
More than a Dragon Warrior

In the depths of Chroch Gom Prison, held down by chains and immobile by a turtle shell, a broken warrior had been imprisoned for two decades. He opened his eyes as deep yellow pierced through the dark. Once filled with hatred and rage, his eyes now held the wisdom and depth of two souls, two lives. One was Tai Lung, the son of Master Shifu, born in ancient China where Kung Fu ruled supreme. The other was also Tai Lung, the son of man, born in a modern world where his current world was nothing but fiction. Two lives. Two souls. Now one entity. He was armed with knowledge he should not possess and the wisdom of two lifetimes. So when he breaks out from the chain of his imprisonment, he not only breaks the physical chains but also the chains of Fate and Destiny. Destined to be a villain, a stepping stone for the Dragon Warrior, he became something more. He should not have happened, he was an anomaly, a variable beyond the calculation of the universe. His existence had changed everything in the universe. He smiled, knowing that the old tortoise was not so wise, because he was wrong. . . There are accidents. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #The cover is made by Alexxz #The world of Kung Fu Panda does not belong to me. This is a work of fiction for the sole purpose of entertainment without any intention of offence to any party. #The story will revolve around the trilogy. But there will be canon facts and knowledge taken from the fourth movie and the TV series. #If you expect evil Tai Lung and edgy development where he kill the Furious Five and shits, this is not for you. In my opinion, Tai Lung was never even a villain in the movies so no evil MC. #If you expect a hero Tai Lung where he accompany Po and act as the Dragon Warrior, this is also not for you. In my opinion, Tai Lung was never good in the movies. #Tigress isn't the FL so if you came here expecting two cats kissing and having babies, there will be none. If you want to support my writing and read 15 chapters ahead, join my patreon : Emmanuel_Capricorn patreon.com/Emmanue_Capricorn

Emmanuel_Capricorn · Movies
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151 Chs


[Tai Lung's POV]

I had a serious talk with Shifu right before I came back to Gongmen to protect it from the allied army. (refer to chapter 68)

I remembered when I first became a general, he said whenever I needed help in my conquest, the Jade Palace was there for me. He and his students were ready to help me even if it meant destroying the traditional neutrality of the Jade Palace.

So I put him up to the task. Before I left the Jade Palace, I asked Shifu to let the students come to Gongmen City so that they could help the citizens if I were to fail. In a sense, they were not actually helping me since the Jade Palace is always on the people's side but I called it that anyway.

That might come as a surprise to some people since I had the mentality that I was invincible and I could do anything. But there was a fine line between believing in yourself and being stupid and delusional.

So I had a backup plan in case I was not able to bear the might of three great powers/kingdoms.

"I asked you all to ensure the safety of the people if I failed, but since I did not, I no longer need your help." I said to the six young warriors in front of me. We were currently inside the main tent of the Gongmen army.

"Oh come on!!" Po whined, "This an opportunity for me as the Dragon Warrior. I have to punish the three kingdoms for breaking the Codes!"

To hear Po begging to be allowed to participate in a war would not have crossed anyone's mind from my other world. But things were not always as innocent as it appears to be.

Po was still young and like any young warrior, he wanted fame and glory. Po in specific wanted to be awesome and his model of an awesome warrior was me. He was still young and had not developed his pacifist ideals.

"I agree, the enemies are still too much and while I have no doubt that you will come out victorious no matter the numbers, it will take you a great amount effort." Tigress said, "Please let us help you."

"You make a good point but you are still a student of the Jade Palace. You can't pick a side in a war like this." I said with a shake of my head.

"We are not just students of the Jade Palace, we are also your students." She persisted and the others nodded, "And when has a student helping their master ever been wrong?"

I revealed a small smile of amusement.

"Umm..." Crane hummed, he had something to say and he raised his wing in obvious nervousness.

"What is it Crane?"

"The problem you have seems to be that you don't want us to pick a side when the Jade Palace has always stayed neutral right?"


"But why does that even matter when you are going to unite China soon?"

I opened my mouth but no words came out. He was right, why even bother with the tradition if I was going to unite the whole of China anyways?

All eyes were on me, they were hopeful

They were all warriors and they all wanted to fight alongside me and help in any way they could. I thought about it for a few more seconds before I decided, why not?

It will be a good experience for them and It will be a good chance to see how much progress they have made.


"YESS!!!" x6.

The furious five joined us in the war and with that, our force had been substantially enhanced. There was also a reinforcement that came from Shu in the form of six airships that contained hundreds of soldiers and most importantly, cannons and bombs.

The Allied army took four days to soak up their defeat and to recover completely. After that, with the order from their respective king, they marched towards us again.

But with all of the reinforcement that we had coupled with the fact that they had lost all of thier big players, it was a downhill battle for them.

They fought for the sake of order. Even they didn't believe they would win.

Nevertheless, their forces were great in number so it took an entire two weeks to mow them down and for them to make an official surrender.

I used the two weeks to improve my new techniques such as fire bending and conquerors haki. it also served as a great teaching ground for my students. During the war, Po in specific seemed to learn many things and thar included the aspect of the mind and spirit.

During this time, I also heard the great news that the kingdom of Nanzhao had been conquered by Shen and his army. With most of their forces here and their greatest warrior, Mighty Eagle, being reduced to a cripple, they stood no chance against Shen and his newfound invention of airships


(Two weeks later)

"You shall all return to Gongmen city. Rejoice soldiers, you have done a marvelous job. You fought against impossible odds and came out victorious." I addressed the remaining soldiers as the war had officially ended and won.

"The city shall welcome you like the heroes you are. Enjoy yourself, you all deserve it." I said and allowed a rare genuine smile to appear on my face.

"The six of you as well, you have done a great job and your help was appreciated. But now its time for you to return to the Jade Palace." I said and they nodded.

"But what about you?" Monkey asked after raising his hand. "Are you coming with us or with them?"

"I have a some unfinished businesses to attend to." I said. "Everyone, I will see you in the next battle."

Then I leapt into the air and used flash steps to blitz across the sky. I flew towards the East and my destination was the Kingdom of Dali.

There was one conversation I had with Shen in the past. I said if the enemy ever stop respecting the codes of war, I will make sure they regret it by dropping into their main capital and turning it to hell. (refer to chapter 65)

I am a leopard of my words.

The warriors had paid the price but now it was time for the main people behind the attack to so the same ; the Kings, the nobles and the generals of the Kingdoms.

They all had exhausted most of their forces in the battle and they won't have time to react if I suddenly dropped into their city. Shen had also already conquered the kingdom of Nanzhou.

 So it's finally time to take over a kingdom by myself.








Author : Check out the new Auxiliary chapter!!!