
Moving On from the past " CEO husband Behave yourself "

Afamous young celebrity whongrew up with fame and fake friends is betrayed by her boyfriend when he sleeps with her best friend ....She looses her first love to her best friend during There senior year of Highschool .No one knows what lies in the future .No one knows what lies ahead she decides to go in hiding in a state far from home were she meet a domineering CEO that Dotts on her and gives her every thing she needs but the ex now comes back into the picture will she move on or !!!!.they meet again bt this time around she is the girlfriend of awell known CEO of the Tang Family Wealth and there is no sweet momeries but hatred for him .

Iami_Musoke_Salwa · Fantasy
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7 Chs

chapter 2 ***Decision to run away***

3months later.

I spent the last months of summer preparing for senior highschool .Good enough my big brother leaves in Rcountry down in Skorea so my summer ending was not so bad the moment my brother asked me to go visit him. In the right time I needed arun away from my previous life. It sucked nothing was left normal the moment me and Lee' broke up any ways, I still didn't have nothing to long for in canada .No boyfriend that was gonna miss me or best friend that was gonna tag along during summer since my best friend had snatched my boyfriend .

Until now I could not believe that my bestie 4ever as we used to call it, had slept with my boyfriend .Hanna chui was the real bitch of Ohio high I could say. And I'm sure karma will meet up with her someday. So my plain tickets to fly to RCountry have been sent and I'm leaving this weekend. Iam actually excited about my trip,i miss my brother like hell it has been about five years now. I last saw him at Daddy's birthday in The states and OMG it's been like forever .i miss him and his kids so very much. Little zoewy and Zion"(FYI this refurence goes to my sweet nephew and niece in UK real name aunty loves you PSI), I can't stop at imagining how grown they could be. The last time I saw them Zion was about 4years and Zoewy was 1year but I'm sure they are so grown now. In fact mummy usually said Zoewy look just like me 'hahhhaha' Shes really something if she looks just like her pretty aunty . I'm actually planning on buying her some dresses and shoes anyways putting that aside I'm so super excited about my flight to RCountry can't wait.

A/N hey guys I'm sorry this chapter is abit short. Since I'm kinda busy with campus new semester guys wish me luck. Sorry for any spelling or grammar I'm trying to fix time for a reread 🙌I'm tight love you though