
ch 13. new beginnings

absolute chaos in the caves, for jimin, who stood there in the open door, blood running down his legs, it was all in slowmotion, he saw kook fighting, dodging knifes and steel bars, he saw yoongi on the floor, pale and bloody. jimin grabed yoongis leg and dragged him into the room. with a last look on kook, jimin closed the door again. doc gwen ran to the injured alpha and with jimins help, she heaved him up on the narrow bed. "jimin, put some clothes on and clean yourself!" the pupps were calmed down and didnt gave out a sound. jimin shook his head. "first we help yoongi"

roe, malli and matti still ran away from death and danger. tired and searching for air they took a break. "where are papa and daddy?" matti held his brothers hand. "they are fighting...i dont know, roe?" "we have to hide." she stood up again, sighed and stroked her locks back. she gestured her brothers to come with her.

hobi knocked down jins father, or what was left of him, he grabed logans neck, pulled him to him and fullfilled a roll in the air and landed on his back hard. his son in his arms. jin launched himself on his surprised father and delivered punsh after punsh. hobi crawled to emma, looked at her, she was crying and scubed her into his arms too. he turned and watched jin killing his own father.

kooks strenght was almost done. he panted hard, he was injured, he looked for yoongi, but couldnt find him. kook got distracted and got hit so hard that he flew into the wall behind him. his enemy grinned and swung his knife. as he wanted to give kook the last blow, he screamed in pain. kook looked surprised. his sons had their sharp, little wolf teeth into his legs. the elder behind him, knocking him out with the big stone.

"tae, love?" joon shoock his mate to wake him up. tae only moaned and had his eyes still closed. it was quiet now outside, but he could hear the screams and fights on the inside. he pulled the unconscion tae up and went inside. he needed to find his pupps.

leader kim and his wife fought their way back to the cave. the clothes were ripped, bruises on their bodys, wounds and blood, hair standing in all directions, tired and sore. they huged each other and kissed. "the fight is not over yet" mrs. kim whispered. "come we need to find our sons"

jimin helped doc gwen sew yoongis wound. she put up a bag of blood and some other meds. jimin watched the fluids drop down into the line to yoongis vein. he was still calm and collected, like it was every day this way, as he did that 100 times before. doc gwen looked concerned at him. "jimin? i dont think he will make it" jimin just noded, put some clothes on and went out.

jin huged hobi and the pupps tight and cried with them. his fathers corps layed not far away. nobody would guess that it was him, jins knuckels punshed his face into a mash. jins tears ran down his face. memories of his father came into his mind. how happy they were the first years together. with his mother everything was alright and sunshine. nothing of him wanted to remember the madman he became.

joon carried tae to the hospital wing. the fights calmed down, the townpeople won. now it was time to help the injured, to bring out the dead, to sort out who was from which clan. "doc? help me. tae got hit hard on the head. he wont wake up" gwen sighed and made space to examine taehyung. joon looked around, he saw kook with his sons, jimin just stood there, suddenly he felt a tap on his shoulder. he turned around and felt the embrace of his parents. finally tears bursted out he held so hard in.

jin had his arm around his mate and his daughter on his other arm, they went slowly back to the others. "uncle jin, uncle hobi" three voices chirped from a dark corner. "monroe? malakai? matthew? what the hell are u doing here? come to us!" they huged each other and went on their way.

days later:

"we are here to honor a good wolf. he fought for his family. he fought for his friends. he fought for his clan. he will always be remembered by his pupps and his loving mate...." jimin couldnt hear it anymore. he cried hard and pressed his face into kooks shoulder. not even he could console jimin in his grief. it was too much. since the attack every day was a funeral after funeral. a lot of the clans wolfs died that day. good people. even some pupps. parents griefing for them, mates crying after their loved ones. for the left ones the sun was gone, only dark days were ahead of them. nothing will bring them joy again.

the elder was done with the service and concoled the grieving parents of the deceased young wolf. kook pulled jimin back to the car. "do you wanna see yoongi?" jimin noded. yoongi still layed in hospital, but he was out of danger. every day he got better and better. but he would have a big scar on his neck for ever.

joon pulled tae close. after some fearfull hours he finally woke up again. a big bump was the only big injury he had. joon smiled to his parents. he was happy that his family survived this. it wasnt normal, he figured that out, after he went on so many funerals of old friends and new ones. joon thanked the moon that nothing serious happend to his loved ones. he saw jin and hobi comming their way. jin was still pale, but proud as it can be with his mate. hobi fought hard for his pupps. jin knew nothing and nobody could hurt his family without getting destroyed by his furious omega. hobi wasnt weak, he was a very strong omega.

kook and jimin arrived the hospital first. they knocked on yoongis room and went in. yoongi smiled at them and held one of his daughters and gave her the bottle. the second layed between his legs, grey and ash were distracted with crayons and paper. "hey everyone!" "daddy!" ash shoot into jimins arms. grey just waved and coloured out a picture. kook shoock his head. that was the one who was the most similar to him. he sat next to yoongi on the bed, gave him a peck and scubed the second daughter up. "wow, she is so calm. not like u dear!" he kissed his daughters head in yoongis arms. she let out a smal growl. the three grownups laught. "she is really your daughter!" yoongi grinned. "she even looks like me! yours is more like jimin" jimin sat down on the bed too and looked closely into his daughters faces. he noded in approval. "scarlett" he pointed at his daughter with kook. "marley" he pointed at the one in yoongis arms. kook and yoongi looked surprised at their mate. "u descided on the names?" yoongi asked. jimin noded. "thats good baby" kook smiled at him. since the attack, jimin couldnt take his new pupps in his arms, he couldnt feed them, not even looked at them. kook took care of them and after he felt better yoongi too. doc gwen told them, that jimin was in great shock, with the birth, the fight, yoongis injury and the fear of loosing everyone he loved. it would take time for him to recover emotionally. his alphas wanted to do everything to help him. a knock on the door snapped them out of their little happy time. the rest of the family came in. "hey! oh my little girls!" mrs. kim shoved her husband aside and took scarlett away from kook. "come to grandma!" "gemma, i am here too" grey hang on her leg. mrs. kim laught and stroke his head. "dont be jealous! i love u all!" "when are u coming home?" leader kim asked yoongi. "tomorrow finally. i hate it here. i wanna sleep in our bed as soon as possible" tae held jimins hand tight. "how are u feeling?" he whispered into jimins ear. jimin showed him a fake smile. "all good, i guess" tae tilted his head. "dont rush yourself. all takes time"

yoongi came home and they settle back in where they left off, before all went to shit. jimin still wasnt his bubbling self. kook and yoongi still couldnt let him alone with the girls, so they took turns taking them with them to work or university. but kook had his finals, yoongi had work up to his neck, so jimin had to take care of them. the boys played police and thief, jimin sat on the table and tried to read a book, the girls layed in their little beds outside in the garden. jimin sighed frustrated. he hated his situation. he knew he loved his daughters as much as his sons, but something held him back. what he felt, what he saw that day was too much for him to handle. tired he leand his head back and suddenly heard a rustle from the bushes. his head shoot up and he felt his hair stand up on his back of his neck. the boys looked too. they growled and showed their teeth. a strange man came out of the bushes and smiled kindly. jimin stood up and shoved his sons back. "what u want? if u want to hurt my pupps i will shred u to pieces!" jimin also growled and stood in fight position. the intruder raised his hands in defence. "i wont do anything to the pupps or u" jimin growled loudly. "go away!" "yeah go away from our sisters" grey growled too. ash only growled. the man backed away and dissapeard. jimin huffed out, stroked his sons hair and went fast to his daughters. he lift marley out of her bed and huged her. "all okay puppie. everything is good. daddy is here!" he swayed with her, kissed her and did the same with scarlett.

leader kim sat back and looked at his wife. she sat straight up in her chair and looked back at him. "i am sorry for my strange behavior. but u have to include me more in the clans business. i dont wanna die as a housewife." leader kim noded. "sure, we can work together. why now? i would always be happy to gave u half of the load from the work and difficulties." mrs. kim scuffed. "oh really?" "yeah okay, maybe after our sons hit the 20s?" "u idiot!" "hey! dont insult me! i know there are new times and this typical alpha omega thing changed. sorry for beeing old" he rolled his eyes. mrs. kim smirked "obviously u are not that old." "what u mean?" "we are having another pupp. just one. and u are going to take care of it and i will lead the clan" leader kims eyes and mouth fell open. he was lost for words.

"can u stop?" "what?" "babying me?!" "i am not.....okay.....i am just....u are everything for me, love. i almost died when i saw u on the ground" tae shoock his head. "i love u too, but i am not weak. i fought a lot of enemies down, before i got knocked out" joon caressed taes face. "i know. still scared the shit out of me" tae giggelt. "sorry. i promise u i will be better the next time" "oh no! no next time!" joon furrowed his brows. "but i have to train, or our pupps have to protect me. not the way around!" joon could see that his mate was serious. he sighed. "okay. we will start training tomorrow." "remember! i never knew that i am a wolf! i dont know how to fight like one" joon chuckelt. "and u still are a better one than me" he pressed his lips onto his mates.

hobi gave his test back to the professor, winked kook and walked out of the room. outside he sighed in relive and stretched his body. he was done with his finals. finally! smiling he hummed walking to his car and drove to the kindergarden. logan and emma squeeled when they saw their daddy. hobi laught and threw them up and caught them again. "are u hungry? dad will cook today!" "yeahy!"

jin and joon looked confused when not leader kim, but mrs. kim came to the meeting. she smiled politley and sat down on the leaders chair. "shall we begin boys?" "eeeeeehhhh....whats going on? is dad sick?" "no. he will do the housechores from now on and i will lead u. got a problem with that?" she glarred at them. the boys shoock their heads fastly. "noooooo...." "of course not" she smiled again and put her hands on the table. "good. than lets work"

kook and yoongi came home tired. their eyes went wide when they saw jimin feeding scarlett and scolding the boys. "u are not an animal grey! eat nicely! ash! i dare u to throw the pees onto your brother!" the alphas looked at each other. jimin noticed their presence. "oh good! tell your sons to behave, or they will go to bed without their dinner!" "yeah....sons?!" kook was still surprised by the sight. greyson and ashton gave up and ate nicely their food. "papa, marley burped really loud today!" the boys giggelt. jimin sighed "u were louder!" ash let out a burp. "oh gross!" jimin scold him. the boys and the big boys giggelt. "why am i even trying?" yoongi kissed jimins cheek than his daughters and sons and sat down. kook did the same. as they started to eat, jimin told them what happend with the stranger. alarmed they looked outside. "u think he would be still around?" kook asked. "u never know." "we helped daddy! we protected our sisis!" kook ruffeld greys hair. "very good, sons!" the boys smiled proudly. a knock on the door let them jumped from their chairs. yoongi and kook went to the door and opend it. "dad?" "yoongi! u look good, son!" "what are u doing here?!" "can i come in?" "oh yeah! sorry." they came back in the kitchen, where the boys and jimin growled loud out, when they saw the stranger again. "babe, jimin, this is my father" "oh....why didnt u tell me who u were?" yoongis father giggelt emberessed. "i am sorry, i just wanted to see how my son lived and who he is with." jimin sighed out and sat down again. "dad, this is jimin. this is kook. they are my ....mates" yoongis dad looked surprised. "two alphas with an omega....congratulations?" yoongi smiled wide. "thanks dad. and this is greyson, this is ashton, scarlett and marley. our pupps" yoongis father looked funny, but went with it. they sat down and chatted. "i had no idea...yeah he got to insane, your mother and i packed everything and moved in with your brothers family. greetings by the way. mom said u should come and visit us!" "we will, i promise!" jimin smiled.

the family met for dinner in the wintergarden the next day. it was kinda festive. "do we need to know something?" joon asked his parents. they just smiled weird. joon tilted his head and looked at tae. tae shrugged his shoulders. in the middle of the meal, former leader kim stood up and coughed. "so, attention. thank u. ..... we had some dark bad times behind us. we are still not fully over it, but when i see u, my family, i see the future and this future will be great." he smiled "as u noticed, some new ... ideas and changes had happen. my wonderfull smart wife will take over now the clan and i will step down and take care of our pupp and of course of all my grandchildren too." a loud and multimal "what?" came out of their mouths. mrs. kim grinned. "we are having a very late pupp again." tae smiled wide. "oh great! and dad prepare to take care for more pupps. we are having some too soon." joons eyes almost plopped out as he turned to his mate. "huh?" "wanted to tell u in private, but as we are all sitting here...." joon cut him off with a hug and kiss. jimin laught and concratulated them. so did his mates. hobi raised slowly his arm and smiled a bit. "we too?" jin laught, stopt and looked at him. "serious?" hobi noded. "oh thank u!"