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Ky Thatcher was born as a mutant in a world where mutants are seen as scum beneath humans. Once the X-Gene was discovered, showing what mutants were capable of, humans started doing everything they could to keep themselves safe. They took them away from their families, shoved them in camps, and murdered mutants like cattle after developing ways to subdue and kill them. The ones who couldn't be killed were forced to suffer fates worse than death... For eight years, those who survived went into hiding. However, things would soon change once the mutants began fighting back. Ky is not OP from the jump, he gets strong over time. You will see. As you can imagine, warping time will get pretty broken. This also takes place in my own Marvel AU. THIS IS NOT MCU. Also, before people cry about it, prejudice against mutants is literally a thing in the comics. X-Men is extremely political outside of the movies, and even the movies were political.

LordOrpheus · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

Fulfilling a Wish

Gathered around a coin machine, the five mutants stood at the center of the Norwegian arcade, which was strikingly similar to the ones scattered all across America. In fact, that was this arcade's whole gimmick, emulating the feel of an American arcade. There were children running all around, dragging their parents behind them. Teenagers were also seen, wandering around in groups from an arcade machine to an arcade machine. Many of them were wearing cowboy hats that were sold as prizes at the gimmick arcade's prize counter.

"So... you put money in this thing and it gives you... money?" With curious eyes, Xiao stared at Pietro as he shoved his stolen money into the coin machine.

"Not just any money, it's arcade coins. They only work on the machines here." Pietro started pressing random buttons, having no clue what any of the Norwegian words on the screen were saying to him.

"Why don't they just use regular coins?" she asked, finding the whole concept to be ridiculous and convoluted.

"You ask a lot of questions, Xiao... I have no clue." Pietro continued pressing random prompts until a smiley face appeared on the screen and coins began pouring out. What looked like American quarters began pouring out, however, they were clearly fake. The George Washington on the head's side of the quarter wore a cowboy hat.

"Do Europeans seriously think we're all cowboys?" Bobby muttered, forgetting that the boy he was in a sort of non-official relationship with was also European.

"We do, yeah." Tom teased with a snarky tone. "Before I moved here as a young lad I thought all you lot did was get drunk and shoot guns."

"I wouldn't say that's too far off, to be honest..." Ky said as he grabbed a handful of coins for him and Xiao to use. "Let's go, Xiao. I saw something earlier that I wanted us to try." Swiftly, Ky grabbed Xiao's hand and led her away, leaving only the three boys by the machine.

As Pietro watched them walk away, he shook his head and scoffed. "Can you believe those two? At least we guys can stick together, am I right?" He then turned around to see Bobby and Tom walking away with coins in their hands. Bobby's arm was wrapped around Tom's shoulder as the two searched for a machine to play with.

Pietro's shoulders dropped as he released a sigh, realizing he was the odd man out. "Guess I'm the only one that's single... Why couldn't we get one more really hot lady teammate?" Before Pietro could get too upset about his status, the smell of pizza nearly lifted him off of his feet and pulled him to the food court.

With all of his so-called borrowed money, he could pig out and feed his enhanced metabolism to its full content. With a smile on his face, Piertro headed straight toward the smell of pizza, forgetting all about his maidenless status.

Tom and Bobby eventually found themselves in front of a skee-ball machine. With a sly grin, Bobby playfully poked Tom with his elbow and challenged him. "Bet you can't beat me in skee-ball. Not a chance."

With his hands in his pants pockets, Tom looked over at Bobby with a confident, competitive glare. "Wanna bet, mate? I guarantee I will get nothing less than a perfect score."

"What do you wanna bet then? How about..." Bobby took a moment to think before coming up with the perfect stakes. "When this is all over and we're back home, the loser has to pay for dinner. Winner's choice."

Tom smiled, putting two coins inside the machine, prompting eight skee-balls to roll down the slot on the side of the machine. "I hope you like steak. It's a deal. You can go first."

With a confident stride, Bobby walked in front of the machine and grabbed the first ball. "Watch and learn. Watch. And. Learn." With a form telling anyone watching that he'd played skee-ball before, Bobby threw the ball right down the center, scoring forty points.

"Nice one." Tom was being sarcastic. In actuality, he was very unimpressed.

"Thanks." Despite sensing the sarcasm, Bobby rolled another one of the black skee-balls down the lane, this time sending it into the fifty-point hole, smiling cockily as his score went up to ninety.

Bobby continued throwing, scoring thirty, fifty, forty, thirty, fifty, and then fifty on his last shot. As the final ball went into the fifty-point slot, Bobby pumped his fist. "Three hundred and fifty! Good luck beating that!"

Saying nothing, Tom slid two more coins into the machine, once again promoting the machine to send eight black skee-balls down the side of the lane. Tom's glove on his right hand started to glow as he grabbed one of the balls before he then fired a ball down the lane, hitting the one hundred-point hole with perfect accuracy.

Immediately, Bobby was dumbfounded, not realizing that Tom's gloves were doing all the work. His gloves acted as wearable prosthetics, giving Tom superhuman control over his own limbs. When it came to shooting, attacking, or throwing, Tom could do it with perfect accuracy.

After about four perfect throws, Bobby finally realized that he was being conned. "Wait a minute! You're cheating!" he said, pointing at Tom's glowing glove.

"Should've made the rules clear. Remember, I want steak when we get back to the states." Tom continued rolling the balls until he scored a perfect eight hundred points, winning the bet and receiving the maximum amount of tickets for his efforts.

Meanwhile, Xiao and Ky were seen standing next to what looked like a high-tech roller coaster car that was slightly elevated but attached to the ground nonetheless. "What is this?" Xiao asked, holding up a virtual reality headset as if it were alien technology to her. "It looks like goggles but there's a TV inside it?" Hearing the way she described the VR headset made Ky laugh as he came up from behind and placed it on her head. "You'll see." he told her gently.

Xiao, inside the world of the VR headset, found herself in the front row of a roller coaster. "Woah..." Xiao breathlessly uttered, looking around the world that perfectly mirrored their own. Guiding her with his hands, Ky led her over to the roller coaster car in the real world and had her sit inside it. Ky then sat next to her and placed the VR headset on his own head before looking over at Xiao's character in the game, which looked similar to a test dummy.

"Are you ready?" Ky asked her. Xiao's test dummy character nodded, prompting Ky to activate the VR experience, placing four coins in the slot and triggering a chime.

The simulator jolted as the rollercoaster on-screen began to move, the sounds of metal and wood adjusting was heard as if they were truly on an actual roller coaster. "Eep!" Xiao let out a squeal, ill-prepared for the contraption to actually behave like what was on the screen, tilting upward just as the roller coaster was in the virtual world.

Xiao's yelp grabbed the attention of Bobby and Tom, who were standing at the skee-ball machines that weren't too far away. The two looked at each other and laughed before deciding to sit back and watch the show. They figured since Xiao was a shut-in all her life, albeit against her will, her reaction would be comedy gold.

Before long, Xiao and Ky had reached the top of the incline, looking over at the virtual city beneath them. It was truly a breathtaking view, one that neither of them had experienced in their lives due to how difficult it was for a mutant to get inside a real amusement park. It was at this moment that Xiao realize why Ky brought her to this machine first.

Back when they thought they were going to die, she confessed that she wanted more than anything to ride a roller coaster for the first time in her life. She never got the chance due to the fact that mutants were banned from amusement parks. Although this was a simulation, it truly meant the world to her that he was still thinking about what she said that day.

Before Xiao could get emotional over it, the two of them could feel a cool breeze as the fans that simulated wind activated in front of them. Feeling themselves slowly passing over the edge, Xiao could feel her heart racing, feeling that adrenaline coursing through her entire body that she'd heard about.

Yet again, another unique sensation began to overwhelm her. In the past, she'd only felt an adrenaline rush when she fought for her life, but at this moment, the adrenaline she felt was mixed with excitement rather than fear.

"Hold on tight." Ky told her before the roller coaster rolled past the incline. With the power of a rocket, the roller coaster shot downward, the artificial wind blowing against their faces as that feeling of their entire body dropping was being perfectly emulated by the machines if they were truly riding a roller coaster in the real world.

"Wa- Waaaah!" Xiao's screams attracted even more attention, as Norwegians looked on with their brows furrowed, confused as to why this random woman was screaming over a mere game. The roller coaster eventually hit a U-shaped slope, causing both Ky and Xiao's backs to slam against their seats before the machine began jolting from left and right, bobbing and weaving through the path with great force.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" Xiao continued to scream, holding onto Ky's leg with her hand as the ride continued to move at inhuman speeds. Since the world was virtual, the roller coaster was making moves that were impossible to be made in real life, hitting loops and spirals at full speed.

Xiao and Ky eventually could spot a ring of fire drawing near, and at this point, Xiao had forgotten that it was all artificial. "Oh my god, Ky! Ky we're going to die!" she whimpered, compelling Ky to continue to laugh. "We're gonna be alright." he told her, grabbing her hand that rested on his lap as the machine continued to shake and rattle aggressively.

Bobby and Tom were holding onto each other, laughing at Xiao's reactions as everyone else in the arcade continued to look on in confusion. Pietro, hearing the commotion all the way from the food court, looked over as he stuffed his face. 'What the heck is going on over there?' he thought to himself. He wanted to go check it out, but his pizza wasn't going to eat itself.

"Woah! Woaaaah!" Xiao continued to let out exhilarated shouts as the ride continued, going through even more loops and impossible movements in the virtual world.

Watching from afar, with his arms crossed, Eagle did something he hadn't done for the entire mission.

He smiled. It was subtle, but it was there.

He then looked around the entire arcade, glancing at all of the kids he was on the mission with. He looked at Pietro, devouring pizza as if his life depended on it. It was clear by the smile on his face and the way he was cramming it in his mouth that he was loving it. Eagle then looked over at Bobby and Tom, watching the two look at Ky and Xiao, Tom's arm on Bobby's shoulder.

His gaze then went right back to Ky and Xiao, watching as Xiao continued to scream and shout, unaware of how loud she was truly being. 'They're just a bunch of kids.' As that thought left Eagle's brain, his smile faded. It was then he realized the horrid state that the world was in, it only took spending enough time with some mutants to understand that.

Not wanting to get caught snooping on them, Eagle walked away and headed for the bar, wanting a drink to go with his thoughts.

Once the experience was over, Ky removed his and Xiao's VR headsets before revealing to her that there was something else in store for her. "There's one more thing. Follow me." Ky grabbed her hand and pulled her away, leading her through the arcade until the two of them found themselves in front of a rectangular box with pictures of random people smiling plastered all over it. There was a gap at the center of it, covered by a curtain which was hiding whatever was inside.

"You have any idea what this is?" Ky asked her.

Xiao looked at the pictures on the sides, furrowing her brows as she tried to understand. "Is this some sort of miniature movie theater?"

Ky chuckled, smiling down at Xiao who was looking up at him innocently. "No, but good guess. Let's go inside."

Ky pulled her inside, prompting her to sit down on the white bench inside. There was a screen in front of them, giving them different options for the types of photos they wanted.

"This is a photo booth." Ky told her, pressing on one of the many photo packages on the screen. "It just takes our picture and prints it out. You ready?"

Ky looked over at her, his smile beamed, and his kind eyes admired her face. Xiao nodded, prompting Ky to press start. Almost immediately, the machine started giving them commands, telling them the types of poses they should pull off.

The first prompt was 'silly'. Ky winked an eye and and stuck out his tongue, using his open eye to swiftly look at Xiao. She was confused, but she was quick to catch on, copying Ky's pose as if she were his mirror image.

The machine chimed, taking their picture before bringing up another prompt: Serious. Both Ky and Xiao made their own serious expressions. Ky frowned, looking at the camera as if he hated it while Xiao puffed her cheeks and crossed her arms.

Once again the machine chimed, however, Bobby and Tom suddenly invaded their space, sitting next to Ky and Xiao on the bench. "Mind if we join in?" Tom asked.

Ky and Xiao scooted over, giving them some space as the next prompt appeared: Gun Show. All four of them flexed their muscles at the camera, smiling and laughing together while forgetting all about their mission.

The next prompt appeared: Scared. And just as it appeared, Pietro popped in, genuinely startling everyone just as their picture was a taken. "Got room for one more?" Pietro was joining one way or another, scooting into the booth and forcing everyone to squeeze together.

The next prompt appeared: The Big Kiss.

"Oh, come on!" Pietro, being the odd man out, exclaimed as the other two couples locked lips with their partners until the machine flashed.

"Sorry, we picked the couples option before you guys got here." Ky told them, looking at the photo on the screen before raising a brow. "Wait a second? Since when were you two a thing? Did you guys know?" Ky looked at Xiao and Pietro, who both nodded.

"Hm. I guess that leaves Pietro out to dry by himself." Ky teased, looking at the picture on the screen that showed Pietro looking at all four of them with a depressing expression.

"Don't remind me…" Pietro groaned. "Can we do the non-romance option now?"

And so, the five mutants printed out their photos and restarted the machine, taking enough photos together to their hearts content.

By the time the van's tire was replaced, the crew had run out of coins and were already on their way out.

As they walked out together, Ky glanced down at a picture of them all in his hand. The prompt for the specific photo was 'Mischievous', and for some reason, the entire gang decided to flip off the camera as they all laughed together.

Ky smiled as he stared at their immortalized memory before folding it and putting it in his pocket.

I'll be honest with you guys, this might be the last time Ky is happy.

LordOrpheuscreators' thoughts