
Moon and Back

How far are you willing to go for the ones you love? And how far are they willing to go for you in return? Is love a delusion, a fairytale or a lie? Let's ask Lisa.

Lorelaii_ii · Urban
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Chapter 2

It was Wednesday morning, and my mom just dropped me off from school.

I pretended to be happy, but I was nervous. Why did he leave my message on read?

A part of me was hurt, and a tiny part hated him for that. Maybe it was accidental.

I walked down the hallway listening to some upbeat songs. There were people staring as usual, but I was used to it. I did look quite gothic today, which was not my everyday style.

I reached my locker, put in my literature book, and took out math book. As I closed the locker, I felt a tap on my shoulder that startled me. I wondered who would want to talk to me.

"Thaddeus?" I asked in disbelief, and yes, he was the one who tapped my shoulder.

"Hey Lisa," He greeted leaning against my locker.

His ocean eyes stared right into mine, and I could not help but blush.

"I like your look today," he complimented, looking at me from head to toe. I began breathing heavily as I did whenever I was nervous.

He was finally talking to me.

"Thank you," I replied trying to hide all my emotions. I looked at the floor and felt him still looking at me. It was silent and we were now just looking at each other.

I drowned in his eyes, his lips too making me feel all sorts of ways, good ways. His face was attractive, not too unapproachable, but had a playful glow to it. He looked like a model, but had an easy feel to him at the same time.

"I saw your text yesterday, and I'm so sorry I didn't reply, my phone switched off right after I read your message,"

"Oh it's_" I wanted to say but he stopped me.

"I know it sounds like a lame excuse," he chuckled and looked down,"I just didn't want you to think I ignored you. So I came to say it in person."

Not even in my wildest dreams and fantasies had something like this happened. I just could not believe what the stars had aligned for me.

His husky voice rang in my ear, and echoed in my heart. His words, "I didn't want you to think I ignored you" made me feel like a somebody in his life. But was I? Or was he just being friendly?

I could see Natasha glancing at me and smiling excitedly. That type of excitement you see at weddings. She kept making gestures that I ignored, and focused on him.The bell rang, and we had to get to math class.

"Shall we?" He asked stretching his hand.

"We shall," I gushed.

We reached math class and the butterflies in my stomach were tired of circulating the area in my abdomen.I sat down on my usual seat.Surprisingly, Thaddeus accompanied me.He sat where Nicole always sat.

Unfortunately, today she wasn't in her usual seat, apparently she was sick.As he sat, I could smell his lovely and expensive Cologne spray.It was his signature smell it smelt like the roses and Lillie's crushed together in an endless search for a better smell.

"Pay attention, "he said as he caught me staring at him.

"Sorry, "I apologized.

Finally class wass over I was tired of stressing about whatever term in calculus that was.

"Slut! " I heard one of the cheerleader girls say that I passed their group.

"That's all she is, "another thing as I sped my pace.

I had a feeling it was about me but why would it be about me I asked myself to fear the solid answer:Thaddeus.

Of course, I knew the cheerleader captain was head over heels for him but I never thought the obsessiveness would reach the extreme extent.I leaned in Natasha's car hoping her Chemistry class was over too.

"Mrs.Thaddeus is waiting for a ride from her best friend as usual, "one cheerleader said as the whole crew passed beside me.

"Or maybe she's waiting to ride Thaddeus, "another added as she sparked laughter into the cheerleading team.