
Moved Accounts

Author: LordOrpheus
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 540K Views
  • 28 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What is Moved Accounts

Read ‘Moved Accounts’ Online for Free, written by the author LordOrpheus, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, ROMANCE Fan Fiction, ADVENTURE Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Ky Thatcher was born as a mutant in a world where mutants are seen as scum beneath humans. Once the X-Gene was discovere...


Ky Thatcher was born as a mutant in a world where mutants are seen as scum beneath humans. Once the X-Gene was discovered, showing what mutants were capable of, humans started doing everything they could to keep themselves safe. They took them away from their families, shoved them in camps, and murdered mutants like cattle after developing ways to subdue and kill them. The ones who couldn't be killed were forced to suffer fates worse than death... For eight years, those who survived went into hiding. However, things would soon change once the mutants began fighting back. Ky is not OP from the jump, he gets strong over time. You will see. As you can imagine, warping time will get pretty broken. This also takes place in my own Marvel AU. THIS IS NOT MCU. Also, before people cry about it, prejudice against mutants is literally a thing in the comics. X-Men is extremely political outside of the movies, and even the movies were political.

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Its a good and intresting story but homosexuality is a part of the story so I just wanted to warn anyone who might not like such things. Do note it’s not the main love story. But the characters are good and I think both mc and female lead are OC but as I said great characters


I actually look forward to his story. Time manipulation is a power that hasn't really been touched in a lot of fanfictions. Although I don't know which timeline nor why you made his time manipulation start from scratch. I thought he would probably make a mistake and go back to the time when Atlantis still existed, probably become an anomaly and he would have to make his way back through time or something like that. Also I didn't see any reincarnation. Maybe it's in the future but IDK. So yeah...


The MC is not a hero or a villain. He does some good and some bad. If he does something heroic, such as *gulps* saving a life, don’t cry to me. He is morally grey on purpose. Morally grey people do bad things and good things. If they only did bad things, they wouldn’t be grey, they’d be evil/bad/a villain. As for his powers, they start off simple and become stronger over time. This isn’t reincarnation but I put the tag so it shows up in the algorithm so people actually see my book.


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Jesus man where to start. I'll start with the fact that it has this very alien thing called character development. good plot, story, characters that grow on you, and a story that has a proper direction. it's a welcome suprise to encounter these rare gems of webnovels. I don't leave reviews often so I prefer who reads this doesn't take it with a grain of salt and decides to give the book a chance. please?


good story. don't know why it is not in the tops. there are storys that are not as good as this.


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