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Ky Thatcher was born as a mutant in a world where mutants are seen as scum beneath humans. Once the X-Gene was discovered, showing what mutants were capable of, humans started doing everything they could to keep themselves safe. They took them away from their families, shoved them in camps, and murdered mutants like cattle after developing ways to subdue and kill them. The ones who couldn't be killed were forced to suffer fates worse than death... For eight years, those who survived went into hiding. However, things would soon change once the mutants began fighting back. Ky is not OP from the jump, he gets strong over time. You will see. As you can imagine, warping time will get pretty broken. This also takes place in my own Marvel AU. THIS IS NOT MCU. Also, before people cry about it, prejudice against mutants is literally a thing in the comics. X-Men is extremely political outside of the movies, and even the movies were political.

LordOrpheus · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs


Glass shattering, followed by boots striking the ground reverberating off of the wooden walls shrouded in darkness. Soldiers, equipped with all-black militaristic gear from head to toe, had made their way inside the hostel. Though what they sought were mutants, they were only met by complete darkness, only sections of the darkness being illuminated by the flashlights attached to the barrels of their weapons.

Four soldiers stepped slowly, searching inside one of the very many hostel rooms, seeing nothing but empty darkness. Though, within the next few moments, they'd wish that the darkness was the only thing occupying the room with them.


A muzzle flashing revealed Tempo, wearing his all-black combat gear and glass mask as the single bullet fired from the barrel of his handgun, struck the skulls of two soldiers, killing them instantly.


Yet another muzzle flash revealed Tempo, who was then in another position as if he'd seemingly teleported through the darkness, his bullet striking a soldier in the head, spraying blood and brain residue all over the last remaining soldier. Shaking, with his comrade's blood covering his body, the last man standing aimed his flashlight through the darkness frantically, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mutant-hunting him.

However, he failed to notice the mutant standing right behind him, his silhouette being illuminated by the moonlight coming in from the window behind the both of them. The soldier glanced at his feet, spotting Tempo's shadow, though it was far too late.

With a sinister hiss, Tempo unsheathed his blade and sliced the soldier's head off with one clean, swift motion. As blood spewed out of the wound, Tempo wiped the blood from his sword onto his sleeve and placed his blade back in its resting place on his back, just as the soldier's corpse hit the ground.

Ky told himself it was self-defense, making the killing come easier for him. Though he felt complicated feelings within himself upon each life he erased, those feelings were beginning to fade. 'They turned me into a killer.' he once again thought, however, he also had another thought escape his brain. 'But maybe being a killer is the only way things will ever change.'

Oblivious to the fates of their comrades, another group of soldiers was seen clearing the stairs in the main lobby, walking back to back, illuminating the darkness with their flashlights.


Like a bolt of white lightning, Quicksilver blasted past the group of soldiers, though upon closer inspection, the soldiers realized that one of the five of them had gone missing. The soldiers spoke in Russian, despite the hostel being in Norway, calling out to their squadmate who seemingly disappeared.


Again, a Russian soldier disappeared, only a silver streak being left where he once stood. Again, Russian was spoken, though a response was missing.


A silver bolt once again zoomed by, though this time, not a single soldier disappeared. However, the life within one of them would be snuffed out as his throat was slit by a Russian knife, one borrowed by Quicksilver himself. As blood spewed from the wound on the throat of the dying soldier, Quicksilver dashed by once again.


Slashed in the throat, just as his ally was, yet another soldier fell to his knees as blood began to spew sporadically on the staircase. The lone wolf, the last remaining soldier, had nothing else but fear filling his heart. Tripping over his own feet, the soldier stumbled for the window that they broke through, hoping to escape with his life.

However, no one could outrun Quicksilver.


Frozen, the soldier looked down to see a knife being driven through the center of his chest, though he wore a vest meant to repel even bullets, Quicksilver's speed allowed the knife to pass through it like butter. As Quicksilver stood with the knife driven deep inside his enemy, his eyes darted to the side.


Though a soldier fired a bullet at Quicksilver, that same bullet was a mere centimeter from his eye, being held by Quicksilver who had the bullet between his index finger and his thumb. Unmoving, the soldier trembled, breathing harshly as Quicksilver glared at him coldly. "You should've stayed hidden."

With the flick of his finger, Quicksilver fired the bullet directly into the soldier's eyes as if he himself were a gun, killing the soldier instantly. As he glared down at the body, he remembered his past...

He remembered the first time he had to take a life to protect himself.

𝘛𝘸𝘰 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘩 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘗𝘪𝘦𝘳𝘵𝘰'𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘱𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘦...

Alternative rock music could be heard as two teens danced to the beat of the music. They were twins, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff, along with being the children of Serbian immigrants. However, their parents were deceased, and the two of them lived with their uncle Django.

With her long, brown hair, Wanda lept on the couch, holding her hairbrush like a microphone as she shouted the lyrics to the song. "Come wit' it now!" Both she and her brother started banging their heads, their hair fluttering back and forth to the beat of the song. "Come wit' it now!" she repeated, still banging her head to the electric guitar, bass, and drums blaring loudly out of the speakers.

"Bulls on parade!" Both twins shouted, still slamming their heads forward as if they were at a concert, their hair thrashing against their faces. The music was so loud, the two of them couldn't hear what was going on outside as the speakers boomed and vibrated the entire room.

"Bulls on parade!"

"Bulls on parade!"

"Bulls on parade!"

"Bulls on parade!"

"Bulls on parade!"

Once the song ended, Wanda jumped and sat down on the couch, laughing with her twin brother who was choosing the next song. Spending their day enjoying music or movies together was normal for the two of them. They'd dropped out of school once they'd discovered their powers, being influenced by their uncle to use their powers to steal from those who were rich and anti-mutant.

With the money they stole, they moved to the middle of nowhere and lived in a farmhouse, away from the would-be pursuers.

However, as fate would have it, this may have been their last happy moment together as the sound of a door slamming outside was heard by the two of them. Both twins stopped in their tracks, glaring at each other with wide eyes. Being mutants, they'd have been foolish to not know of the current status of their people, being sent to camps and murdered just as they were eight years prior.

Pietro, using his newly discovered super speed, dashed over to the front door and looked through the peephole. His single open eye widened as he saw dozens of M.R.D. officers, armed with anti-mutant weaponry aimed directly at their farmhouse. They lived in the middle of nowhere, away from civilization in order to hide from the authorities in case another mutant genocide were to occur, yet they were somehow discovered.

The house was completely surrounded, and before long, the windows around the house began to shatter as gas from grenades began filling the home. Pietro, using his lightning-fast movement ability, rushed back to the living room with thoughts of grabbing Wanda and fleeing the building, however, after just a few steps, his vision started to fade, becoming wobbly, and his respiratory system started to shut down. Due to his enhanced metabolism, the gas was affecting his body almost instantly.

"Pietro!" Wanda noticed her brother begin to stumble, calling to him and stepping toward him, however, she began to cough and cover her own mouth as the gas was starting to affect her too. Before she could reach him, soldiers started bursting through the windows with gas masks on their faces and rifles in their hands.

At that very moment, Wanda's fight or flight kicked in. Her arms became shrouded in a red aura, an aura of magic. "Get out!" she bellowed, her voice no longer sounding like a sweet young woman's and more like a demonic beast. She then began releasing an unstable amount of chaos energy and pressure from her body, so much that the gas inside the building was pushed outward and the building became engulfed in flames.

"Don't fucking move!" One of the five anti-mutant officers shouted, getting back up on his feet after having been knocked down by the blast. However, two of the officers weren't so lucky as glass from the nearby windows exploded and the shards completely decimated them.

Meanwhile, Pietro's eyes started to open and he could see his sister surrounded by guns through the flames surrounding him. Spotting a piece of glass on the ground, Pietro picked it up and almost instantly dashed toward one of the officers, slitting the officer's throat, his crimson blood spewing relentlessly.

Meanwhile, Wanda used her magic to turn the last two officers' weapons against themselves. Both officers, their own guns to their jaw, pulled the trigger, killing themselves with a single shot. Quickly, Wanda's battle face turned into that of a loving sister as she knelt down beside her brother who was bleeding profusely from his leg.

There were multiple shards of glass inside his leg which he failed to notice sooner due to the adrenaline coursing through him. Both Wanda and the officers failed to see that he more so stumbled over to her with his speed rather than sprinted over to her when he slit the man's throat. With the adrenaline wearing off, he couldn't even do that at that point.

"Pietro! Shit! What do I do?" Wanda was merely a child, a high school girl just as her brother was. She wasn't trained for this, she had no knowledge of how to treat his wounds. She didn't even know where to go once this was all over.

As the fire crackled and the house fell apart, Pietro grabbed his sister's hand and told her what to do. "You have to find Xavier's school... It's the only place that's safe."

"Xavier's school? You mean that old myth? It doesn't exist!"

"I believe it does exist, Wanda. Find it. He'll keep you safe. They say only those with the X-gene can find it."

"I'm not leaving you!"

"You have to go. I can't go anywhere with this wound... My powers are useless and you can barely control yours."

"They'll kill you!"

"They'll probably send me to a camp. I'll escape and find you. I promise. Now go."

"No, Pietro I won't leave you!"

"I said GO! We can't both escape and I'll only slow you down. Please... just go."

Despite her wishes, Wanda knew her brother was right. There was no sense in them both being captured. Wanda thought that if she could master her untapped potential, perhaps she could find Pietro and save him. "I'll find you. I'll get help and I will find you."

And so, Wanda fled, using the smoke and flames to make a swift exit, leaving her brother behind in the burning house.

That was the last time either of the twins had seen each other...

𝘗𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘥𝘢𝘺...

Footsteps reverberated off of the walls of the near pitch-black hostel as more guards wandered even deeper into the death trap. They heard the screams of their comrades, causing the fear of the unknown to well up inside them.

As they checked their corners, one of the guards stepped foot inside a room, his comrades following close behind him. Suddenly, the point man stopped dead in his tracks, literally, as an icicle was impaling his face, causing him to fall onto his back, the ice shattering upon making an impact with the ground.



Two guards' heads were obliterated after being struck by the bullets from a six-shooter, their bodies dropping to the floor simultaneously. The rest of the guards turned around to see Fixer pointing his six-shooter at them. The guards were ready to aim their rifles at him, however, Fixer suddenly flash stepped forward, landing on the wall and defying gravity. His speed didn't come anywhere close to Quicksilver's but was fast nonetheless thanks to his special shoes. Fixer then used his gun to take out two officers with perfect headshots.

The final officer attempted to shoot Fixer with his rifle, though his aim wasn't true and his speed was lacking as Fixer flipped off of the wall and attached himself to the ceiling, aiming his weapon right at the officer. With one eye closed, Fixer aimed his weapon and fired it at the final officer, nailing him right in between the eyes.

What Fixer failed to notice, however, was the single guard that was trailing behind the rest, aiming his rifle right for his head. With the perfect shot lined up, the soldier placed his finger on the trigger. However, before he could pull it back, a shard of ice impaled his brain, killing him instantly. Seeing how he almost let himself be killed, Fixer winced. "Oh, thanks..." Tom said as Iceman walked out of a room and into the hallway, looking up at him with a smirk on his face.

"No problem. Let's keep going." Bobby and Tom then took off into the darkness, leaving the corpses behind.

Hiding inside one of the offices, Eagle and Answer were seen with their backs against a wall, each of them on the opposite side of a closed door. Reading the minds of those behind the door, Answer held up five fingers before using two fingers to make a walking motion, telling Eagle that there were five behind the door.

She then started counting down using three fingers, counting down how long it would be before the guards entered the room. Just as her finger counted down to one, the door swung open and Answer used her bo staff to crush the skull of one officer before breaking the jaw of another in two swift motions.

Spotting her in the doorway, an officer aimed their weapon at her, only for Eagle to land a headshot on him with his desert eagle pistol. Sensing an officer about to pull the trigger, Xiao quickly backstepped, dodging his bullet. At the same time, Ky appeared from the shadows and stabbed him in the back with one of his swords as Quicksilver, Iceman, and Fixer emerged from different corners of the darkness at the same time.

With so many people's inner voices being so close to her, Xiao was struggling to pick up on the remaining soldier who was hiding somewhere in the darkness as well. Her powers couldn't tell her where people were, but since their thoughts were like hearing a voice to her, she could pinpoint it. But there were just far too many voices flooding her mind.

Wanting to get into the action, Eagle stepped out of the room, only for Xiao to quickly turn around after sensing the thoughts of another soldier lurking in the dark. "Eagle, wait!" Xiao held out her hand, Quicksilver dashed forward, Iceman tried gliding forward, and Fixer used his special boots to propel himself toward him. However, none of them were fast enough to beat the bullet.


Before Eagle could react to Answer's voice, the soldier's muzzle flashed, revealing himself in the darkness, and his bullet struck Eagle directly in the forehead, killing him instantly.

Being a few yards away from Eagle, Ky knew that reversing time for one second wouldn't be enough to prevent Eagle's death...

However, Ky's eyes shone white and time began to reverse.

Ky is not a goody two shoes.

LordOrpheuscreators' thoughts