
more than friend

The person that knows all of my secrets is you my friend and now I want to tell you one more secret and that is, I love you…. When we became friends I don't know when your presence became important to me, it was the best feeling when my heart tells me that you're the angel I was looking for and you're right next to me..... * My name is Peter Wright.. This quote wasn't exactly written by me, They're quotes from different Quoters so I merged them into one.. This is the story I'm about to tell you is about my love life and how it turned out to be in the end.. I can't exactly tell you, who my soul mate is.. You'll just have to wait and find out… Love is a very beautiful thing and also a curse, but when you find the right person to love, everything is going to be all right.. No relationship is perfect, there's always some kind of fight between the couple, but only the patience and tolerant ones make it work.. Love doesn't never any reason, just love for the sake of love, and love must be built, on trust, bond, tolerance, and understanding.. Without these, Love can never work and it will never last.. Some say Money can buy love.. Yeah fake love but not true love. Cause once the money is gone, so is the love and then trouble starts..So here's the story of my through the bumpy road of love and how I reached my destination...

Lawal_Dasola · Urban
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23 Chs

Chapter 25-26


Oh… Valentine's night was definitely awesome, Angelina sure lit things up, but it was still good that we didn't go to the extreme… Since I confessed my love to her that night, She and I became more closer and bonded than ever.. I was started to get over my nervousness as well, I was becoming more bold and a little bit confident.. Angelina and I dated almost everyday and we spent most of our date time in Mama Nneka's place and when we were out of cash, we would spend the day in each other's bedroom telling each other rom-ntic stuff.

Several weeks had passed since Valentine and exams was fast approaching.. As I promised, I helped Zainab to study in her house, but I didn't take long cause Angelina too had also asked me to help her study,.. Zainab's house was quite captivating, it was huge and well furnished with lots of expensive things and the best part of coming to her house was, I was treated like a prince, I was always given food and other kinds of delicious delights and Zainab too also entertained me by display and showing off her slender body.. I sensed where she was going with this but I resisted her charms..

Just we're a week away from starting our final exams, I decided to spend more time with Angelina, cause she was more focused on her dancing than she was to exams… Her parents also encouraged me to be tutoring her for as long as it takes…

Whenever we study together, Angelina wouldn't pay attention and she has this habit of turning me on and getting me distracted, She would always stare at me biting her lower lip lustfully and then she would rub her bre-sts and make a f-ck sign with her fingers… I resisted for as long as I could trying to concentrate and prep her up for the exams… We never did anything intimate, I personally couldn't afford any distraction especially when exams was around the corner.

Just about two days before the exams, I began to hear rumors that Angelina was having an affair with some dude… I never paid any serious attention but then the thing got serious… People like David and his peeps began making a thing out of the matter making it sound that the rumor was true.. At first i thought it was his ploy to get me and Angelina to fight cause everyone knew that we were an item.. But then I realized my friends too were supporting the idea..


Kevin ➡ Women!… Never trust them.


Michael ➡ I dey tell you… Women na scam.. All that I love you na pure shit.


Salim ➡ Wallahi! Ah.. Sorry Peter… Looks like somebody is one-cornering your babe.


Peter ➡ Come on guys… It's just rumor… That's all.


Salim ➡ Look man! This ain't rumor.. Why don't you find out from her? If it's true.


Kevin ➡ What's the essence of asking? She will deny it o… Women…. Fear them o.


I agreed with Salim, I wanted to ask Angelina but that would sound like I don't trust her… I do trust Angelina and she isn't the type of girl that does two-timing… At first I was beginning to have doubts but I discarded them and focused on the exams.

A day before the exams… Pictures of Angelina and some dude began to go round, I was surprised when I saw the face of the guy in the picture… He was Zainab's Ex.. The one she told me about who wanted to have a nyarsh f-ck with her… I was surprised when I realized he was hanging around with Angelina… David and his cronies laughed at my face when they saw how disturbed I was.

My first thought I was to confront Angelina and blast her but then I decided to calm down and do this in a civilized manner.. Something may not be right about this.. Maybe he's just an acquaintance of hers.. So I decided to meet Angelina and ask her about the guy.



A lot of things had happened after that Valentine night and the best part was Peter and I were going steady… Peter and I bonded and got closer than ever, we spent more time together like never before, Our parents were happy about us being together but they never said anything about it.

As the weeks went by, Our final exams was getting closer and closer, I wasn't really paying much attention to the exams.. I was busy working on my dancing, Peter who was worried about my unseriousness, decided to tutor me and my parents gave him full green light to help me prepare for exams… I really enjoyed Peter's company while we were studying together, I felt more happier that he was no longer going to that Zainab's house, so to keep him closer to me, I began to flirt with him and show him things that will make him stay close to me… I was glad that our final exams was getting near, Once we've successfully passed it, we'll be 🎓 Grads student and we'll be looking forward for our future…. But there was one thing I wasn't happy about and that was the fact that I'll be going overseas for that competition… I know it's an opportunity of a lifetime but that will also mean that I'll be away from Peter… I told my parents about the contest and they were so happy that they told some of our relatives who were in abroad… One of my cousins who heard about the contest decided that she would come to our house for a visit very soon to celebrate my good fortune.

Seeing how happy my parents were, I decided to accept the offer, So a week before the exams, I met with my lecturer Aline in her office and told her my answer.


Angelina ➡ Afternoon ma!


Aline ➡ Angelina… It's been a while…


Angelina ➡ Yes… Uhm.. About that contest…


Aline ➡ So you've finally made up your mind? OK.. Go on.


Angelina ➡ Uhm… I accept.. I'll go for the contest..


Aline ➡ Very good! You have no idea how happy I am for you and I know you can do it… Good luck.


Angelina ➡ Thank you ma…


Aline ➡ Alright… .. Here's your pass 🎫 for the contest … Keep it safe.. Don't lost it… I'll call you after a week after your convocation 🎓.. We'll meet at the airport 🛬 and don't bring too much luggage… The trip is already paid… You'll be allowed to bring one of your family members to esc-rts you.


Angelina ➡ The trip has already been paid for???


Aline ➡ Yes…it was handle by the sponsors of the contest.. But as for lodging, food and other stuff… You'll be the one to handle it… And judging from your families financial income, I'm sure you can afford it.


Angelina ➡ Yes. Of course..


Aline ➡ Are you alright?


Angelina ➡ Huh?? Yes. I.. It's just… that.. everything is quite overwhelming.


Aline ➡ Don't worry, you'll get used to it.. Do you have any relatives in abroad?


Angelina ➡ Yes… Most of them


Aline ➡ Good.. Then you don't have any problem with lodging… I hope you're practicing your dance moves.


Angelina ➡ Yes…


Aline ➡ Good… Now remember.. Don't exhaust yourself and don't pay too much attention on the contest… You have exams to pass.. So study, practice your dance moves, sleep well, eat healthy 🥗 food and most of all pray.


Angelina ➡ I will Ma.. Thank you.


Aline's advice was sure very useful, So since then, I've been doing what she told me to.. But there was one thing I needed to do and that was to tell Peter about the contest, But I was afraid of how he'd react… So I decided to wait until after the exams.

Things were going well and the exams just a couple of days away and everyone was getting fired up preparing for the exams… But then something rather disturbing began brewing and popping out unexpectedly out of nowhere.

There's nothing more dangerous and sinister than a Rumor.. That thing is a curse… Rumors can destroy things and cause chaos even more faster than a calamity, In my opinion, Anyone spreading rumors should be executed because that person is no different from Satan.

The Rumor of me and Akambi suddenly popped out from an unknown source.. According to the person spreading the rumor, he said that we were having an affair… At first nobody paid attention to it but then, the rumor was exaggerated, making it sound so real that people began to believe… The student body finally believed the rumor when pictures of me and Akambi was publicly displayed and passed around the campus…. David and his goons laughed at my expense and mocked Peter trying to humiliate him.

I wasn't disturbed at all, after all why should I? I didn't do anything with Akambi, all we did was hangout that's all. People began make fun of me, jeering and mocking me to make feel bad, I ignored them all concentrating on tomorrow's exams, Only idiots and fools have time to gossip and make fun of others… I tried calling Akambi that day, to see if he was the one spreading the false news but unfortunately his phone was switched off..

Awhile later, As I was in the cafeteria satisfying my hunger, Peter came there to see me, apparently his mood wasn't all that bright.


Angelina ➡ Hey!


Peter ➡ Hey… Can we talk outside? Privately?


Angelina ➡ Okay sure.. Just give me a minute..


After I was done eating, Peter and I left the cafeteria and went far behind the parking lot to talk… As soon as we got there, Peter went straight to the point.


Peter ➡ Angelina… The guy on the photo… Do you know him?


Angelina ➡ Of course… He's just a friend… Nothing else. What's wrong?


Peter ➡ Angelina… I trust you.. I really do.. But I want to know if…


Angelina ➡…. If I did really cheat on you? Seriously Peter!?


Peter ➡ Look, don't get mad… It's just that with the way People have been talking about the issue and the photographs.. It's driving me crazy… I'm not saying you did it, I just came here directly to hear from you.. At least it's better than me snooping around your back asking people whether it's true or not.


Angelina ➡ (sighs) No. I didn't.. But I must say.. I'm quite disappointed.. You should have known me better.


Peter ➡ Look! Try and understand here… I've been mocked all day and with the talks and laughs.. I just couldn't take it anymore… I just came to ask you because I know you would tell me the truth and I believe you your answer… It will now be much easier for me to ignore the mean comments.


I felt sorry for Peter.. Well, anyone would have done what he had done.. At least he confronted me directly and in a civilized manner, unlike some guys who'd rather disgrace their babes in public… But then what followed after shocked me entirely.


Peter ➡ Okay.. Since you're not cheating on me.. I'd like to you stop seeing this guy.. Permanently.


Angelina ➡ Where is this command coming from? Look here buddy.. I'm your girlfriend not your wife… You can't decide what I do or who I get to hang out with.


Peter ➡ Look, I'm not trying to impose myself on you.. I'm telling you for your own sake stay away from that sick b-stard.


Angelina ➡ B-stard!? Peter.. What's gotten into you? Akambi is a nice guy. Besides why are you hating on a guy you've never met?


Peter ➡ Yes. I may not have met him but I've heard of his sick and disgusting habits from Zainab…. She told me he was her ex and the reason why the broke off was because the guy was an an-l freak.


Angelina ➡ What!? Are you even listening to yourself? That's nothing but pure horseshit. Listen up.. Let me straighten out some things for your rabbit ears…..


Peter ➡ What did you just say?…


Angelina ➡ You heard me.. What are you going to do about it?



Ha, ha, ha, ha,…. God… I love the sweet taste of revenge…. Finally, my brilliant plan is successful… I can't wait to see those two lover birds tear each other apart and once the dust is clear… I'll move in and collect the spoils of the war and that is Angelina.

Back here at the students lounge, I together with the rest of my accomplices were celebrating the success of our plan.


David ➡ Hah 😂… You should have seen the look of disappointment on that losses loser's face.


Aisha ➡ Poor Peter… Ha, ha, ha,… He actually believed that Angelina was cheating on him… The dumb føøl.


Cindy ➡ Hmm,… Angelina doesn't seem to bother about it though… She's been doing her affairs without any worries.


Jane ➡ Why should it bother her?… After all she didn't do anything… It's Peter that's going to feel uncomfortable after all, that's his girlfriend's picture going around… Hmm, I can't wait to see him explode. Ha, ha, ha, ha.


As we were all imagining the terrible outcome of our plans on those two love birds, we were taken by surprise by the entry of Peter's friend, Salim.


Salim ➡ My God! You two talk too much…. So you're all responsible for the ruckus going around the school?… That's pretty awful… And AWESOME!! I love it.


We were all surprised as he said that, he laughed at our faces and took a seat next to us…


Salim ➡ Ahh, this lounge is comfortable.


Aisha ➡ Alright Salim… Let's cut the BS and tell us what's going on? We all know you're friends with Peter… Why are you suddenly turning on your friend now?


Salim ➡ Well, whoever said we were friends… Yeah we did have some good times together but all that was an act..


David ➡ What are you saying?


Salim ➡ All I'm saying is the reason why I hung around him was because of Angelina… I want that foxy babe… I'm crazy about her.. I was hoping that through Peter I might make my way into her heart but as it turns out that loser had other plans in mind.. Here's a spoiler for you.. I hate that four eyed nobody… I wonder what Angelina sees in him… David, you understand what I'm saying right?


I smiled as I heard Salim said that… Who would have thought that one of Peter's friends would t-rn on him… Well, it's glad to see the secret enemy of my enemy.


David ➡ Well, Salim… You scared us there for a minute but we're glad to have you on board… You're right in time to have a seat next to us to watch as those two tear themselves apart.


Salim ➡ It will be a pleasure.. Once the smoke clears.. We'll then compete and see who gets the foxy dame.


David ➡ I'll be looking for it.


Seconds after our agreement, We heard shouts in the hall, it was as if some people were arguing, we all looked out to see who it was and to our surprise it was Peter and Angelina.


Peter ➡ You cheating b%&h… I've should have know all ladies were the same… You and I are through… I don't want to ever see you again.


Angelina ➡ Good riddance… At least.. Who needs a loser like you?… It's a good thing we broke up… At least I'll get the chance to date better guys..


Peter ➡ You know what… F-ck you..


Angelina ➡ Whatever loser…. Who needs you… Let's see if you'll ever get any babe that's as classy as me… Mchteew!! (hisses)

We all were surprised by what happened… These two are no longer together.. The outcome was even better than we expected… But I was hoping to see some violence but at least. This one is good enough.. As soon as the two were out of sight, we went back into the lounge and laughed at them.