
Mother of Darkness

The story takes place in a fantasy world where a woman just wanted to live a normal life, but everything was taken from her. This is a story of a Mother, who became the death itself. It's heavily influenced by Indian and Chinese Mythology. Remark: It is my first writing , so please support me . Thanks

Misty_guy · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The Gao Clan

Two guards stood outside a huge brown gate . The guard on the right side , looked towards the other guard and said in a low voice , Mo , did you hear about the rumor going around ?

The other guard looked at him , and with a sad expression replied , You mean...the one about a young maid ?

Yes , Yes about that . One of the maids in inner court is my girlfriend , she told me , Young Master forced another girl yesterday . She told me, it was really heart wrenching. The young girl came from a poor family and was really a sweet and hard working child.

With a sad expression he added , the girl initially resisted ...shouted for help while crying but....who will stop young Master. Her cries filled the whole courtyard and were so horrible that my girlfriend puked from disgust.

The other guard too had bad expression , he said , Yes , I have heard that the girl was only around 14 years old . He then added with an angry tone, I have heard that it's the head maid!!!!.....who arranges a new girl for Young Master every week . Sighhh!! Those poor kids . They come with hope of helping their families , but instead.....face this . I think that poor child died at the end right...?

Yes...she did . It looks like , while resisting , she scratched Young Master's face . Thus....he killed her in rage .

The other guard named Mo replied , This is the fate of being a woman and weak in this world . Either serve these nobles willingly or they will..... He stopped midway , with anger and disgust written clearly on his face .

The guard on the right said , Mo.... look , aren't those Young Master's guards . Wait..... aren't they carrying Young Master and...his friend . Mo looked towards his right and said , yes , you are right. It looks like , they finally offended someone powerful . Mo said with a smile .

In few moments , the four running guards reached the gates and entered , without any interruption . The old guard looked towards the guard , who wasn't carrying anyone and said , You ..... You go inform Master about Young Master's situation , meanwhile , we will take them to healer Sang . The guard seemed reluctant but he followed the command . The other guards moved to their left , while the fourth one headed towards the main building . Two guards were standing outside of large main hall, he stopped before them and said , I am one of young master's guard . I am here to report about an incident that happened with him . Please inform Master that young master got injured in a fight and is currently being taken to healer Sang . The Guards were surprised to hear it . One of them hurridly rushed inside . After some time , a roaring voice came from inside .... Who dares to hurt my son in Yue City!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The two Guards standing outside.....looked at each other , with fear and worry writen over each one of them .

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