
Movie World Collector

Every movie is a journey, Marilyn Monroe's sexy style, the infinite loneliness of an isolated island overseas, Audrey Hepburn's passionate kiss, and the hardship of trying to live. Movies in this novel, Godfather, Malena and many more. Chapter will be only on weekdays.

Ok_Ko_3334 · Movies
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34 Chs

Secret Recipe

A few days later, Jiang Hao returned to Shibalipu.

When the guys saw Jiang Hao coming back, they greeted him, "Brother Zhan'ao is back, is the business going well?"

"It's going well, pretty good." Jiang Hao said with a smile.

When he left, he told Jiuer that he was going to do business, and the guys naturally thought that he was going to do business.

Hearing Jiang Hao's voice coming from outside, Jiuer ran out happily, "You're back",

"Hey, I'm back."

Taking the saddlebag on Jiang Hao's shoulders, Jiuer boiled water for him to take a bath. Jiang Hao stood naked in the main room, and Jiuer wiped his body carefully with a towel.

"Raise your hands."

Jiang Hao honestly raised his hands. Jiuer turned to the front, looked there, clapped his hands, and said with a smile, "I said raise your hands, why are you standing up?"

Jiang Hao smiled and said, "He missed you, haha."

Jiuer rolled his eyes at him, "He's been busy for several days and didn't even take a break."

"Haha, he's not tired."

Wiping carefully with a towel, Jiuer said casually, "I heard from the guys that the police chief of Gaomi was killed. Gangsters broke into his house and strangled him to death." After that, he looked at Jiang Hao intentionally or unintentionally.

Jiang Hao looked at Jiuer's inquiring eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he whispered, "I did it, don't tell anyone."

Jiuer's hand froze, "It was really you who did it. When I heard the news, the first thought in my mind was that you did it." A

cold light flashed in Jiang Hao's eyes, "He made you suffer at the beginning, so he deserves to die. I said, I won't let you suffer."

Jiuer's eyes were covered with a layer of mist, her face pressed against the man's chest, and she had only one thought in her mind, that she would serve him well in the future, for the rest of her


Half a month passed in a flash, and Luohan came over and said that the grain was fermented, and today they were going to officially produce wine, so they asked the proprietress and Jiang Hao to go over and have a look.

Finally, the winemaking began.

Jiang Hao and Jiu'er came to the distillery excitedly. Inside the distillery, the workers were busy. Luohan explained the steps of making distillery to the two.

"At the beginning, we select the materials, choose the grains, and then make various grain ratios. Each family has its own secret recipe. Then we mix the koji. Our distillery has its own old koji. After mixing the koji, it is fermented. This process is the longest, usually about ten to twenty days. When the grains are fermented, they can be steamed in the pot. At this time, the wine can be produced."

"Boss, you watch here, I will lead people to start steaming the wine." Luohan nodded, walked to the stove, and began to give orders.

"Erga, Daleng, add the materials."

"Da Zhuang, Er Zhuang, turn up the fire!"

"Lao Zhong, Chengzi, add cold water..."

The distillery was working in full swing. Soon, red wine began to flow out of the distillery pot.

The head of the wine in front cannot be used, so just pour it out. After half a bucket of wine flows out, this is the real wine. Seeing the sorghum wine coming out of the pot, Jiang Hao was also excited. This time the task was finally completed. When

the wine came out of the pot, Luohan took a bowl and took a bowl with some excitement. He walked to the statue of the god of wine, held the bowl with both hands and muttered: "New wine to the god of wine, please bless the new wine to be delicious." After that, he spilled a bowl of wine on the ground.

The others also stood in awe, with a sense of ritual.

not fragrant or mellow, and it had a bitter taste. I guess most people would not want to drink it.

Luohan looked at Jiuer and asked, "Boss, this pot of wine is probably useless. No wine shop wants such wine. Do you think we should stop and find out the reason?" Jiuer

didn't understand much about this. She was about to stop according to Luohan's words, but Jiang Hao spoke at this time, "Brother Luohan, don't stop, make all of them."

"But if we make it this wayJars of wine came out of the pot and were moved to the wine cellar. Jiang Hao called Dazhuang and Erzhuang, "Move four jars of wine to Jiuer's room, I'll try my secret recipe." Dazhuang

and Erzhuang obediently moved four jars of wine up the hill.

After a busy day, more than a hundred jars of wine came out of the pot, leaving two people to watch the stove. As long as the stove is turned on, the stove cannot be extinguished. You have to wait until all the wine in this pot comes out before you can extinguish the stove. This is the rule.

After a tiring day, they simply washed and lay on the kang. Several guys started chatting.

"I think our distillery may not be able to continue. We finally started a pot of wine, but this pot of wine was messed up. I don't know if we can start the next pot."

"Didn't Brother Zhan'ao say

he had a secret recipe? Maybe it will work." "You know shit. What secret recipe does he have? If he had a secret recipe, he would have made a fortune in a big distillery. Why did he come to this broken place?"

"If you ask me, that evil spirit hasn't gone away yet, it's evil."

Everyone was in a bad mood. They chatted for a few more words and then went to Jars of wine came out of the pot and were moved to the wine cellar. Jiang Hao called Dazhuang and Erzhuang, "Move four jars of wine to Jiuer's room, I'll try my secret recipe." Dazhuang

and Erzhuang obediently moved four jars of wine up the hill.

After a busy day, more than a hundred jars of wine came out of the pot, leaving two people to watch the stove. As long as the stove is turned on, the stove cannot be extinguished. You have to wait until all the wine in this pot comes out before you can extinguish the stove. This is the rule.

After a tiring day, they simply washed and lay on the kang. Several guys started chatting.

"I think our distillery may not be able to continue. We finally started a pot of wine, but this pot of wine was messed up. I don't know if we can start the next pot."

"Didn't Brother Zhan'ao say

he had a secret recipe? Maybe it will work." "You know shit. What secret recipe does he have? If he had a secret recipe, he would have made a fortune in a big distillery. Why did he come to this broken place?"

"If you ask me, that evil spirit hasn't gone away yet, it's evil."

Everyone was in a bad mood. They chatted for a few more words and then went to sleep.

In Jiuer's room, there were four jars of wine in the main hall. Jiuer looked at the jars and asked, "Do you really have a secret recipe that can make the wine taste good?"

Jiang Hao laughed, opened the lids of the four jars of wine, took out the big bird and started to spit it, and he didn't let go of any jar.

"Oh, why are you wasting things?" Jiuer scolded.In Jiuer's room, there were four jars of wine in the main hall. Jiuer looked at the jars and asked, "Do you really have a secret recipe that can make the wine taste good?"

Jiang Hao laughed, opened the lids of the four jars of wine, took out the big bird and started to spit it, and he didn't let go of any jar.

"Oh, why are you wasting things?" Jiuer scolded.

"Haha, this is my secret recipe. Don't tell anyone." After saying that, he put the bird back in his pocket, hugged Jiuer and said, "Let's go to bed. We'll see the results tomorrow."


Jiuer said two words and stopped. She couldn't bear to scold him.