
Moon Born

In 2068, a space expedition using advanced portal technology to travel to different world's led to the emergence of unknown beings and creatures that wiped out half the world's population, this event was known as the Dark Age.  This portal leaked a new found energy called 'New energy'. The energy caused genetic changes in humans, enabling them to control kinetic energy, known as Kinetic Energy Control (KEC). The people who had these abilities were trained to become weapons, forged for combat to protect the world against the unknown entities. At last, in 2078, humanity claimed victory, defeating the evil entities and closing the portal. Yet, the monsters still lurk the earth, creating havoc at will. In the year 2095, Akira Nakamura, a high school student with a tragic past, is repeatedly bullied for his lack of KEC abilities, Akira is continuously reminded of how different he is from his peers. However, he remains dedicated to attaining KEC skills and becoming a member of the Kin Corps to defend humanity from the looming evil, and to retain what was once lost. ***************** POWER SYSTEM NOTICE: The power system will be explained more in-depth throughout the series but it's pretty easy to understand. ************* 4-5 chapters every Saturday We are pretty new to writing, so our plot ideas, world building, character development and how be input things aren't the greatest, but with your help we will continue to grow, so please be patient with us. This novel is a weak2strong one, since the beginning the Mc was always weak, throughout the progression of the novel the main character (s) will show immense character development. [Please use your power stones to support us.] [Tags]: | Magic | Supernatural | Action | Blood+ | Gore+ | Betrayal | Revenge | Academy | R18 | Weak To Strong Mc | male Lead | male protagonist | Antihero | Mature | Genius Mc | Fantasy | Dark | NOTICE!: Please give us feedback whether [VIA] email or through comments on the app. Please follow our twitter: @VidaBajaManga OR Venmo us: @Vida-Baja ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED. No permission is given for any part of this book to be reproduced, transmitted in any form or means; electronic or mechanical, stored in a retrieval system, photocopied, recorded, scanned, or otherwise. Any of these actions require the proper written permission of the author.

VidaBajaManga · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Threads Of Vitality

'I slowly opened my eyes to a blinding light and unfamiliar voices.'


The nurse ran back into the room to look at the boy.

"Hello, can you tell me your name? Do you remember what happened to you?"

'I tried to speak but it felt like my body was inflicted with some form of sickness. I let out an exasperated sigh within my voice, saying my name.'

"A- Akir-a"

"Akira... Nakamura, correct? Found your data."

"Oh, you're a new trainee? We don't have much data collected on you... This could be a minor issue for the time being."

I looked over at Matsuda who looked as if she had seen a ghost.

"Akira... you're alright... Thank goodness." Matsuda said as she walked over towards me letting out a sigh, showing her relief.

'I tried to sit up, but the nurse spoke before I could prep myself up.'

"It would be wise to not make any sudden moves Akira."

I glanced at the nurse with confusion written all over my face.

"You don't seem to be reacting well to the use of his KEC abilities. Do you have any history of not being able to withstand something of that magnitude?"

'Thats right... They don't know... I don't have abilities...'

I looked towards the nurse and opened my mouth to speak.


"Nurse Suzuki, I don't think he has the strength to explain his situation. You only gave him the basic healing since something is wrong with him."

Matsuda spoke in my place, I glanced in her direction, but she didn't even look toward me. Does she know...?

"Oh. That would be correct. He does seem a little battered and beaten as of now."

Nurse Suzuki looked at her computer screen and then came back to me.

"I'm not allowed to hold you any longer regardless. It's imperative that you meet the guidance counselors, teachers, and headmaster today. All new entrees must meet them to make sure they can be suitable inside of Kin Corps."

She began to type on her computer, glancing between me and the door behind her.

'What is she looking at the door for? Is someone coming?'

"Alright, I'm going to use some basic KEC healing and send you on your way."

'Basic healing? What basic healing could affect the internal pain I feel right now?"

Ms. Suzuki walked over to me putting gloves on.

She got to my bedside and began to extend her arms to my body and asked me to say what hurt the most.

I thought to myself,

'What does her knowing this do?'

I glanced over at Matsuda who looked confident in the abilities of Ms. Suzuki.

"Alright thank you, now you should feel a heating sensation very soon. Don't panic it's okay and a part of the process."


Ms. Suzuki's hands began to illuminate the already bright room.

I thought to myself,

'What is this...?'

Ms. Suzuki hasn't uttered a single word since her hands began to glow.

She wasn't wrong... There is a strange heating-up sensation in my body. It's like this feeling is traveling and replacing the blood in my veins with something that feels much warmer.

I thought to myself with bliss,

'I felt relief slowly overcome my body. Whatever was wrong with me before is being altered right now.'

Suddenly the good feeling started to fade.

"Alright. You should be good to go for the day. If you experience any pain within the next 72 hours (about 3 days), please return to my office."

'I felt good as new, almost as if nothing had happened to me in the first place. Even my speech returned!'

"Nurse Suzuki, was it?"

"Yes, call me Ms. Suzuki. Nice to meet you Akira."

I smiled and stood up to shake her hand.


I looked back towards Matsuda who was staring at the both of us.

"Matsuda, thank you so much for getting me here!"

"No problem..."

She replied in a very bleak and monotone voice, slowly looking back towards her feet.

"Are you okay? Matsuda?"

Matsuda's gaze met mine.

"No, that Haruto didn't have to do that. It was uncalled for."

I tilted my head in confusion, remembering the guy who landed me in here.

"Oh yeah, what was his deal? He seemed like he doesn't like the new guys..."

Matsuda sighed and looked back at me.

"Some would say that, but he feels there is a hierarchy inside Kin Corps."

"A hierarchy?" I said, my eyes widening as the thought crossed my mind.

"Yes. He has been trying to make it so the strong can do as they please since they are the more "valuable assets to squads."."

She put her fingers up to symbolize air quotes when she repeated the words he said.

Before we could continue our conversation Ms. Suzuki spoke.

"Alright children, you must go onwards towards the rest of the building. He is new and must meet with the three groups I listed before. I apologize for cutting your conversation short but, you don't want to get on anyone's bad side today."

'She was right. We did have to hurry to meet everyone else, but I did have a question for Ms. Suzuki'

"Hey, Ms. Suzuki?"

"Akira, I said you-"

"What is your KEC ability and how did it heal so well?"

She paused almost as if she had never been asked that question and then replied,

"Basic healing... Why?"

I put my hand to my chin to think.

'Healing doesn't usually feel like that. There is something different about her healing...'

"It didn't feel like basic healing, in fact when you went to use healing you put on gloves."

Matsuda slowly looked at the nurse almost as if she never realized that either.

"That is right... Ms. Suzuki... I have never seen healers on the battlefield do that..."

Matsuda looked confused as Akira began to speak again.

"There's something more to healing, when you were typing on your computer you kept glancing at me and then back outside the door as if watching for something."

Ms. Suzuki looked between both me and Matsuda"

She then glanced back towards the door and walked toward it, locking the door.

The air inside the room changed drastically.

Matsuda jumped back and put her arm across my chest as if to protect me.

"Ms. Suzuki...?"

She turned around and looked at the both of us.

"Relax Matsuda, I'm not an enemy or anything. I'm just told to keep my ability secret."

Matsuda didn't let up her guard. I felt the tension exerted on her body.


Ms. Suzuki let out a sigh before speaking again.

"Alright, I get it. You're trained to be defensive but allow me to show you my true ability. I would like to keep it a secret."

She put her hands out and a string-like aura fell from them. It looked as if a golden silk was endlessly falling from her fingers and fingertips.

I spoke before Matsuda could,

"What is that...?"

"It is my KEC ability, Celestial Thread."

Matsuda's eyes widen...

"Wait Celestial Thread as in-"

"Yes, the one and only thread that can reverse any injury. Otherwise known as commonly, "Thread of Vitality".