
Mortal Kombat: Son of the Dragons

Alexander Valkyrie Darkov was raised Black Dragon and now joins Special Force's Next Generation of fighters to discover his place in the realms ultimately discovering his true origins and legacy. Through effort and trial, and with his love Cassie Cage at his side, he will discover his legacy and prove it's more than blood that makes the warrior. A fair warning, there will be heavy use of Scripts from Mortal Kombat 2011, Mortal Kombat X, and Mortal Kombat 11 as seen fit.

Holly_Putvin · Video Games
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57 Chs

Training and the End of a Legacy

Bo' Rai Cho awoke at the nick of dawn. After getting ready, he went over to Alex's room, opening the door to see the young man facing out the window, the orange sun beaming against his stoic face, eyes closed. He had been meditating. Bo' Rai Cho silently closed the door and let himself out as he went to brew up some morning tea. Once he was finished, the two shared a hearty breakfast before Alex resumed his training at the hands of the Outworld master. Throughout the day Alex learned more of the basics and foundations, sharpening his combat skills, and he was able to hold his own for much longer before Master Bo' Rai Cho's sheer experience alone overwhelmed him. Flat on his back again, Alex lay there groaning before Bo' Rai Cho held out a hand to him and helped the young Black Dragon to his feet saying

"You are much better but still lack something. I can't tell you what that is, for that is a self-discovery journey you must take on your own, Alexander."

"That is as cryptic as the Netherrealm and you know it."

Alex huffed as he eyed down the Outworld master. Bo' Rai Cho didn't laugh this time, glaring back up at the 7 foot Black Dragon. That tone of Alex's was dangerously close to Shao Kahn's and, in a rare moment of seriousness, whacked the youth over the head with his bo staff and said

"You fool! Nothing is ever spelled out for you! You must work to find your answers, or you will learn nothing! Consider reflecting on yourself and perhaps you can find part of your answer. Or maybe your answer."

Bo' Rai Cho lightly shook his head as he turned away. Alex sighed before saying

"I am sorry Master. I was foolish and arrogant. I will do as you suggest and see if I can find enlightenment."

Bo' Rai Cho stopped. That sounded like his mother, Rena. She was not known to lose her temper often but when she did, it was because her husband would be out of line, even by her standards. He sighed before saying

"I can't tell who he is, Alexander, but I will tell you, I knew your father and that at times I have noticed you do resemble him. You definitely have his temper."

"So, I have been told. I was also told that he did love me, and everything he did in his last moments was to ensure I was safe and happy"

"Yes, that is true. He did love you, your mother, and your twin sister."

Alex smiled as the wise old master turned around and faced him again before saying

"Come, I have something to give you."

Alex followed Master Bo' Rai Cho into his home and into his study where the master crossed to a locked box and retrieved an item. He then turned to Alex and placed upon his neck his own Outworld Warrior's Medallion which surprised Alex. Bo' Rai Cho patted the necklace so it lay neatly on Alex's chest and said

"You have earned this, Alexander. Wear it with pride. And any others you may earn along the way."

"Yes, Master."

Alex said respectfully as he accepted the medallion. He bows to his master, Bo' Rai Cho, returning the gesture with gratitude. Alex then asks

"Would you join us should things go south?"

Master Bo' Rai Cho looked toward the orange sky and sunset, a smile coming upon his wrinkly face. He turns to face Alex, who had subconsciously joined the Outworlder in looking over the horizon.

"I think my days of being a hero have been long gone, Alexander. And my training days are winding down now."

Bo' Rai Cho lightly chuckles. Alex looks down but nods, accepting the answer. With one more bow of respect, Alex then set out to continue his journey and Bo' Rai Cho smiled widely as he watched his final student leave. Content, the Outworlder went about settling down for a peaceful retirement. He went to ensure that in his will, Alexander would get both of his homes. They would be wonderful for the young prince. He looked out to the lake nearby, taking in the scenery as the sunset reflected off the water. The warm colors of the sunset mixed with the cooler colors of the water, making a beautiful painting off the water just a short walk from the house. Bo' Rai Cho also looked over to the neighboring village. Despite his background, they readily accepted who he was, and in gratitude, repaid them by training them to defend themselves. With his affairs in order, Bo' Rai Cho with one last sigh got up and went to have his dinner. Small and humble yet filling as he savored the meal. He cleaned his dishes, setting them neatly away before he went and cleaned himself up for the night. With one last look around, Bo' Rai Cho laid down in bed and fell asleep.

It was a sleep the master wouldn't wake up from. The next morning some villagers, who checked on him routinely, found him deceased in his bed, peaceful. They also found the will written in both Chinese and in a language they didn't understand. One thing was clear; a "Commander Ryker" was made to oversee the estate. The villagers worked out how to find this commander and deliver the news to him. Commander Ryker arrived with his troop, who all benefited from Master Bo' Rai Cho's combat experience. Ryker and his troop assisted in burying Bo' Rai Cho's body in a makeshift shrine the villagers had created. The grateful village mourned as long as they saw fit, deciding to pass on the wisdom and training to future generations and as many others as possible to honor the master's legacy.

Many wondered what would become of the beachside property, but Commander Ryker had told them it had been bequeathed to a recent student of Master Bo' Rai Cho's

"I swear in his words, this individual has shown great courage and respect in the face of failure and uncertainty."

The commander had said knowing full well who got the house. Yet he chose not to yet inform the person just yet. The empty residence would later be occupied by a young couple. The male bears a strange medallion that some knew to be Bo' Rai Cho's own warrior's medallion, proving his worth to the villagers. Regardless, it was good to have someone there who looked after the children who felt safe to play in his yard as the wise old master had done. This new couple would wound up taking the master's position of guardian over the village, much to the relief of the parents, as they could fully trust them as much as they did with the late respected Master Bo' Rai Cho.