
Mr Arrogant Protect Me For 100 days

In the mystical land of Veridonia, the town Luna ridge, where supernatural beings such as werewolves, vampires, and witches coexist in a fragile balance, Gloria Hawthorne, a young witch, faces a dire fate. Born into the powerful Hawthorne family of Moonvale, Gloria is cursed to die on her 25th birthday, which is now just 100 days away. Alex a young heir to the Silverwood pack her only saviour, as standing close to him create the protective ring that can save her from the hands of the spirit who comes for hel life. But he is Uncut, annoying and extremely arrogant. Desperate to break the curse, she turns to her best friends, Luna, a spirited werewolf, and Elysia, a ghost tethered to the mortal realm, to assist her in capturing his heart and staying alive. How did she go about it? Did she get his attention? Was she saved? Lets ho on this journey together

adegbite_feranmi · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Second Encounter

The master of ceremonies stepped forward, his voice booming across the grand ballroom of the Silverwood Estate. His words carried a weight of tradition and reverence, setting the tone for the solemn yet celebratory occasion. Beside him, a figure emerged — the formidable grandmother of the Silverwood family.

She commanded attention with her dignified presence, her silver hair cascading down her back in elegant waves, adorned with a crown of moonstones that shimmered under the ballroom lights. Her eyes, wise and piercing, scanned the gathered guests as she took in the atmosphere with a measured gaze.

"Welcome, esteemed guests and honored members of the Silverwood lineage," she began, her voice carrying a hint of authority that demanded respect. "Tonight marks a momentous occasion in the history of our werewolf pack, the Lunar Ridge Silverwood Park."

As she spoke, the guests listened attentively, their anticipation palpable in the air. The grandmother continued, recounting the storied history of the Silverwood Park, from its founding by the revered ancestors to its role in safeguarding the werewolf community of Veridonia.

"Not long ago," she continued, her voice resonating with pride, "our dear Alex Silverwood embarked on a journey of growth and dedication to our pack. Today, we gather to witness and celebrate his ascension to the esteemed position of Alpha."

With those words, the ballroom erupted into a thunderous applause and cheers. Guests clapped enthusiastically, their voices joining in jubilation as Alex, the center of attention, stepped forward with a humble yet confident demeanor

We stood among the crowd, our eyes fixed on Alex as he approached the stage. Luna beamed with pride, her earlier concerns temporarily forgotten in the thrill of the moment. I, Also felt a surge of excitement mixed with a twinge of anxiety — this was our chance to observe Alex closely, to understand him beyond the tales and the family reputation.

Alex Silverwood cut a striking figure as he stood at the center of attention during the installation ceremony. Tall and broad-shouldered, he exuded an air of quiet confidence that commanded respect. His silver hair, a trait characteristic of the Silverwood lineage, was neatly styled, framing a chiseled face with sharp features. His piercing blue eyes gleamed with determination and intelligence, reflecting the flickering light of the ballroom chandeliers.

Alex was dressed impeccably for the occasion. He wore a tailored suit in shades of deep blue, accentuating his muscular physique without overshadowing his refined demeanor. The suit jacket hugged his frame perfectly, while the crisp white shirt underneath added a touch of sophistication. A silver tie, adorned with intricate patterns reminiscent of moon phases, complemented his familial lineage.

Every movement he made was deliberate and controlled, conveying both strength and grace. As he stood before the gathered guests, his posture was regal yet approachable, embodying the essence of a future Alpha poised to lead his pack. Alex's attire and demeanor were a reflection of his status as a Silverwood, embodying tradition, honor, and the promise of leadership in the werewolf community Lunar Ridge.

As the ceremony continued with rituals and speeches, Luna leaned towards me, her voice barely above a whisper amidst the applause. "Are you intimidated?" "Yes," i responded faster than i thought. After some seconds, i replied "No" looking at my friend and shaking my head to convince myself about not being intimated.

As Alex stepped down from the podium, adorned with the family crest on his shoulder, Luna hastened towards him, determined to catch his attention. Her steps quickened, but before she could approach him closely, Alex was enveloped by a group of werewolves. They surrounded him, their conversation animated and filled with a sense of camaraderie and respect for their newly appointed Alpha.

Luna watched from a distance, frustration flickering across her face. She could see Alex engaging with his packmates, his demeanor shifting subtly as he assumed the role of Alpha. His expressions ranged from attentive listening to moments of decisive leadership, his presence commanding the respect of those around him.

Despite the crowd around him, Luna remained undeterred. She glanced back at me and Elysia, who were observing the scene with keen interest. Determination etched on her face,

Meanwhile, the atmosphere in the ballroom buzzed with excitement and anticipation. The installation of a new Alpha was a significant event in werewolf society, marking the beginning of a new era for the Silverwood pack. Guests mingled, exchanging congratulatory remarks and discussing the future under Alex's leadership.

Amidst the celebrations, Luna's singular focus remained on Alex. She knew that gaining his attention and support was crucial not only for Friend's protection but also for their mission to break the Hawthorne curse.

Luna's efforts to find Alex proved futile as her auntie pulled her away to greet their grandmother, leaving Gloria and Elysia to entertain themselves. Gloria settled at a table on the outskirts of the ballroom, feeling somewhat out of place amidst the lively werewolf gathering. She decided to grab a snack to occupy herself, knowing she didn't quite fit into this world of werewolf grandeur.

Meanwhile, Elysia spotted some ghostly butlers mingling discreetly in the ballroom and drifted away from me. Being a ghost herself, she felt more at ease among her spectral counterparts. With Elysia gone and My feelings increased like an outsider, I decided to make a brief trip to the restroom.

As she navigated through the crowd, lost in thought, I accidentally collided with someone. "Oh, sorry," I apologized, looking up to see Alex standing before me, his expression momentarily taken aback by the unexpected encounter, the magical ring visisbly shown around us as it lit up our space, The ghosts could see it, I could see it, but Alex himself can't.

"What the hell? Can't you watch where you're going?" Alex's voice boomed across the corridor, filled with irritation as he confronted me. His eyes narrowed as he realized I wasn't one of his kind—a human amidst a sea of elegant werewolves. Disdain etched deep lines on his face, and his jaw tensed with frustration. "How did you even manage to get in here?" His words dripped with incredulity, his gaze sweeping critically over her attire that stood out starkly against the backdrop of refined guests.

I was caught off guard by his abruptness and the intensity of his gaze, felt a wave of embarrassment and annoyance wash over her simultaneously. I took a step back, my own frustration rising. "I... I'm here with Luna," I stammered, trying to explain myself despite feeling distinctly out of place.

Alex's expression softened marginally, though skepticism still lingered in his eyes. "Luna's friend?" He repeated incredulously, crossing his arms over his chest. "You humans always find a way to cause trouble," he muttered under his breath, his tone more resigned than accusatory.

I bristled at the implication but chose mine words carefully, determined to stand my ground despite his obvious hostility. "I apologize for bumping into you," I said firmly, meeting his gaze squarely. "It wasn't intentional."

With a last look of disdain, Alex turned away from me, leaving me standing alone in the midst of the elegant corridor. My attempt at an apology had fallen flat, his hostility palpable as he walked away without a word. I sighed in frustration, watching his retreating figure disappear into the crowd.

"This is going to be hard," I muttered under my breath, my voice tinged with determination. Leaning against the nearest wall, I crossed my arms and pondered my next move. How could I possibly make someone so arrogant and dismissive fall in love with me? It seemed like an impossible task, especially in the midst of werewolves, a world so complicated and with my clock ticking.

Taking a deep breath to steady herself, I pushed open the door to the restroom and stepped inside. The room was a sanctuary of quiet amidst the bustling party outside. I moved to the sink, splashing some cool water on my face as I gathered my thoughts.

As I stared at my reflection in the mirror, I couldn't help but replay the encounter with Alex in my mind. His piercing gaze, the coldness in his voice—it was clear he had little patience for humans, let alone one who seemed to disrupt his evening.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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