cheek lightly. The woman turned, her eyes brightening at the sight of her niece. "Luna, my dear," she replied warmly, her voice carrying a note of familial pride. "You look absolutely radiant."

Luna's aunt's gaze shifted momentarily, catching sight of G Elysia and I standing slightly behind Luna. Her expression turned quizzical, a silent question forming in her eyes. "And who might these lovely guests be?" she inquired, her tone polite but tinged with curiosity.

Luna hesitated for a moment, feeling the weight of her family's expectations pressing upon her. "Oh, forgive me," she apologized softly, gesturing towards her companions. "This is Elysia," Luna introduced with a nod towards the ethereal figure beside her, "and this is Gloria."

I offered a warm smile, though her nerves prickled at being introduced in such a prestigious setting. "Hello," she greeted graciously, trying to match the elegance of Luna's aunt and the opulence of the estate.

Luna's aunt studied them both with a discerning gaze, her demeanour gracious yet poised " Luna" she said looking at her with a smile "A ghost and a human friend, you never cease to amaze me". She faced us and continued "How delightful to have such intriguing company tonight," she remarked, her voice carrying across the bustling hall. "Welcome to the Silverwood Estate."

With Luna leading the way, we moved deeper into the heart of the house, where the ballroom awaited. The atmosphere hummed with a blend of excitement and anticipation, guests clad in opulent attire mingling under the soft glow of crystal chandeliers. Luna glanced at me, silently conveying a mix of excitement and apprehension for the evening ahead.

As we approached the grand ballroom entrance, Luna's aunt paused, her eyes scanning the room thoughtfully. "Enjoy the evening, my dears," she said warmly before turning to join the other guests. Luna and I exchanged a glance, a shared understanding passing between us.

Inside the ballroom, the air buzzed with conversation and the clinking of glasses, while the enchanting melodies of a string quartet filled the space. Luna and I navigated through the crowd, our eyes darting around in search of Alex, the enigmatic heir of the Silverwood pack who held the key to Gloria's salvation.

As we navigated through the bustling ballroom, Luna and I scanned the lively scene for any sign of Alex amidst the sea of guests. Luna's sharp eyes soon spotted a cluster of younger werewolves gathered together, their laughter and banter filling the air. These were Luna's cousins, peers in age but distant in their acceptance of her within the family pack.

Luna's heart sank slightly as she noticed their beckoning gestures. She turned to me with a forced smile, "I need to handle this. Sorry, Glo." With those words, Luna strode purposefully towards her cousins, her steps echoing with determination.

As Luna approached, the group of cousins immediately quieted down, their eyes flickering with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. One of them, a wiry young werewolf with mischievous eyes, spoke up first, his tone laced with mock surprise, "Look who decided to grace us with her presence! Luna, the legendary black sheep of our family."

The others snickered and exchanged knowing glances, clearly enjoying their camaraderie at Luna's expense. Another cousin, a tall and athletic werewolf, added with a smirk, "What's the occasion, Luna? Bringing along your human and ghost friends to a werewolf party? You always did have strange taste."

Luna took a deep breath, bracing herself against the familiar sting of their words. "I'm here for Alex's installation," she replied evenly, refusing to let their jibes rattle her. "And yes, they are my friends. Unlike some, I don't judge based on species." They all burst into laughter. "This Is Luna Ridge where werewolves rules, we have no reason to roll with the low lives" another said.

As Luna stood firm amidst her cousins' laughter, their words stung more deeply than she cared to admit. Their mocking laughter echoed in the grand ballroom, drawing curious glances from nearby guests, adding to Luna's discomfort.

"Weird friends, slow, no pack of your own..." one cousin taunted, his voice dripping with disdain. "You're supposed to be a Silverwood, Luna. But really, where do you fit in? Certainly not here with us."

Another cousin chimed in, a smirk playing on his lips. "It's embarrassing, Luna. Even our youngest siblings are more integrated into the pack than you. Maybe you're just not cut out for our kind of life."

Luna clenched her fists, willing herself to stay composed despite the humiliation burning inside her. She knew she was different, that her path diverged from the traditional expectations of the Silverwood pack. But their words still cut deep, reminding her of her outsider status within her own family.

As I stood there, feeling the hunger gnawing at my patience, Luna's cousins' mocking words echoed in my mind. I clenched my fists, trying to maintain my composure, but the urge to retaliate grew stronger with each passing second. Just as I was about to confront them, and show them whom I am. Elysia's voice slipped into my ear like a soothing breeze.

"Remember why we're here," Elysia whispered urgently, her ghostly presence grounding my turbulent emotions.

I took a deep breath, my fingers tingling with unspent magic. I knew I couldn't let my hunger and anger get the better of me. But the need to assert myself, to show them that I nor my friends were not to be trifled with, lingered in my thoughts.

Finally, unable to resist the temptation any longer, I muttered a quick incantation under my breath. With a flick of my wrist and a surge of magic, the drinks on Luna's cousins' table overturned, drenching them in a sticky, colorful mess. Shocked gasps filled the air as the liquid cascaded down, staining their fine attire and causing a chaotic uproar.

Luna, knowing instantly the mischief was my doing, couldn't help but grin in admiration. She glanced back at me, a mixture of amusement and pride in her eyes. Amidst the commotion and the sudden dispersal of her cousins, Luna returned to our side, squeezing my hand in silent solidarity.

With their distraction effectively created, We resumed our quest to find Alex amidst the now-disrupted party. Hand in hand, we navigated through the remaining guests and the lingering aftermath of my mischievous charm.

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