
Morningstar House (GOT)

Morningstar House "When Shadows Loom, We Stand Tall" The story revolves around Darius, a reincarnated soul in the world of "Game of Thrones." Having lost his memories and transformed into a young slave boy in the city of Qarth, Darius discovers he possesses the powers and Gifts, . As he navigates the complex world of political intrigue and power struggles, Darius hones his skills, becoming an adept assassin and intelligence agent. Throughout his journey, Darius grapples with his purpose and seeks to uncover the reason for his reincarnation. With intelligence, cunning, and a close bond with animals, he maneuvers through the dangerous world of "Game of Thrones." Despite facing the vulnerability of his new form, Darius is determined to protect those he cares for and make a lasting impact. As the story progresses, Darius reveals his true nature as a calculated and powerful force, set on a path of self-discovery, revenge, and finding his place in the realm. His journey takes him from slavery to becoming a significant player in the game of thrones, leaving an indelible mark on the history of the Seven Kingdoms. ..... MC only knows he is in game of thrones world that it was story in his previous life.. The first twenty chapters of the story are almost all time skips and  It is a background for the main story It is better to tell a group of people, those of you who have problems with the way the story is presented so far, please don't comment... Your opinion is not important at all, because I write this story just for fun and please don't expect to read a neat and clean one without problems, the comments you give to improve the story are valuable, but keep the other comments to yourself.

AERIC35 · Book&Literature
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The Triumph of the Laughing Heart

During the eventful proceedings at Harrenhal, Lord Howland Reed's attention was drawn to the three squires who had previously attacked him. Lyanna and her brother, understanding the severity of the situation, offered their assistance to Howland, suggesting that they help him prepare for a jousting match against these knights. However, Howland, ever the humble and steadfast man, declined their offer, knowing that his skills were not in the realm of knightly combat.

Instead, he found solace and strength in the ancient traditions of his people. As the sun set on the first day of the tourney, Howland retreated to the shore of the Gods Eye, a serene lake near Harrenhal. Kneeling in the soft grass, he directed his gaze toward the enigmatic Isle of Faces, a sacred place in the heart of the lake where the Old Gods of the Forest were said to dwell.

With utmost reverence, Howland began to pray, seeking guidance and protection from the ancient deities his people had worshiped for generations. He sought the wisdom of the Old Gods, hoping that their ancient power and knowledge would aid him in this time of uncertainty and challenge.

The next morning, as the tourney resumed, the three knights who had previously defeated their opponents now stood among the champions. Their prowess in the jousting field had earned them respect and admiration, and they prepared to face a new challenger in the afternoon's contest.

To the astonishment of the assembled nobles and knights, a mystery knight appeared on the field. This enigmatic figure, known as the Knight of the Laughing Tree, wore armor that seemed ill-fitting and cobbled together from various suits. Despite this unconventional appearance, the mystery knight bore a shield emblazoned with a laughing heart tree, a symbol of the Old Gods carved from the sacred white weirwood.

Whispers and speculation filled the air as the mystery knight readied for the joust. Some speculated that the Knight of the Laughing Tree was a seasoned warrior in disguise, while others believed it to be a mythical figure, perhaps even one of the legendary crannogmen of the Neck.

As the jousting began, the Knight of the Laughing Tree displayed exceptional skill and courage, easily defeating the three knights who had previously been so triumphant. It was a stunning upset, and the mystery knight's victory stirred intrigue and admiration among the crowd.

Howland Reed, who had observed the contest from a distance, couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and awe. He knew that the mystery knight was none other than Lyanna Stark, his friend and companion during their time at Harrenhal. Lyanna had donned the disguise and taken on the mantle of the Knight of the Laughing Tree to protect her friend and avenge the wrongs done to him.

As the day's events unfolded, the tale of the Knight of the Laughing Tree spread like wildfire through the Seven Kingdoms. The mystery of the identity behind the armor and shield became a subject of fervent discussion among nobles and smallfolk alike. Little did they know that the true identity of the Knight of the Laughing Tree was Lyanna Stark, the spirited young lady who would play a pivotal role in the future of Westeros.

In the heart of Harrenhal, amidst the excitement and speculation, a legend was born—the Knight of the Laughing Tree, a symbol of hope, courage, and the enduring spirit of the Stark bloodline. As the tourney continued and the game of thrones evolved, the significance of this extraordinary event would become even more profound in the annals of history.

As the jousting match unfolded, the Knight of the Laughing Tree displayed a remarkable feat of skill and bravery. One by one, the three knights were unhorsed and defeated, causing the common folk to erupt in cheers. These knights were not well-liked among the smallfolk, and seeing them fall before the mysterious champion brought a sense of justice and delight to the onlookers.

After the jousting, at the behest of the Knight of the Laughing Tree, the three defeated knights chastised their squires for their unwarranted attack on Howland Reed. In an act of mercy, the knights were allowed to keep their horses and armor as long as they pledged to treat the common folk and their fellow knights with respect and decency.

However, King Aerys II Targaryen, the reigning monarch known for his increasing madness, was infuriated by the turn of events. He suspected treachery and viewed the victory of the mysterious knight as a personal affront to his authority. In his paranoid state, he fixated on the possibility of a traitor in his midst, and his suspicions fell on Ser Jaime Lannister, whom he had already sent back to the Red Keep.

Declaring the Knight of the Laughing Tree his enemy, Aerys ordered Lord Robert Baratheon to unmask the champion and reveal their true identity. Lord Robert, eager to please the king, set out to uncover the face behind the ill-fitting armor and the laughing heart tree shield.

The following morning, as the first light of dawn bathed Harrenhal, the camp was abuzz with anticipation. But to the bewilderment of all, the Knight of the Laughing Tree was nowhere to be found. His absence deepened the enigma surrounding him, and the castle's grounds were scoured for any sign of the mysterious champion.

All that remained was the shield of the Knight of the Laughing Tree, hanging from a tree like a silent testament to their valor and honor. It bore the laughing heart tree symbol, a powerful emblem of the Old Gods that left many with questions about the identity and origin of the enigmatic figure.

As time passed, the tale of the Knight of the Laughing Tree became a legendary tale, passed down from generation to generation. The mystery behind the champion's true identity fueled endless speculation and stories, adding an air of myth and mystique to the events at Harrenhal.

Despite exhaustive investigations, no one ever discovered the true identity of the Knight of the Laughing Tree. Some believed it to be a brave commoner, while others speculated that it might have been a lady in disguise. However, the one person who knew the secret, Howland Reed, kept the truth close to his heart, honoring the pledge of silence made to his dear friend, Lyanna Stark.

The tale of the Knight of the Laughing Tree would live on as one of the most intriguing and cherished stories in Westerosi lore. It symbolized the unwavering spirit of justice and chivalry, and the enduring power of mysterious deeds that could impact the course of history in unexpected ways. As the realm's future grew ever more uncertain, the legend of the Knight of the Laughing Tree served as a reminder that the smallest acts of courage and kindness could reverberate through time, shaping the destiny of the Seven Kingdoms.