
Morphing Into The Strongest Creatue (Lit RPG, Monster evolution)

A scarecrow woke up one day. It felt that its only purpose in life was to become the worlds most powerful creature. And then it died, and woke up once again with the same purpose. It lost all of its memories, but the one thing it remained was the modifications it had made to its body through the system. The scarecrow has no notion of loyalty, or empathy, or of trying to be a good person at all. It only cares about becoming the most powerful creature, and it's willing to do anything to achieve that.  ------------ This is a story of a scarecrow trying to become the strongest monster. Each time it dies, it reincarnates to the start with no memories, but with the new modifications it gained during its past life. I've made it like that to keep the story from becoming the same over and over. I would like to warn you that the scarecrow is more phycopathic than a phycopath. It has no empathy, or loyalty, and it can't feel sadness. I love weak to strong stories, and usually they start as an insect or so, but the problem there is that insects aren't really targetted by dragons or bigger creatures at all. On the other hand this scarecrow, that starts with horrible stats, is targetted by wolves, and insects, and snakes, and everything really, and a single hit to the stomach is more than enough to kill it.   I wonder how many retries it's going to take before it achieves its goal. 

Sly_Lyon · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

 The Journey Begins

The scarecrow's stamina was absolutely horrible. You wouldn't expect an inanimate object to have those types of issues, but somehow it did. Apparently, standing around all day, every day, didn't do stamina any good.

Each jump it took made the action feel that much harder. It felt as if weights were being put on its shoulder, and it had to focus on where to jump, careful not to trip. Luckily, the farmer muttered something about letting the monsters take care of it, and walked back.

The forest was unique. It was filled with trees of different shapes and sizes. Some trees touched the clouds. Some trees were giant bushes. Some trees had trunks thicker than boulders.

Strong colours filled the forest. Orange, purple, and yellow leaves stuck to the trees like feathers. The sun shone through them, picking up some of the colour and putting it on the floor.

There were blood-red vines hanging off the branches, and opaque blue mushrooms, shining slightly in the leaves shadows. The forest was an artist's wet dream.

And the scarecrow couldn't care less.

But it did care about the movement all around. Small caterpillars crawled across the floor, small spiders running on the trees, a large snake slithering around a trunk, and one bird sitting on a branch and staring. The scarecrow felt like the bird was staring right at it. Disliking this, it shrieked, and the bird flew away.

The shriek attracted the attention of another creature, and as the scarecrow followed the bird with its sight, it saw a purple slime on the branch above its head, that fell. Splash! It landed on the top of its head, and quickly enveloped the whole thing.

The scarecrow stood still, unsure of what to do. The slime didn't hurt or anything. It was a bit heavy, and it made the scarecrow's sight all blurry, but nothing else. It all felt a bit underwhelming.

The scarecrow still thought of the slime as slightly annoying and tried removing it. And that's when it realized that it couldn't remove the slime. For two reasons, one it had no hands to pull at the slime with, and even if it did, the slime was practically attached to its head. It was like mushy rocks, hard and tough but squishy.

The purpose was clear. The slime was trying to drown it!

But… the scarecrow didn't need to breathe. It didn't know what to do, but eventually decided to continue deeper into the forest. The slime grew panicked, because the scarecrow did not grow panicked.

The scarecrow jumped on roots, and fell on its face, thankfully the slime absorbed most of the damage. The slime relaxed, thinking its plan was working. The scarecrow realized that it needed its sight back. It had an idea, a primal instinct of sorts, something that should have been obvious all along.

Opening its mouth it began biting into the slime, and swallowing. The slime travelled down its dry throat, clogging up against the edges, widening his throat. It was disgusting, but the scarecrow didn't know that since it had no taste, so it only felt the need to spit for no particular reason.

The slime grew worried once again. It was about now that the prey stopped resisting and died. Why couldn't it just be so easy?

At the last second, when only the outer shell of the slime remained, it realized that it was outclassed and tried to escape, but it was too late. The scarecrow did not allow the slime to escape, and finished eating it.

Ding! Ding! Ding! 50 experience points gained from slaying lvl 15 Clogg Slime

Then a whole number of windows appeared. All saying that it had levelled up. A new window came.

You must assign attribute points.

Assignable points: 7

Strength: 2


Dexterity: 0.3

Vitality: 1

Stamina: 2

Magic: 1

Charisma: 1

The scarecrow knew exactly what this meant. It had been put into its mind from birth.

Anything here could lead to power. That was all the scarecrow cared about. So, the scarecrow, understanding its dilemma, turned to the only known solution.

Magic it is. Seven points all thrown in there.

Health 2/2

Stamina 2/10

Mana 2/16

Seeing the number on mana, jump from 2 to 16 made the scarecrow feel very good.

It stood up. And in the middle of doing so, realized that its second leg had come back. Food was the way to heal its body. The scarecrow felt like a genius for figuring that out.

The scarecrow felt something new in its body. Beneath its tiny heart, there was a liquid. Something it could move and splash around, and it felt really cold. Like ice, in the middle of its body.

It tried moving it around, and it followed the Scarecrows wishes. The liquid flowed around in the stomach and then up to the head, where it made the Scarecrow confused, and then it went down through the arms, and straight through the hands, except there, it came out as gas.

The blue gas rose towards the sky and disappeared into the air. The scarecrow found that intensely cool, and pressed out the rest of the blue stuff out of its body. When all the icy liquid had gone away, it felt sick, and its eyes spun, and it tumbled, falling down, and asleep.

It woke up in the night. All around, it could hear different noises. It could hear the branches shift, and the leaves shake to the wind and the different animals running. It could hear something chewing. Chewing!

That meant food.

It stood up, with its two feet, and looked towards the noise.There stood a creature almost three meters tall, and thick with blue fur. The creature's mouth was runny with blood and gore. It was in the middle of devouring another large creature that looked like a deer. They made eye contact.

The creature roared, but the scarecrow was not scared, because it could not be scared by loud noises, or scary sights, or darkness, only thoughts could scare it. The scarecrow shrieked back, and the large creature was shocked. There had not been a single roar that had fialed to scare hte monsters away, untill now.

The scarecrow walked forward, ready to fight the large monster.