
Mother of Darkness

The story takes place in a fantasy world where a woman just wanted to live a normal life, but everything was taken from her. This is a story of a Mother, who became the death itself. It's heavily influenced by Indian and Chinese Mythology. Remark: It is my first writing , so please support me . Thanks

Misty_guy · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The Capital

A huge city could been seen built near the "White Tiger River" . The river had crystal clear water , which flows in very high speed . Due to this speed , water appears white in color and roars like a tiger . Thus , the name . The city is enormous in size , maybe housing millions of people. It has three main entrances ,the entrance on the river is a port , two other entrances in North and East , while in its south lies lofty mountains. The city is rectangular in shape , visibly divided into 3 sections . The biggest singular building , the Palace lies in the extreme south , near the mountains , moving northwards, the Palace is separated from rest of the city by a huge wall, thousands of soldiers stationed on it .After this wall , begins another portion of the city . It has huge mansions , though nowhere as big as the Palace. The streets were wide and clean , beautiful trees , with complete white leaves, shining under the sunlight on the side of the roads .The people could be seen wearing luxurious clothing .There were no stalls on streets but rather spacious shops . On one street, what seems like a crossroad, there is a huge statue of a ferocious white tiger. The tiger was biting the neck of a multi headed snake, while one its claw was on the snake's tail. The northern most part of the city had much smaller, crowded houses and narrower streets. It was the most crowded part of the city. Here, people were wearing much simpler clothes, different stalls could be seen installed on the streets, with people buying different commodities.

On one random tea stall, three completely ordinary looking man were sitting. One of the man said , did you guys hear about the strange thing. The other man said with a little bit of annoyance in his voice , which strange thing are you talking about? There are always so many strange rumors going around because of some gossiping people. The first man slowly whispered , I am talking about the black rock city. The other two people nodded. The third person said , yes it is indeed very strange . A whole city became a graveyard and everyone was massacred except for the people without spiritual roots....that too ,in a single night!!!!! The first person added , and the biggest mystery is that no one knows who did it , it is as if earth swallowed them. The second person asked , why didn't they inquire the common folks who survived. The first person replied, let me tell you something , my Aunt's husband's friend's son is a soldier and was part of enquiring team . He told that the survivors claimed.....he paused for sometime , the other two, a bit annoyed and excited said , just spill it , don't become writer of a third class suspense novel. The man continued with a excited expression , they claimed , it was the City Lord who went mad and started massacring his own people . By the time , he was done with noble district , the common folks escaped .Both of them looked shocked , Whaatttt ,are you telling the truth ? The first person said , OfCourse , why would i lie to you ? Both of them nodded. And let me tell you more..... when they tried to search their souls , they found out the people were telling the truth!!!!!!! The other two persons gave a shocking expressions while drinking tea. When they finished their teas, the second person said with a dejecting manner, it's none of our business , let these good for nothing officials rummage their minds on it . Moreover , whoever it is , at least he is not hurting us...the common folks. The other two nodded. The first person said , you are right , let's go to our work now , breaktime is almost over. All three men got up and then went into their own directions.

In a room , a man was kneeling on the ground . He was wearing a golden armor . In front of him , a middle-aged man was sitting on a higher pedestal , wearing red clothes . He had white hairs and blue eyes .There was a small table in front of him full of closed, semi-closed scrolls. He looked towards the kneeling man and with no emotions on his face...spoke , so General Han....you are saying that you still have no idea about the culprit.....right ?

The General spoke , Your Majesty , please forgive me for my incompetence, please give me some more time . I will definitely not let you down this time.

Fine , I am giving you 2 weeks , find whoever did this and bring him to me .

Thankyou your Majesty .

You may leave now General.

The General got up , bowed once again and left the room.

The Emperor then looked towards the leaving general . He then opened one scroll , which was red in color and started reading it . He then said in a low but serious tone , I hope......it's not "them".