
Mother of Darkness

The story takes place in a fantasy world where a woman just wanted to live a normal life, but everything was taken from her. This is a story of a Mother, who became the death itself. It's heavily influenced by Indian and Chinese Mythology. Remark: It is my first writing , so please support me . Thanks

Misty_guy · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The Morning's Embrace

The first rays of the morning sun gently kissed the earth as Gao Yang and his wife made their way towards Healer Sang's clinic. Anxiety and concern filled their hearts, casting a shadow over the otherwise serene morning. With each step, their anticipation grew, mingled with a sense of trepidation for what they might discover.

As they reached the clinic, they were greeted by the gentle rustling of leaves and the soft chirping of birds. The air carried a hint of hope, as if nature itself sensed the importance of this moment. Gao Yang's hand tightened around his wife's, finding solace in their shared strength.

Entering the clinic, they were met by the familiar sight of Healer Sang attending to his duties with unwavering dedication. His presence exuded a sense of calm amidst the storm that raged within their hearts. He turned towards them, his gaze filled with compassion, as if understanding the weight of their silent worries.

The Madam, with a excited as well as worried expression asked, Healer Sang....When would my son Wake up? Gao Yang too looked towards him. Healer Sang was nervoulsy looking towards the ground....not daring to look towards them....he spoke.....Madam.....master.....I don't know why.....how.....what....believe me....I have conducted every test and in every test, his body seems normal....but...

But What!!!!!? Gao Yang asked in serious tone..... healer sang started shaking.... But...But.....Master.....Young Master's situation is deteriorating.... Both Gao Yang and madam became worried. But in a moment , Healer Sang said in a low voice said.....Wait!...If his body is fine then.....he immediately moved towards the young master and placed his index finger between his eyebrows.....

Aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! Healer Sang shouted , holding his hand that touched Young Master's head, soon he fell on the ground , twisting on the ground while screaming his agony....soon he formed a green blade of spirtual energy on his other arm.....and.....cut his own arm....with blood dying the ground red. Both, the Master and Madam , couldn't understand the situation happening before them . Healer Sang quickly took out a bright red pill from a vile and ate it , soon..blood stopped and his injury started to heal . Gao Yang....with a confused expression asked....What is happening!!!!! Healer Sang came to his senses. He looked towards his Master and said with a serious tone...Master....it's....it's the Naraka poison.... Gao Yang eye's widened on hearing it.....with a wave of his hand , he formed a barrier around them.....he looked towards him and said.....do you know what you are saying Sang..... Healer Sang , shakily said ....Master I am sure...no other poison can do this.....Madam confused and worried about the situation, hesitantly asked.....Healer Sang....Husband.....What is this....Naraka..poison. Gao yang looked emphatically towards her...not able to say anything .... She grew more tensed ....her voice breaking...Healer Sang!!!!! I asked.... what is this poison?? Healer Sang looked towards Gao Yang.....on noticing his action....the madam shouted....I am his mother...your madam....Tell me.....!!!!!!!!

Gao Yang spoke....Dear.... but was cut midway....her wife raising her hand...signaling him to stop. She looked towards Healer Sang and said....Speak.....

Healer Sang hesitantly spoke....Madam....this poison...is a very rare poison.....if not treated quickly...it will directly seep into one's soul.....and like a relentless fire...will keep devouring his soul....the victim would feel as if his soul is trapped in an unending inferno, gradually being reduced to smoldering embers... The Madam was stunned to hear it ....her face became completely lifeless.

After some moments .....she started stuttering....but...but....you said that...that the blue lotus can save him...he will become stronger than before...he will be fine....then why...why...

Madam....actually.....this poison.....has no cure.....the longer one lives...the more pain one has to endure....and so...the blue lotus....actually made it worse.....

Madam fell on her knees....No...No....It can't be....My son.....My Son.....tears falling off her cheeks....

Healer Sang looked towards his Master and hesitantly said...Master.....it would be better if....

Gao Yang grabbed him by his neck ,and lifted him up from the ground...better if .....I kill my own son...right!!!! On hearing this madam came back to her senses and rushed towards her son's side and said...with red teary eyes.....Stay away from my son!!!! If you dared to touch my son..... Gao Yang looked towards her melancholically..He threw healer sang on ground and moved towards her . Healer sang on the other hand was gasping for air on the ground...

Gaon Yang reached her and embraced her into his arms....Madam...overwhelmed by despair, let out a heart-wrenching cry that echoed through the clinics.....yang.....wu...wu...how can this happen....my child....my child....save him...please save him....Gao Yang held her tightly....Dear....our son is suffering...with every moment of our selfishness.....his soul is burning.....there is.....no other choice!! ....he slowly separated her and moved towards his son...She wailing.....no...please no..... Gao Yang....put his trembling hands on his son's neck and.....Crackkk!!!!.... a tear falling from his eye...

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