
Moon light beauty

Dragonflame8679 · Urban
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2 Chs


The bright glow from the tail lights of a small white beat up car faded away into the rainy afternoon. someone dropped a small boy at the gate of an orphanage. Scared and alone he made his way to the door. He knocked, and they opened the door and let him in. The woman gave him some blankets and showed him to his room, gave him some food. She then said to him "If there's anything else you need, you can find me at the end of the hall." and then walked swiftly out of the room.

The boy sighed, looked at the bunk bed, looked around the room and laid down on the bed. The uncertainty he felt was far too difficult of a reality to swallow. Then, he heard a few peoples footsteps coming down the hall and the chatter of what sounded like a few boys giggling and horsing around. Then came a few older boys, when they saw him suddenly their laughter stopped. Then the oldest looking boy scoffed, "well now what do we have here? Another unwanted useless stray." the others harshly giggled. Then he asked the other boys, "Why don't we show him what we do to the useless scum around here?" The boys then hopped up and started to corner him when suddenly a familiar voice said, "Excuse me, Boys.. what is it you think you are doing in here?" The Boys jumped and backed off suddenly and said "Oh nothing, We were just introducing ourselves to our new…. Um" briefly glancing his direction, ".....Friend.." Then the boy looked up and saw the Woman from earlier, looking at him she asked "Is that what was going on?" He glancing nervously at the boys, shook his head and said "Yes, ma'am that's what was happening." She stared at him a few seconds longer, then looked at the others and said "Ok, then boys I better not hear of any of you making our new friend feel uncomfortable OK?" The boys all quickly said "YES MA'AM!" and hopped on their beds the boy slowly turned around, Shivering he thought to himself, 'I've gotta get out of here.'

Later that night, After dinner. The household getting ready for lights out. The boy walked out of the bathroom and started to head towards the room after brainstorming his way out of this place and away from those new dreadful 'friends.' He got back to the room, and laid in his bed and pretended to be asleep until he could no longer hear not a single noise coming from anyone. He quietly crept down the hall and out the door, and he left into the field and across the train tracks.

A few hours of aimlessly walking through the dark forest, a place where not even a single ray of light was. He thought to himself 'I can't see anything, where am I?' Then he suddenly stumbled upon a small cliff 'Woah, where am…' Then something caught his eye, he squinted and noticed a small dim light sparkling and making a rock glow dimmley. Then, out of the silence came a faint whisper from the rock

"10, 100 now 500 years gone, how long do I have to wait to see you again? I can't bear to wait another min. Please, im begging you. Please, come to me…" and the voice faded away.

He whispered under is breathe, "....What was that, and why did that voice sound so familiar?"