
Morphing Into The Strongest Creatue (Lit RPG, Monster evolution)

A scarecrow woke up one day. It felt that its only purpose in life was to become the worlds most powerful creature. And then it died, and woke up once again with the same purpose. It lost all of its memories, but the one thing it remained was the modifications it had made to its body through the system. The scarecrow has no notion of loyalty, or empathy, or of trying to be a good person at all. It only cares about becoming the most powerful creature, and it's willing to do anything to achieve that.  ------------ This is a story of a scarecrow trying to become the strongest monster. Each time it dies, it reincarnates to the start with no memories, but with the new modifications it gained during its past life. I've made it like that to keep the story from becoming the same over and over. I would like to warn you that the scarecrow is more phycopathic than a phycopath. It has no empathy, or loyalty, and it can't feel sadness. I love weak to strong stories, and usually they start as an insect or so, but the problem there is that insects aren't really targetted by dragons or bigger creatures at all. On the other hand this scarecrow, that starts with horrible stats, is targetted by wolves, and insects, and snakes, and everything really, and a single hit to the stomach is more than enough to kill it.   I wonder how many retries it's going to take before it achieves its goal. 

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Nemesis is that you?

It was the king of the forest, and it had never ever been as disrespected as it was right now.

It stood up, stretched its back, raised its hands, flexed its bulging muscles, proudly showed its sharp and deadly claws, and its mighty jaw, and it screamed, roared as loudly as it could.

Not a single reaction.

Not even a slight one.

Only a roar back, as if they were equals.

Are we equals?

No. The scarecrow treated the king of the forest, not as an equal, but as something else than equal. Equals warranted a reaction, heck, even mosquitos warranted some sort of reaction. The scarecrow clearly considered the king himself lower than a mosquito, or that's at least what the king thought. Such splendid egoism!

The king didn't know what to do. Its head clearly told it that the creature in front of it was weak, the bottom of the barrel weak, and its aura said the same thing. But the king knew to trust its gut, and its gut was screaming at it to back off.

From experience, every creature that was capable of showing such distinguished apathy, was a creature not to be messed with. Most likely, the little scarecrow in front of him was hiding its true power.

It decided to roar again. Rhaaaa! Every bird in the forest flew up. The leaves shook and rattled. Even the other strong creatures in the forest stopped for a second, wondering who pissed the king off. But the little scarecrow didn't stop walking forward.

There was something seriously wrong here.

The scarecrow on the other hand did not understand why the creature roared twice. Once was more than enough. Roaring was clearly only a way to show discomfort. And there is only discomfort or no discomfort. A single roar was more than plenty to the Scarecrow.

"I haven't seen you here before," the king of the forest said, its voice deep and sinister and wild, as if it would attack any second.

The scarecrow could not speak, and only heard a mix of heightened vocals with consonants in between. It continued walking forward, soon it would be able to touch the king, hit him with all its power.

The king felt a chill shoot down its spine. Oh no! It's breathing became faster, a drop of sweat slithering down its forehead. It could even feel its jaw start to rattle. It knew when it was time to back off, and right now was such a time.

"You win this one, but what shall I call you Nemesis?" The king said, fully declaring the scarecrow as its Nemesis, its true enemy, the enemy it would train hard to best.

The scarecrow stopped, looking the king right in the eyes. Stop fucking talking, the scarecrow thought. Lets fight already! The scarecrow stared at the king, trying to convey this thought through its eyes.

The king jumped back.

"I see, you're TOO COOL FOR NAMES!" The king screamed.. "THAT'S MY NEMESIS FOR YOU. I'M KI-(here the king roared for about three seconds)ING, NEMESIS. REMEMBER THAT. YOU WIN THIS TIME, BUT I WILL REGAIN MY GLORY IN THE FUTURE."

The king's claws extended to double the length. It smashed them into its thick chest, filled with blue hair, and pulled, slowly, from left to bottom right, creating a large scar. Dark black blood poured out.

This was a scar it would bear for the rest of its life. One to remind itself of the humiliating defeat it faced today, and of its nemesis. The scarecrow was the first creature in the entire forest to scar the king.

The king turned around and sprinted away. The scarecrow heard the loud thumps and a few trees twisting and breaking, and felt the ground vibrate for about a minute. It was really confusing. It did not know what had just happened.

But it did know that there was a pile of fresh meat on the ground about two meters away. It jumped right into the corpse.This meat was a whole lot richer than the scarecrow deserved. It was so rich, that after only a bit the scarecrow felt full, as if its stomach would explode.

But it did not stop there. Over the next five minutes, its razor sharp teeth devoured the entire beast, until only bones were left. Strangely, its second arm never came back. It couldn't figure out why.

Ding! Ding! Ding! For managing to inflict serious damage on a creature more than 300 level above your own level, you have gained the mythical perk, Aura of Champions.

Aura of Champions

Your aura, previously a representative of your own strength, will gain a new quality. There will be a sliver of something even the gods fear in your aura. It will make any creature of enough strength hesitant, and respectful, of you.

Ding! Ding! Ding! For eating a creature more than 200 levels above your own level, you have gained the rare perk, Mama's Little Dragon.

Mama's Little Dragon.

A perk commonly reserved for creatures of dragonic origin, with few exceptions. You are now able to gain experience from eating creatures, although it will be at a much lower percentage than gained if you slay them by yourself.

Ding! Ding! Ding! 5000 experience points gained from eating.

A lot of windows popped up, each detailing a level up, and the last one something the scarecrow had never seen before.

You must assign attribute points.

Assignable points: 30

Strength: 2


Dexterity: 0.3

Vitality: 1

Stamina: 2

Magic: 8

Charisma: 1

The creature realized that this was a very important decision, because it had a voice in its mind telling it so. But because it could not feel its importance, only a vast sense of apathy, it dumped all its points into magic.

Health 2/2

Stamina 2/10

Mana 2/76

That 76 felt amazing.