
Moon light beauty

Dragonflame8679 · Urban
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2 Chs


*FLASH of red tail lights faded behind him* HONK!! HONK!!" a horn blared, as his scooter tires hit the ground after being airborne. "I'm sorry," he said as he speeded away "I'll give you money later on today I promise, i'm in a hurry. On my way to work!"

The shop owner screamed, "You little rascal!! You stole my bread again, i swear if you don't pay later i'll rip you apart.

MC- Ya.. yaa i'll give you later you don't need to this high and might just for some bread gezz.....

Worker- So he run away again you know you don't need to do this every day he pay you later like he always do.

Shop owner- I know that but it is still fun to do that did you remember first time when we see her .

(past when both of them first meet)

Shop owner- hello madam want some fresh bread.

Madam- Ow my they look delicious i want some.

(our mc is 5 year old see the bread that lady buy with tickling eyes and then shop owner see our mc)

Shop owner- Yo brat don't just see it if you to buy it then go get me some cash.

(our mc is so hungry)

Mc- Can i get one bread i'll give you money later.

Shop owner- Hahaha brat you think i am fool how you get money later look yourself you look like abandoned child where you able to get money.

Mc- I'll promise i'll give you later i am so hungry.

Shop owner- sorry brat when you get money come and get bread then now scream let me do my business.

(our mc got angry and want to eat bread , then our mc stole bread and run away and shopowner chase her but there is customer there so mc easily able to slip away)

Mc- I'll promise i'll give it later.

Shop owner- You brat you give it later or you'll be sorry.

(after a long day our mc come evening with so much brush and scratch on his body and in his left hand a pouch)

Mc- there as i promise i'll get money for bread take it.

( after say this our mc is lost consciousness)

Shop owner- Hmm brat you really fulfill your promise .


Shop owner- Really what a cheerful brat.

Worker- Yeah you really taking care of him like your own son.

Shop owner- Who son you are saying that stinky brat hmm i just take care her because he give me money that's all beside he is good kid he take care himself that much that i don't even need to see him,maybe one day.

Worker- yare yare our kind heart owner.

Shopeowner- Whose kind heart go get done your work or i kick you out.

Worker- Yesssss.

(present our mc is on full speed with scooter to deliever the package)

Mc- Come on my friend we can't miss this delievery you know that go beyond speed .

(after 20 minutes travel our mc reach the destination)

Mc- oof now look good hair set, smile as lovely as always set, now everything set let go.

(when mc is see himself in mirror a girl come and stay in his back)

Girl- what are you doing?

Mc- oowwww wha... what you scared me.

Girl- haha that happens when you try to do something naughty.

Mc- I am not doing something naughty i just whatever here your delivery still hot see.

Girl- yes still hot as always you are on time so hows your day yuuki?

( Bang Bang our mc name reveal )

Yuuki(mc)- As you can see as always energetic and hows your day yukari?

Yukari(girl)- Hmm as good as always So did you get a girlfriend hee hee.

Yuuki- don' don't be joking how am i able to get a girlfriend don't teasing me.

Yukari-hee hee sorry sorry .

(Author Note - Oh and i forgot to mention it yukari is childhood friend of yuuki and a only child of a big businessman of Tokyo)

Yukari- sorry yuuki need to go you know dad send today two new home tutor.

Yuuki- ok ok and be a good girl when you take lesson not like before chase away your teacher.

yukari- I won't promise but i'll try, bye.

Yuuki-bye bye.(waving a hand in air to see her out)

(now yukari is gone)

Yuuki(aside)- Like always one step closer to my ultimate plan hee hee haaaa haaa haaa....

(yuuki inner though- just a bit more time and i get yukari fall in my love and then i convenience his father and marry her then as a only child after his father all his assist is my and i'll rule over all the tokyo haaa haa haaa(evil laugh)

Guard- Hey delivery boy you delivered now scram (angry voice)

Yuuki- ok ok i will leave sir (inner though- just wait you lowly guard when i will marry yukari then i'll show you who is the boss i'll give you a job to clean toilets just you wait)

( After traveling some distance yuuki's scooter ran out of fuel and he got found himself near a park)

Yuuki- Shit why fuel ran out now in s hurry to meet youkari i forgot to fill fuel oh suck what to do now.

( To traveling some step yuuki get natures call)

Yuuki- Shit now it need to come this time what to do right oh there is a park let me go and use washroom asap.

(after entering park yuuki tries to find washroom)

Yuuki- Oh there is a washroom lets go fast fast .... shit it is close now what to do, what to do, right there is no one let try to use tree hee hee no one see it in dark if there is someone.

(yuuki pass a tree and then get easy his pain)

Yuuki - Aaahhhhhh now i feel much better ( still doing).

yuuki- Now lets go to home.

( when yuuki try to go to exit something happend)

(When yukki try to go home there is something unnatural happens all the street light were gone)

yuuki-Wah.. what is just happening why all the lights are off don't is a gh... ghost.

yuuki- mr.. mmrrr.. ghost if... if you are here plzz i am not tasty and i don't even wash my hand yet(in scared voice)

yuuki- Wahh.. what to do now i have not even completed my plan yet. I have not even lived my life properly.

(when yuuki was thinking what to do there is strange voice touches his ear)

voice- come with me, come with me i'll take you to your destination come .

(After hearing this voice yuuki gets hypnotized and follows the voice, After a certain path he get to ridge of a mountain and then the hypnosis wears off)

yuuki- what where am i, i remember to follow the path of way out but where is this?

(yuuki thought- ok Remember there is no ghost no ghost let go)

(Then yuuki saw a small flick of light on the cliff there was a small hut there)

yuuki- luckily there is a hut lets ask there how to way out ok yuuki lets go.

(yuuki goes near the hut)

yuuki- is... is anyone there(in scared voice) hel.... hello i am lost can you show me how to go down?

after some time there is a whisper that says " stranger there is a shining stone near the hut can you get that stone for me then i will tell you the way out.

(yuuki's inner thought wha.. what is thi.. this voice is so scary is she a witch am i turn to something if i touch that rock what to do what to do okay if i came this far lets to do this i... i am not scared at all)

yuuki- okay i will go get that stone for you.

(yuuki slowly go and tries to get the stone)

Yuuki- why is this stone stuck why it not come out youuuu... you play with wrong guy i am powerful let me take you out arrhhhhhh....

(when yuuki tries to get the stone out there is a some weird chain appear on stone)

yuuki- wha what is this chain you think you are stronger than me let me get show you who is stronger arrrrrhhhhhh....

(after a final push all chains are about to breaks)

yuuki- aarrhhhh not done yet take that haaaaaaaaa...

( After a flick of sound all chain break and a strong ray of light faded away all the darkness that surrounded the cliff and a shining body appears )

yuuki- inner thought( wha... what i just did ,did i just angrier a god, will i go to hell, will i get to burn )

(the body type shape is slowly slowly come down and all the shine is about to faded)

Light body- Ahhh finally finally my thousand years of waiting has come to end finally i am able to meet you again.

(After all shine faded away, a beauty appeared that blowed away all the bad feelings, a stunning beauty appeared before yuuki, a beauty that no i had ever seen)