
Moon Born

In 2068, a space expedition using advanced portal technology to travel to different world's led to the emergence of unknown beings and creatures that wiped out half the world's population, this event was known as the Dark Age.  This portal leaked a new found energy called 'New energy'. The energy caused genetic changes in humans, enabling them to control kinetic energy, known as Kinetic Energy Control (KEC). The people who had these abilities were trained to become weapons, forged for combat to protect the world against the unknown entities. At last, in 2078, humanity claimed victory, defeating the evil entities and closing the portal. Yet, the monsters still lurk the earth, creating havoc at will. In the year 2095, Akira Nakamura, a high school student with a tragic past, is repeatedly bullied for his lack of KEC abilities, Akira is continuously reminded of how different he is from his peers. However, he remains dedicated to attaining KEC skills and becoming a member of the Kin Corps to defend humanity from the looming evil, and to retain what was once lost. ***************** POWER SYSTEM NOTICE: The power system will be explained more in-depth throughout the series but it's pretty easy to understand. ************* 4-5 chapters every Saturday We are pretty new to writing, so our plot ideas, world building, character development and how be input things aren't the greatest, but with your help we will continue to grow, so please be patient with us. This novel is a weak2strong one, since the beginning the Mc was always weak, throughout the progression of the novel the main character (s) will show immense character development. [Please use your power stones to support us.] [Tags]: | Magic | Supernatural | Action | Blood+ | Gore+ | Betrayal | Revenge | Academy | R18 | Weak To Strong Mc | male Lead | male protagonist | Antihero | Mature | Genius Mc | Fantasy | Dark | NOTICE!: Please give us feedback whether [VIA] email or through comments on the app. Please follow our twitter: @VidaBajaManga OR Venmo us: @Vida-Baja ALL RIGHTS ARE RESERVED. No permission is given for any part of this book to be reproduced, transmitted in any form or means; electronic or mechanical, stored in a retrieval system, photocopied, recorded, scanned, or otherwise. Any of these actions require the proper written permission of the author.

VidaBajaManga · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Sun and Moon

Matsuda's eyes filled with disbelief, her face growing numb with each passing second as the realization sank in.

"Would that mean you're a-" Matsuda began to say, but Nurse Suzuki cut her off, "Yes, that's right. I'm a Deviator."

Confused by the conversation, I couldn't help but ask, "Um, what's a Deviator?" Feeling a bit foolish for not knowing.

Nurse Suzuki's reply came with a strong judging glare, piercing through my very being, "You're a student of this academy, and you don't know the basics?"

Feeling a bit defensive under her gaze, I tried to explain, "I'm new here. I haven't learned about all the classes yet."

Matsuda crossed her arms, taking over the explanation, "A Deviator is an extremely rare kinetic energy user type. Out of the five types. it's the second most rare. Deviators possess a unique power that surpasses the other categories. Think of them as the alchemists of our world, gifted with a rare and mystical talent akin to transmutation. Just as alchemists can turn base metals into gold, Deviators have the power to transmute their abilities beyond the limitations of other classes."

Nurse Suzuki cleared her throat, adding further clarity, "In other words, Deviators possess extraordinary abilities that defy all the other types. They are born with innate talents that set them apart. Moreover, they have the potential to create their own abilities, allowing them to use any other class ability at a higher percentage."

As the truth about Deviators unfolded before me, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of awe and intimidation. The realization that I stood before someone with such rare and extraordinary powers made me wonder what other secrets this academy held and what role I might play in this world of mystery and intrigue.

I tilt my head slightly at Nurse Suzuki, "And you possess this type of ability?"


Matsuda chuckles, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "It's even rarer than you think, Akira. Do you know about moon phases?"

"Moon phases? No," I admitted, my confusion deepening.

Her smile held a faint air of judgment, but she quickly reassured me, "No worries. You're here to learn, after all. Moon phases are what determine the class of each KEC user. For instance, Deviators are typically born on the blood or blue moon phases of the night, which makes them incredibly rare."

She noticed a chalkboard in the distance and grabbed it, swiftly starting to write.

Deviator - Blood and Blue Moon

Radiator - New Moon, Full Moon

Manipulator - Crescent Moon

Enhancer - Gibbous Moon

Converters - Solar Eclipse

"These are all the moon phases and the corresponding classes they relate to. You'll surely review this in your classes soon," she explained.

Nurse Suzuki clicked her pen, her voice resolute, "Yes, anyhow, my ability must remain a closely guarded secret. There are dangerous individuals who would exploit it for their own gain. I implore you, please, keep this knowledge confidential," she said, bowing with a sense of urgency.

Our conversation with Nurse Suzuki concluded, and Matsuda led me to the Chairman's office.


The door to the Chairman's office was a sight to behold, befitting its grand title. Adorned with elaborate red and gold accents, it towered over us, evoking a sense of awe and respect. As it creaked open, a butler dressed impeccably in black and white appeared to greet us.

"Greetings. The Chairman has been eagerly awaiting your arrival," the butler announced with a sense of formality.

We proceeded down the opulent hallway, heading toward what could only be described as the Chairman's throne room. And there he was, seated on an impressive and imposing throne-like chair.

Matsuda's voice carried an urgent tone, "Bow."

We both bowed down at the presence of this being.

As the chairman rose from his throne, the atmosphere seemed to constrict, suffocating those in his presence. His towering figure loomed over everyone, standing at a colossal 7 to 8 feet tall, like an ancient titan of unimaginable power. His masculine build bore the marks of countless battles, with scars crisscrossing every inch of his face, telling haunting tales of his ruthless past. One piercing eye stared back at the world with an intensity that sent shivers down spines, while the socket of his missing eye served as a chilling reminder of his insatiable hunger for dominance.

Short red hair crowned his fearsome countenance, a stark contrast to the dark aura emanating from him. The mere sight of him sent a chill down the bravest souls, as if an icy grip tightened around their hearts. His authority was unquestionable, a magnetic pull that demanded obedience from all who dared stand before him.

Then he spoke, his voice sending a chilling shiver down my spine.

"Pleasure to meet you, Akira." His words seemed to seep into my very bones, leaving me trembling.

"N-nice to meet you, sir," I stammered, each syllable escaping my lips like a plea for mercy.

"Enough with the formalities, stand," he commanded.

I straightened myself, trying to exude confidence in the face of his unnerving presence.

He chuckled darkly, a sound that echoed with malevolence. "I see you were already injured by one of our students yesterday."

"That's right, sir," I replied, trying to sound brave.

"Mm, I heard it was Haruto. He's a difficult one, you see. I don't wish to let this go. If there's anything you wish to have, just say the word." His offer caught me off guard, and I realized this was why I was here - to be entangled in a web of malevolent intentions.

I stood in silence, feeling the weight of his intense gaze. My forehead beaded with sweat, and the salty taste on my lips was a stark reminder of my anxiety.

Summoning my courage, I licked my lips and began to speak, "I-I don't have anything in mind, sir."

His glare intensified, sending shivers down my spine. "Hahaha, is that so? Well, when you think of anything, let me know. I'll fulfill it within a flash."

I heaved a sigh of relief, thinking I had escaped a scolding, but his gaze remained piercing, keeping me on edge.

"Oh, that's right. Mr. Ito, bring me his schedule papers," he commanded the butler.

"Here you are, sir," the butler responded, handing over the papers with an air of trepidation.

"These are all the basic classes for first-year students. Matsuda will take you to your first class. You wouldn't mind, would you?" he asked with a sinister smile. The question felt more like a veiled threat, and I knew she had no choice but to comply. My heart pounded in my chest as I followed Matsuda, my mind filled with apprehension about the ominous path that lays before me.

We arrived at the classroom corridors, I can already feel the judgmental eyes awaiting me at the other side of these doors.

Matsuda's voice trembled slightly, a clear sign that she was still in shock from her encounter with the Chairman. "Here we are, Akira. Your first class, 'KEC Theory.' Word of advice, Akira: make as many enemies as you can. That's what makes this academy so fun, and, of course, get stronger." With those cryptic words, Matsuda began walking away, leaving me here alone.

"This is the first step. This is the beginning," I reassured myself, reaching out to slide open the door to my first class.

But before I could open it, someone else swung the door open.

"YEAH, WHATEVER, FUCK OFF!" A tall guy with fiery orange hair barged through, and our eyes locked in a brief moment of surprise. 'He looks like a student here...'

In an instant, he raised his leg.


"KEOK!" I exclaimed in pain as I felt a powerful kick to my stomach.

I landed on the floor, clutching my aching abdomen. 'Damn, that hurt. What's his deal?'

"Out of my way, pipsqueak," the orange-haired guy sneered as he walked off, leaving me stunned and bewildered.

As I picked myself up from the floor, I couldn't help but feel a mix of anger and confusion. What had I done to deserve such an unprovoked attack?

Amidst the pain and bewilderment, I noticed movement in the corner of my eye. Another person rushed into the classroom corridor, calling out for the orange-haired guy, "Shogo! Come back here now!" It was a woman with a soft aura, her hair a striking lime/teal color, and her petite figure exuded a certain grace.