
Moonlight (ItachixIzumi)

Izumi had always like Itachi ever since they were kids. Now that they have finally grown and their physical body's have changed, they've began to see each other more differently, perhaps a desire for one's body was beginning to attract the two.

Itazumi_Smiles · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 - “You are s-e-x-y…”

"Izumi! Stop fiddling with my dress!" Izumi's best friend shouted at her as she noticed her frequently moving the fabric around her body positioning it to a more comfortable style.

"But Sarame, i-isn't it a bit showy?" Izumi couldn't help but feel vulnerable wearing her best friend's dress. She had been looking forward to this honorable event hosted by the 3rd Hokage and everyone in the leaf was going to be there tonight. Yes, everyone was going to be there and that meant she was going to see a certain someone, so she wanted to look good.

She wore a tight crimson-red dress that went from her shoulders to her upper knees. It was an off-shoulder and a backless dress which made her feel almost naked. The light silver earrings dangled in place and her hair was tied up into a fancy bun.

"Girl, look at me." Sarame grabbed onto her best friend's shoulders and stood in front of her in a manner to prevent her from taking any further steps. "You look s-e-x-y in my dress! Just relax and enjoy this evening! And stop messing it up!" Sarame let go of Izumi and they continued to walk the path ahead.

"But what if people stare at me? What if people think I'm too showy?" Izumi couldn't stop but think about what people would think when they saw how totally different, she looked. To her dressing up conspicuously felt unnatural. What if it was too much? What if that certain someone had a distaste for girls who showed too much skin?

"Honey, people will stare at you. You're beautiful, kind, and like I said sex—." Sarame put her hands on her own chest and hips to convey how Izumi's body was truly that of a goddess's. Izumi quickly cut her off as her actions were beginning to make her feel embarrassed.

"Okay, okay. I get it. Stop being so loud!" Izumi cups her friend's mouth with both palms. She didn't want her friend saying that s-word anymore. Plus, it didn't feel anything like her.

"Alright! Izumi, we're here!" The girls stood in front of the entrance to the newest building of the Hidden Leaf Village established by the 3rd Hokage. They can see a crowd of people heading inside multiple entrances and begin to follow the way.

"Izumi, Sarame! Long time no see. Welcome in!" A man had been standing on one of the entrances to the new establishment welcoming everyone that passed by.

"Iruka-Sensei! How have you been?" Izumi asked. When they approached closer, the man smiled and greeted them. He was happy to share that he was really enjoying the new group of kids this year and that he couldn't wait to see how smart and strong they would get.

"What are you doing here?" Sarame had been curious.

"Well, you can somewhat see it as a protective measure. The third had instructed some of us teachers to make sure that people didn't get lost and to look out for any trouble outside before the event. He wanted everyone to feel welcome and safe." Iruka laughed.

"Ah, gotcha!" Sarame responded. To their right and left they can see other teachers meeting and chatting with other guests. This really was going to be everyone. It blew their mind to see how amazing everyone they've seen so far was dressed for this event.

"It was nice to see you Iruka. We'll be heading inside now." Izumi and Sarame walked inside and past the entrance.

As they walked further into the building, they were amazed to see the whole crowd of almost everyone from the hidden leaf. People were dancing, chatting, and eating. Everyone looked gorgeous in their formal clothes.

It was the first time they had seen everyone together like this after the establishment of this new building.

"Everyone, may I please have your attention." The third Hokage had stepped forward on the balcony with his two Anbu guards. There had been more guards situated around the establishment as a precaution.

Everyone in the crowd stopped and turned in the direction of the balcony of the building. Then stayed quiet to pay attention to the old man's welcoming words.

"It is my great pleasure to welcome everyone from the leaf village and my deepest joy to see us all here together for this lovely evening event." Hiruzen stood and held his pipe.

"Not so long ago our village had been given many S-ranked missions and in all these missions had led to a positive impact on the king in the land of fire." He continued.

"As a reward for fulfilling all these missions by our very own shinobi of the leaf, we have been awarded this establishment for events such as tonight. So, enjoy this wonderful evening. Dance, eat to your heart's content, and enjoy the art of this establishment. But lastly don't forget to applaud our very own talented shinobis. Thank you." He smiled and looked at the crow below him.

Everyone clapped after the Hokage's words and then carried on with what they had been doing before.

Sarame and Izumi looked around and decided to go up the marble steps to get to the second floor where they could see some folks standing near the railings giving them a view of the center of the establishment and people dancing on the first floor in the middle.

"Izumi look! It's Fugaku and Mikoto! Gosh, they both look incredible! What a power couple!" Sarame pointed in the direction of the couple standing a few feet away from them.

Izumi looked in the direction and she could see the smiling couple. Mikoto had her arms wrapped in Fugaku's inner elbow while chatting with other leaders of different clans.

To the side of the couple, she can see Sasuke chatting with Naruto and Sakura. Then not so far from them she saw Itachi and Shisui standing next to each other.

She began to blush at the sight of that certain someone. He wore a tux and had his hair typically the way he had it with the longer strands tied into a ponytail below. She can see him talking with Shisui and smiling back at his best friend's words.

"Come on Izumi let's go say hi!" Sarame nudged Izumi who was lost in thought.

"W-wait I...I don't feel too comfortable with this dress. What if —." Izumi looked at her dress and remembered how truly overt she felt wearing it.

"Izumi! Stop talking nonsense, and let's go!" Sarame quickly grabbed hold of Izumi's hand and rushed toward the direction of the couple ahead of them.

"Izumi. Sarame. How wonderful to see you both this evening." Mikoto looked at Sarame and then at Izumi. "Izumi, well don't you look very stylish. I love your dress. The red really suits you." Mikoto was astonished to see Izumi wearing something she normally would not wear in public.

"Ah. T-thank you Mikoto. Actually, this is Sarame's dress. I was just borrowing it for this evening." Izumi began to blush and fiddled with the bottom end of her dress.

"Izumi. Sarame. Great to see you both this evening." Fugaku had returned after grabbing a drink for both him and Mikoto. Izumi and Sarame both greeted him and smiled.

"Mind if I take my dear Mikoto for a dance?" He handed Mikoto a glass of wine.

"Oh, for sure go ahead!" Izumi and Sarame stood still and gestured for him to take his wife.

"We'll see you guys around." Mikoto and Fugako headed down the marble steps and walked over to the center where people were dancing.

"Izumi I'll be right back! I saw some of my friends from the academy. I'll introduce them to you after!" Sarame rushed to where her friends were in the establishment.

"Ah, okay! See ya, Sarame!" She waved at her friend who had already vanished. She didn't think she would have to be by herself so early in the evening. She felt awkward now that she was standing alone.

As she stood alone by herself, she could feel some people beginning to stare at her and began to feel embarrassed. She wasn't used to this many eyes and it was beginning to make her feel uneasy.

She remembered that Itachi and Shisui had still been chatting just a few feet from her. She continued to look in their direction until they noticed her.

"Hey, Izumi! Over here!" Shisui had waved his hands at the girl standing by herself.

She looked in their direction and walked closer until she was finally standing in their circle.

"Shisui. Itachi. It's nice to see you guys this evening." She was glad that Shisui noticed her first. At least it was easier to be called than to approach.

Izumi began to feel nervous. She could feel Itachi staring at her and tried her best to avoid as much eye contact as she could. She knew he was piercing through her because of how she looked tonight. It was new and she felt shy. It was because Itachi was standing next to her and him staring at her that her mind began to get clouded and disrupted her ability to focus.

"Well, you look rather showy tonight, Izumi." Shisui had never seen Izumi with such vulnerable clothing. Tonight was the first time he and Itachi had seen her with such exposure.

"You see this dress doesn't belong to me. It's Sarame's." Izumi tried to hide her blush as best she could and at the same time explain.

She felt embarrassed wearing it, especially in front of Itachi. She could feel the tension from their stares, so she decided to talk to break the long silence.

"Shisui. Itachi. How have you guys been? You both look very nice. Did you meet up with anyone else?" She finally let out.

"Hm, well, not really. We did see Iruka sensei earlier, some of our Anbu colleagues, and the third Hokage was just here chatting with us before his speech." Shisui responded.

"Ah, that's great! I was just chatting up a bit with Fugaku and Mikoto. They both look very stunning." Izumi smiled.

"You guys want anything to drink or eat perhaps?" Shisui stepped out of the circle. He was getting thirsty from all the talking and had been looking forward to trying out the variety of food on the table.

"No, thank you," Izumi responded. She didn't have the appetite to eat right now.

"Itachi?" Shisui looked at his best friend and nudged him.

"No need." Itachi put his hands inside his pocket and then stared into the center of the establishment as he stood near the railings.

"Alright. I'll be right back." Shisui had left Izumi and Itachi alone.

"S-so I heard you've been promoted to a higher rank with the Anbu. You must feel very accomplished." Izumi was somehow beginning to feel awkward.

"It's nothing really. Ranking and whatnot. As long as I can protect the village, that's all that matters." Itachi responded in his usual calm manner.

"You've done so much for the village. I wanted to celebrate it with you...and Shisui of course!" Izumi began to blush again.

"Celebrate...in what way?" Itachi responded with a slight chuckle.

"Ah, I haven't thought that far." Izumi started to feel nervous. Somehow standing next to Itachi felt difficult. Perhaps it was the new establishment, the fact that everyone in the leaf village was here, the dress she was wearing, or that Itachi looked really handsome tonight.

Not that he isn't already. Izumi secretly looked at Itachi in the face and the moment her eyes landed on his eyes, Itachi was already staring back at her.

"Izumi! Izumi!" Sarame had come back but she wasn't alone.

"Izumi. Meet one of my friends! This is Haku from the Haruno clan. We were both in the same class from the academy and we hung out a lot after classes!" Sarame let go of the man that had been standing next to her.

"N-nice to meet you, Izumi. Sarame told me s-so much about you." The blonde man turned his head sideways to hide his blush and his nervousness.

"N-nice to meet you Haku." Izumi smiled and greeted the man.

"Y-you look very beautiful, Izumi. I l-like your dress. It totally s-suits you." Haku couldn't help but continue to stare at Izumi's body.

"Ah, t-thank you." Izumi blushes after his words. She looks over at Sarame and she can see the grin coming from her best friend's face.

"Excuse me. But I have some matters to address. Izumi. Sarame, see you around." Itachi could not take the situation any longer, so he decided it was best to excuse himself. No, rather, he wasn't sure why he felt slightly bothered when he noticed Izumi blushing at the man in front of her.