
Moon Hunters

"I understand that I still have no experience. I am just an incapable teammate who failed to go all the way with my comrades. However, the loyalty that has been etched into my heart, at least that I can guarantee is genuine. It is my truth after all ... " In an alternative future of yours: "21/12/2012" the date of an event that shook the entire planet earth. On that day, mythological creatures, which until then only existed in fictional books and films, descended from magical portals in the skies of our _'pacific'_ planet. Against these creatures, several wars were fought, after 10 long years, billions of humans were killed in the process, leaving a population of just under 50,000 alive. 60 years have passed since that event that today we call _ "The invasion" _. In those years, many countries fell with the countless wars, one of the few that did not surrender was Japan, where our protagonist with European blood lives, she dreams of being part of the greatest force among humans, _ "the moon hunters "_, they are the only ones who can save our home. His biggest dream is to bring an end to the war of humans against monsters, so that children can live in a world where blood does not need to be spilled for things to be resolved.

Donoghan · Fantasy
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37 Chs

A new home

Stephen once told me about the south of the country.

Their descriptions made it seem that the south was a peace, at least, around the south base...

Because if you are far from the base, incredibly strong monsters will start to appear without stopping.

As in a Respawm process.

Depending on the area you are in, variable species of monsters will appear. Examples: <<Giants; Orcs; Ogres; Lyzardmans; Minotaurs; and even, the feared and terrifying Dragons.>>

And many other species that he found it unnecessary to mention. Ow: <<limes and Goblins>>

And various other things.

But unfortunately, he didn't tell me how to get there, as the train leaves you in a specific part, while the base is in another specific point.

To top it off, according to Stephen, the south base is isolated by mountains.

Literally, I'm going to have to turn around to get to the south base.

Almost 1 day has passed since I set foot on that train, but I finally arrived in Ibusuki, the home of southern hunters.

Now just find the south base, it will be easy, according to information I acquired while wandering by the train, the base is right in front of a lake.

Finally I get off the train and I can feel the air from the south of Japan. It is very different from the air of the whole north, here it is much purer. I put my feet out of the train station and I can finally feel the sun hit my face and my new uniform.

My new uniform was not just something I put on top of something I was already wearing, but everything I wore was restructured.

The uniform was a sky blue overcoat that went up to the knee. With a hood down, that showed the interior fabric of the overcoat that was dark blue. The buttons on the overcoat were white.

The greatest exposed detail of the overcoat is the back. Where the word "hunter" is printed in black in Kanji. The font of the word is more reminiscent of writing with a brush.

I was also wearing black shorts, covered with an overcoat. He was also wearing black knee-high socks, dark boots and black gloves.

Another detail that did not go unnoticed, was an exclusive gift for me that Eleanore left under the uniform while it was in the box.

A long, striped scarf, the colors were white and ghost blue.

You must be asking yourself "what the hell is so blue in the uniform and scarf?". So sit there and I'll tell you.

More than a year ago, Eleanore started to notice a lot in my appearance. Especially in my eyes.

She said that my eyes were beautiful and that I needed to highlight this dark blue iris that fills both my eyes.

Probably, it must be a tradition for masters to give their pupils a uniform customized to their taste.

A tradition or not, an obligation or not, I loved it with all my heart.

After feeling the breeze from the south of Japan, I took the first step in search of the southern base.

I refused to use a vehicle, I wanted to make a good impression on the base. I concluded that if I got there in a vehicle, my popularity would go up in a negative way, as if I were a weak warrior.

I need to prevent this from happening...

However, I didn't get any information on which direction I should take, I just followed any direction and stopped on a desert road surrounded by plains.

All I had was a gigantic paper map, and to make matters worse, the map is out of date.

I wandered down that road for hours, until I saw two figures standing on the horizon on the horizon, discussing something.

I speed up the step.

I get closer to those two figures and I realize they are two girls who appeared to be about my age

Emilia: hey, you! […]

I shout and wave at them as I run towards them. They listen to me, they see and see me. But, they were so confused and barely noticed me. They are probably walking so much that tiredness also tired their brains.

I was able to get a clear view of their faces. They are probably the same age as me, if not, a year younger.

Both are really beautiful, dark eyes and hair color is dark brown, the same height the skin is slightly burnt and with freckles on the face.

As if they were basically the same person...

I'll summarize better. They are most likely twins. If not, one was born a year than the other and with practically the same genes as her sister.

However, they are not exactly the same. One had short hair and wore large, round glasses. While the other had long, straight hair - just like her sister's.

I also noticed what they were wearing.

The long-haired woman wore a white blouse with a long sleeve and long denim overalls on top. And the short-haired woman wore a black blouse and black jeans, plus black boots. On top of all that black, she wore a long knit coat, it was striped, with baby blue and light pink colors.

They were also carrying a huge wheeled suitcase.

However, the most striking detail was that all two carried a sword each.

The one with short hair carried a sheath that functioned as a kind of backpack, however, with only one compartment and function, carrying a single sword.

The long-haired one, however, carried the sword in her hand.

Were they hunters from the south?

Emilia: hey you! […]

I waved again at another shout.

They shake and run towards me desperately in tears.

"Girl 1": Finally someone!!

"Girl 2": please help us!!

I reach them, put my hands on my knee and take a deep breath.

Emília: calm down, please […] what happened?

"Girl 2": wait, hmm "..."

She looked me up and down.

Emilia: huh? […]

"Girl 2": Are you a hunter too?

Emilia: I am... Hey, I need help. I ended up getting lost, but I'm looking for the south base!

I put my hands on my hips, smiled and asked:

Emília: […] could you help me with that?

They look confused at each other and look back at me with trembling eyes.

"Girl 1": huh?

"Girl 2": huh? [...] You also don't know how to get there?

Emília: it's not like that, is that-- […] too? Also?! Don't tell me that you too are lost?!

The two started to cry in front of me, I could even swim in their tears. After rivers of tears stopped crying, we sat on the floor of that dirty road and went to talk.

Emilia: eh […] your names?

Rika: I'm Ichida Rika.

Sanae: and I am Ichida Sanae. Is that you?

I smile and nod.

Emilia: My name is Emilia, nice to meet you.

Sanae: Uwaaaah! you are so cute! Your clothes are cute!!

She suddenly started to feel my whole body, drooling at me. As if he were a perverted old man.

She stops and squeezes my shoulders with an idiotic smile on her face.

Sanae: It's decided. You're my friend, I'll get you an overcoat too, we'll be weird together.

Emilia: right, right! Do what you want-- […] heh?! What do you mean "weird"?! And this is not just an OVERALL.

I get nervous and start talking very well about my uniform.

Emília: It is more than just a simple overcoat, it is THE ABOVE! He is beautiful, handsome and stylish! And it's a uniform, it proves that I'm a hunter. It was also made to the tastes of my beloved sensei. Fufufu!

She starts making denial signs with her index finger.

Sanae: heeeeh- Uniform? They didn't tell me anything about a uniform.

Rika emerges from sanae's back, carrying a huge suitcase with her.

Rika: this is why you are such a windhead and paid no attention to anything!

She opens the suitcase and takes out a fabric and reveals that it is a woolen overcoat, yellow and simple, but very beautiful.

Rika: Here, your uniform is here.

She takes off her overalls and is almost half-naked, because she was wearing panties underneath. Then he wore white wool pants. After dressing, she puts on her overcoat and smiles and jumps and twists. In the meantime, the word "hunter" was seen in Kanji on his back.

Just like mine...

Sanae: live! Now we'll be weird together!!

Emilia: no !!

After so much silly talk, they told me what I wanted to know.

Or at least something that would make the mood less stupid.

Rika: As soon as we reached the final of the tournament, we became hunters together because we didn't come out of a draw.

Sanae: So we, together with a novice friend too, came south, not knowing where the base was. And our friend whose name is Fujiwara Eizō said he would follow the road to see if there was anything ahead, since from now on there are dangerous monsters. However, eizō, since the beginning of the morning he is gone and he still hasn't returned.

Emilia: huhum! […]

Rika: There are reports of giants being seen in these areas.

Sanae: Don't even say that, we don't want to face a giant right away.

Emilia: Giants, huh? […] I heard about these beings, but only in books, I never saw one up close.

Rika: that's why they isolate themselves in the icy mountains, and almost no humans live there because of the cold.

Sanae: but recently, hunters from other cities reported seeing giants in those territories.

Rika: if we were in a Shounen story, it would be now that we would be surprised by a giant that appears out of nowhere [...]

Sanae: DON'T SAY THIS!!!

Emilia: well [...] do you intend to wait all night for your friend or are you going to look for him? If you want, you can come with me.

Sanae: ah, hmm [...] all right, let's follow the road and see where we are going to end.

Rika: yes. Let's go into the unknown and break new horizons and face the worst types of enemies that--

At that moment, a small <<Blue Slime>> skipped slowly over our path.

Rika: hah [...] there are exceptions.

And then we went straight on the road for a few more hours, when we could least notice, it was already dark. Until a six-meter titan, with a disfigured face, was chasing us while we were desperately running away from him.

Emilia: bad idea, bad idea!!!

Sanae: IT'S NOT MY BLAME, How would I know that was his background?!!

rika: I DON'T WANT TO DIE !!!

Run; hide yourself; run; run; mislead; run and run even more.

A summary of our night with that titan who has been behind us all night.

He literally spent the night chasing us, the day dawned and he still insists on looking for us.

Poor guy, he must be hungry.

I should tell him that my taste is not good.

To think that this is only happening because Sanae invented it was tight and hid behind a big bush and made us wait. However, something moved her. A small hill of stones, and two oddly shaped joints with an even stranger hole, between those two "rocks". Curious, she invented covering the hole in the middle of the rocks with a thick tree branch. However, I can't just blame it all on her. in the end, how could she imagine that that hole was that titan's hole?

And like I said, we spent the whole night running away from the titan, without even wanting a proper rest.

We ran so much, in so many different directions that in the end we ended up going back to the road we came from.

We decided to stop in the middle of the road to catch our breath. However, without our realizing it, the Titan had caught up with us.

We were terrified and screamed in a scandalous way when we saw him running after us, far away, even so, very fast.

Emilia: KYAAAAH!!!

Sanae: KYAAAAA!!!

Rika: KYAAAAH!!!

We turn our faces forward and continue to run, look back and don't see him. Hinting that he had given up on pursuing us.

However, a shadow quickly passes over me and goes in the direction we were running.

I look ahead and in that moment that I looked, a crash.

The Titan falls from the sky, standing in front of us.

We stopped, terrified, in front of him. We stand motionless and with a look of fear and dread.

He raises his arms against the sky and punches the ground with both hands. He clearly didn't aim at us, however, the ground breaks and we are thrown on the ground.

Emilia: we will die and it will be horrible! I know what they are capable of, I saw in Defense On Titan!!!

Sanae: It is also a good angle to take a selfie [...] Good! Now the Hashtag [...] #RunningOfGiantLol

Rika: I don't want to die so young, save me God!!

Emilia: hey, this is clearly becoming a parody [...]

Behold, from the sky, a light shines and a man with a huge ax cuts the titan in half. The titan is divided in two and each part falls to one side. Then the man with the ax starts walking towards us.

A tall, manly man with fine Mohawk hair and a big beard, both beard and hair are dark. Without forgetting the greatest detail, the muscles are excessively spotted. Like breast; abdomen; back; arms and as incredible as it may seem, the legs also enter this list.

It is bizarre how much muscle he has to show. On top of that, being shirtless. Wearing only short shorts as the only outfit.

Sanae: hey, hey, this guy happens to be the- [...]

Rika: yes, it's him- [...]

Emilia: Colossus. The big.

Eleanore already told me about this figure. She told me that he draws attention wherever he goes, because of his unusual size and shape. A big man who carries a huge ax everywhere. And he is always trying to save "damsels in distress", apparently, it was not a lie.

She also warned me to stay away from him...

Colossus: who are you? Are they all right?

Rika: I- I'm Ichids Rika and these two are Emilia and my sister sanae [...] and you would happen to be the famous colossus, am I right?

Colossus: I certainly am. Hunter number 1, colossus is the name.

He does a bizarre pose, forcing his muscles and pointing his finger up.

Sanae and I were holding on to keep from laughing.

Rika: eh- well [...] We are all new hunters and we wanted to know which direction the base is in.

Colossus: oh! Yes right. I was just going back there when I saw you running from that titanic relay. Come, follow me.

And so, we went on a journey with him. The route to get to the base was completely different than any of us thought we would have to take.

We passed through several beautiful landscapes along the way and many different and beautiful scenarios. But, at last we arrived. After crossing an entire mountain on foot.

We arrived…

The place I wanted to arrive for the last 30 hours...

South base...

The place is surrounded by mountains, the base is quite large, diverse and unique. With differentials that could only be seen here.

The first difference is that the base is not within the walls of the region, which is located in the old and large city of Ibusuki. Ibusuki's walls are even a little far from the base. However, there is a unit of hunters who work inside with the police. While we clean up outside.

But this is not the most important thing.

The south base is located in Kyushu, kagoshima. I will go deeper into the location. In Ibusuki, close to Lake Unagi and right in front of the huge and beautiful Lake Ikeda.

After crossing mountains and paths for miles and miles, we finally arrived.

In front of that wooden gate, with a banner saying "welcome". Inside the base with the gate open, I could see several people inside. All happy and festive.

Emilia: what a beautiful place [...] So bright and happy.

Sanae: hey, what is the reason for the joy of these people?

Colossus: well, it is the welcoming festival for newbies. And you arrived just that day, newcomers. Welcome!

Sanae: wuaaaah! […]

Emilia: Hey, Mr. Colossus. Do you know the hunter named "Merlin"?

Colossus: oh! Oh! Do I know the merlin? There is! there is! He's my biggest fan. Alas, that boy would be nothing without me. is! there is!

Sanae: um [...] can you smell that? Smell of lying in the air.

Emilia: Really? […] Well, you don't look like someone capable of teaching someone something...

Colossus: BUT I TAUGHT IT AND HAVE TOLD IT! You cannot be against your superior's word. But why do you want to know about it and not--

He takes a deep breath and...

Colossus: OF ME, NUMBER 1!

He does another ridiculous pose to show off and show off his muscles.

Emilia: eh […] why is he my friend and I want to talk to him.

Sanae: what? Do you know the ice lord? What's he like? What does he eat? How does he live?

Rika: I don't care.

Emilia: ah [...] huh, mister colossus! […] the prince! please help me find it.

I make a cute face for him to give in.

Colossus: Okay, I'll take you to him. But please, don't make that face "cute" anymore. It gets on my nerves.

I ask the Ichida sisters to wait for me, because I wanted to talk to him alone, she doesn't think twice and agree.

You must be asking yourself, "what the hell does Emilia want to talk to Merlin alone with?" - I explain to you, my consecrated one.

1 - Merlin is the only one I know on this base, I cannot count on the Ichida sisters, they were as lost as I am on the way here. 2 - him being my only acquaintance, I intend to make him my mentor, so that he shows me the place and its surroundings and to introduce me to important people, to have contacts. 3 - I could barely talk to him that night. I want to take advantage of that he will become my mentor to talk to him about several things.

In the middle of the path, we passed a place with bars, inside there was a battlefield with stone soil. Inside the field there were two newbies battling in hand-to-hand combat. And around the field there were small stands that served as the sole purpose of the entertainment of the brute fight. These stands were full of spectators


We walked so much that we stopped in front of a kind of palace. The place is entirely white, with some parts that go into exception not to overdo the white color, like the color of the windows, light blue. The palace is also huge, at 2 meters. It is kind of divided by the center of the palace, which has one more floor with a circular roof.

Important people and hunters who appear to be important, come and go.

A girl in a blue uniform who stood in front of the palace gate guarding us, approaches us and tries to stop us.

(…): Mr. colossusus! What a pleasure to see you. Which brings you--

He passes by the guard completely ignoring her and enters the palace without making a reaction.

(…): Here […] sir?

I stop in front of her and apologize for him.

Emilia: I'm sorry! I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose.

(…): Ah- no need to apologize! It is not your job to do that […]

Emília: eh- well, you know […] he is my Senpai and the customs […]

Yes, the customs of respect with your superior and inferior. In ancient Japan there were customs of respect for your superior - in some cases, you have to be his shadow - in ancient Japan, the inferior is called Kouhai and the superior is called Senpai. Your Senpai also has a duty to protect your Kouhai, and Kouhai the same.


(…): yes, I understand.

She starts looking frantically sideways as if looking for someone. Until she said - "but he was right here..."

She was looking for the colossus that had entered the palace without asking, without making an appointment or without any advance notice.

(…): Ah- aaaahrg! They are going to kill me because I let that thug in!

Emilia: I'm sorry!

I have nothing to say so I run inside the palace.

(…): Eh- eeehh! Come back here!!! Aaaah!

I reach the colossus that was right in front of me, walking calmly. As soon as I saw him, he had his arms behind his neck and a look of disinterest.

It seems that he didn't even notice that I stayed behind and continued guiding nothing...

He continued to guide me without saying a word. I ended up noticing that we were going down several floors by stairs - more than enough for an underground house. - each floor had a small corridor with several rooms. Until, we arrived at the last staircase. The stairs led to the last, small hall with rooms.

Colossus: well, his office is the one at the end of the hall. Maybe he's a little busy, but if you're friends with him, I'm sure he won't be bothered by your presence. Now, excuse me.

Emilia: thank you very much. Ehehe […]

I scratch my head and get thoughtful, thinking about the best way to break into his "office". I blush with embarrassment and start laughing a little. I stop laughing and walk to his door.

I walk into the room and see Merlin sitting at a table, he seems to be very busy with all that mountain of paperwork surrounding him. I look to the side and see a window, through it was another room, there were many newbies - like me - training. Apparently, Merlin is their master.

Emilia: eh [...] Merlin?

Upon hearing my voice, he slightly looked at me.

Merlin: Emilia [...] When did you get here? […]

Emilia: well, it wasn't that easy! me-

The door opens, a girl in a hunter's uniform enters the room, interrupting what I was going to say

Huntress: mr. Merlin, Miss Ockman is demanding that you go to her office immediately!

Merlin: oh! Yes. Tell her that I'm already going.

Huntress: yes, sir!

The girl says goodbye and leaves the room. She acted as if she were in the army, speaking to her superior in a respectable manner so as not to be scolded.

He starts to tidy up the paperwork.

Merlin: we'll talk later, Emilia. I have important matters to discuss with Ockman.

Emilia: wait, I want to talk to you.

Merlin: I'm [...] right. But, wait for me outside her office, she doesn't like newbies. She herself says words like - "I hate it when newbies breathe the same air as me." according to herself.

Emilia: right! [...]

Apparently, this girl, "Ockman" who says? She appears to be quite arrogant and superior to Merlin. It must be super important.

We rush to the office of this "Miss Ockman" - Something tells me that this surname is not strange - As soon as we arrive, Merlin knocks on the wooden door three times. An immediate response was not made, but at that moment we could hear sounds of things breaking and sounds of things falling that could go unnoticed by normal ears. Until a sound of footsteps on the floor coming through the door could be heard.

Miss Ockman opens the door...

May: finally, Merlin.

Merlin: well, may I-

This girl named "may" looked into my eyes for a brief moment.

This girl called "may" walks up to Merlin, kissing him right in front of me.

Then I remembered where the name "ockman" is familiar to me. The "Princess of Fire", the girl that Eleanore had told me about some time ago, was this May.

"May Ockman…"

She was squeezing my Merlin, savoring my Merlin in front of me.

I don't know why, but I'm angry...

To be continued...