
Morningstar House (GOT)

Morningstar House "When Shadows Loom, We Stand Tall" The story revolves around Darius, a reincarnated soul in the world of "Game of Thrones." Having lost his memories and transformed into a young slave boy in the city of Qarth, Darius discovers he possesses the powers and Gifts, . As he navigates the complex world of political intrigue and power struggles, Darius hones his skills, becoming an adept assassin and intelligence agent. Throughout his journey, Darius grapples with his purpose and seeks to uncover the reason for his reincarnation. With intelligence, cunning, and a close bond with animals, he maneuvers through the dangerous world of "Game of Thrones." Despite facing the vulnerability of his new form, Darius is determined to protect those he cares for and make a lasting impact. As the story progresses, Darius reveals his true nature as a calculated and powerful force, set on a path of self-discovery, revenge, and finding his place in the realm. His journey takes him from slavery to becoming a significant player in the game of thrones, leaving an indelible mark on the history of the Seven Kingdoms. ..... MC only knows he is in game of thrones world that it was story in his previous life.. The first twenty chapters of the story are almost all time skips and  It is a background for the main story It is better to tell a group of people, those of you who have problems with the way the story is presented so far, please don't comment... Your opinion is not important at all, because I write this story just for fun and please don't expect to read a neat and clean one without problems, the comments you give to improve the story are valuable, but keep the other comments to yourself.

AERIC35 · Book&Literature
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A Lion's Vow

During the evening of the opening of the tourney at Harrenhal, the grand hall was adorned with colorful banners and flickering torches, creating an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation. Nobles from all corners of Westeros had gathered to witness the spectacle and display their martial prowess.

Among the esteemed guests was Lord Howland Reed, who had been invited by Lyanna Stark and her brothers Brandon, Eddard, and Benjen. The Reed family's bond with House Stark ran deep, and their presence added to the joyous occasion.

As the feast commenced, a brother of the Night's Watch took the opportunity to recruit knights for the ancient order. He stood tall before the assembled nobles, donning the black cloak of the Night's Watch, and spoke passionately about the honor and duty that awaited those who took the black.

However, the nobles' reaction was not what he had hoped for. Instead of a solemn response, he was met with amused smirks, snickers, and exchanged glances. The concept of joining the Night's Watch seemed alien and perhaps unnecessary to those who reveled in the splendor of Harrenhal.

In the midst of the merriment, Crown Prince Rhaegar Targaryen emerged from the shadows, carrying his harp. His ethereal presence and hauntingly beautiful music silenced the hall. As he strummed the strings of his harp and sang a melancholic song, his voice seemed to carry the weight of forgotten histories and unspoken desires.

Lyanna Stark was among those spellbound by Rhaegar's performance. The poignant notes of his song stirred emotions within her, resonating with the dreams and longings that she had buried deep within her heart.

Feeling the weight of his sister's emotions, Benjen Stark playfully teased Lyanna, seeking to alleviate the melancholy that had settled over her. However, her reaction was unexpected. In a swift and playful response, she poured a cup of wine over Benjen's head, eliciting laughter from those nearby.

Amidst the revelry, Lord Robert Baratheon's larger-than-life presence commanded attention. His boisterous laughter and wild antics entertained the crowd, and he found himself embroiled in a wine-drinking game with Ser Richard Lonmouth. The sounds of cheers and jests echoed through the hall as they competed with gusto.

Meanwhile, the enigmatic and beautiful Ashara Dayne graced the dance floor, her elegance and charm capturing the attention of all. She danced with grace and allure, drawing admirers from among the guests. Ser Barristan Selmy was one of the lucky souls to share a dance with her, and even the usually reserved Eddard Stark was encouraged by his brother Brandon to request the last dance on his behalf.

In the midst of the revelry and festivities, the destinies of these noble figures intertwined, their lives forever entangled by the threads of fate. Little did they know that their choices and actions during this memorable night would set in motion a series of events that would reverberate through the history of Westeros.

As the evening wore on and the night grew darker, the feast at Harrenhal continued, leaving behind a tapestry of memories that would be etched in the annals of Westerosi history. The tourney had only just begun, and the future held untold surprises for all those who walked its hallowed grounds.

As King Aerys entered the grand hall of Harrenhal, a hushed silence fell over the assembled nobles. It was a rare sight to witness the reclusive monarch step foot outside the Red Keep, and his appearance shocked everyone present. His once regal attire was now unkempt and shabby, a stark contrast to the majestic surroundings of the tourney.

As he approached, the courtiers' eyes widened with disbelief. King Aerys' long yellow fingernails and tangled beard revealed the depths of his neglect, and his unwashed, matted hair further highlighted the disarray of his once golden locks. It was a harrowing sight, as if the burdens of the kingdom had taken a toll on his sanity and appearance.

The king's demeanor was equally unpredictable and unnerving. He oscillated between bouts of hysterical laughter, followed by sudden spells of weeping and, at times, uncontrolled rage. The turmoil within his mind was laid bare for all to witness, leaving the nobles in a state of unease and trepidation.

Yet, amidst the tension and unease, a cheer erupted from the crowd. King Aerys had called forth Ser Jaime Lannister, the young knight renowned for his exceptional courage, gallantry, and unmatched swordsmanship. Despite the unsettling circumstances, Ser Jaime's reputation as one of the most skilled and honorable knights in the realm drew admiration and respect from those gathered.

With a commanding voice, King Aerys demanded that Ser Jaime kneel before him and take the sacred oath of the Kingsguard. The significance of the moment was not lost on anyone. Half of the lords of the Seven Kingdoms bore witness to this pivotal event, as Ser Jaime would be forever bound to protect the king and the royal family with his life.

As Ser Jaime knelt before the mad king, a mixture of awe and concern filled the hearts of the onlookers. They knew that the young knight's future had been forever altered, his life entwined with the fate of the realm. The Kingsguard's loyalty would now be put to the ultimate test as they safeguarded a king whose grasp on reality seemed to be slipping away.

Despite the gravity of the situation, Ser Jaime remained steadfast and resolute. With unwavering determination in his eyes, he recited the words of the sacred oath, pledging his life and honor to the service of King Aerys and the realm. His unwavering commitment and fearlessness in the face of a mad king's unpredictable nature only added to the awe that surrounded him.

And so, amidst the tumultuous backdrop of Harrenhal's tourney, a pivotal moment in history unfolded. Ser Jaime Lannister, the Lion of Lannister, had become a white knight of the Kingsguard, forever entwined with the enigmatic fate of King Aerys II Targaryen and the destiny of the Seven Kingdoms.

As the echoes of the oath resonated through the grand hall, the implications of this event reverberated through the hearts and minds of all those present. The shadows of uncertainty and intrigue lengthened, casting a deeper sense of foreboding over the tourney at Harrenhal. The pieces of the game of thrones were being set in motion, and none could predict how the future of Westeros would unfold.